W3 DAY 10


Charlotte’s anecdote :

1 Charlotte was 3 when she moved.

2 The garden was very large.

3/ They built a tree house.

4/ They added a  food elevator that was made of a basket and a rope.

5/ When Charlotte and her family went  back to their house, they realized the garden was much smaller than in their memories, which means they were disappointed.

What about you ? Tell me about your wish list.

1 If I could, I would + verb

2 If I had to stay on a desert island, I would bring……..TO +

3 I would listen to … because….

4 I am…..My family is…..

5 I communicated with…/ I didn’t communicate with

6 I exercised…. and I …… jumped/ I did some push-ups/ I danced….I didn’t exercise…..7 Did you help your family ? How did you help your family ? By doing what ?

7 I watched…. I didn’t watch….. I advise you to watch…. You should watch….

8  I listened to …. My favourite music during lockdown is…..

9 I don’t usually do any DIY. I sewed/  I am knitting/ I baked a cake/ I built/ I painted/

10 I advise you to cook … This is a good recipe…

DAY 10

  • WATCH MY PREZI PRESENTATION  or VISIT MY OTHER BLOG at lewebpedagogique.com/howartyou and choose the Propaganda vs caricature tag.
  • If you can’t watch the presentation, read these paragraphs :

1 What is a caricature ?
It is a drawing of a real person which *distorts or exaggerates certain *features, it is an exaggerated portrait and its *purpose is to ridicule or satirize a subject, especially public *figures and politicians, to expose hypocrisy and corruption and if it has a moral message, it is considered a satire.

Satirists traditionally ridicule both Government and Opposition, and have a significant power at the tip of their pen. A common criticism of caricatures is that they may be one of the most populist forms of art. Authorities may be tempted to *ban *seditious types of art, and especially political caricatures. Democracies usually tolerate them.

Some satirists have become famous by their *ability to *match a subject’s mental state to a physical defect.

Cartoons serve as a version of editorial opinion when it makes political satire.

LIST THE VOCABULARY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AFTER READING THE TEXT :Etablissez une liste de vocabulaire anglais-français. Répondez aux questions. Les réponses sont dans le texte.

What is the nature of a caricature ? What does it do ? What is the intention of the artist ? Who is generally *under attack ? What is the reaction of a democracy to a caricature ? What media publishes caricatures ? Are caricatures neutral ? Can they simplify debate too much ? What is specific to satire ?

*ability = capacité/*ban=interdire/*distort=déformer /*expose =dénoncer/ *features= traits/*figures= personnages/*match= associer/*populist=populiste/*power=pouvoir/*purpose=but/*seditious= subversif, révolutionnaire/*under attack = attaqué/


Propaganda : *dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, *half-truths, or *lies—to influence public opinion.

Propaganda is the systematic effort to manipulate other people’s *beliefs or actions. *Deliberateness and manipulation distinguish propaganda from the free and easy exchange of ideas. Propagandists have a specified *goal.
To *achieve this, they deliberately select *facts and arguments.
To maximize effect, they may *omit or distort pertinent facts or simply lie. *Deliberate selectivity and manipulation also distinguish propaganda from education. Educators try to present *various sides of an *issue. Education *aims to induce reactors to collect and evaluate *evidence for themselves and assists them in learning the techniques for doing so.

The word propaganda itself is often a pejorative one tending to connote such things as the discredited atrocity stories and deceptively stated war aims of World Wars I and II, the operations of the Nazis’ Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, and of *countless *instances of false and *misleading *advertising.

*achieve=atteindre un but, réussir/*advertising= publicité/*aims to=avoir pour but de /*beliefs=croyances/ *countless=infini/*deliberate=délibéré/*dissemination=propagation/*facts=faits/*goal=but/*half-truths=semi-vérité/*instances=exemples/ *issue=problèmes, questions, problématiques/*lies=mensonges/*misleading=volontairement erronés, malhonnêtes/ *omit= omettre, laisser de côté/*various=divers, différents

LIST THE VOCABULARY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AFTER READING THE TEXT :Etablissez une liste de vocabulaire anglais-français. Répondez aux questions. Les réponses sont dans le texte.

What is the nature of propaganda ? What does it do ? What is different between debate and propaganda ? What is negative about propaganda ? What do educators do ? What political regimes used propaganda ? Is propaganda used in fields that are not political ?

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