What is Apartheid ?


Watch the video and answer the questions below :

a-    How long did Apartheid last ?

b-    What other language does Afrikkans sound like ?

c-     Who controlled South Africa by the end of the 19th century ?

d-    When did South Africa gain its independence ?

e-    Who ran the county ? Who could vote ?

f-     Can you compare Apartheid to another policy ?

g-    How was Apartheid established in the 1940s ?

h-    What was made illegal in 1949 ?

i-      How many groups were there according to the Population Act ?

j-      The three examples of discrimination are :

? Park benches / drinking water / toilets

? Sitting in parks / bathing fountains / toilets

? Hotels/ drinking fountains/ toilets

k-    Areas for blacks often did not have :

? plumbing and plants

? plumbing and electricity

? heating and electricity

l-      What was taken away from many Black South Africans ?

m-  When did the U N condemn Apartheid ? How did many countries react against the Apartheid policy ?

n-    Who was Pieter Willem Botha ? Did he :

? pass new Apartheid laws

? change Apartheid laws

? repeal Apartheid laws ?

o-    When did censorship of the media end ?

p-    What role had Nelson Mandela played ?

q-    How long had he spent in prison ?

r-     What did the last whites-only election do ?

s-     What day was Nelson Mandela elected president ?

t-     What is the other name of the South African National day ?

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