Week 8 day 20

Correction for day 19

Répondez aux questions ci-dessous en observant la construction des phrases :

a Le mot qui est nécessaire pour exprimer la condition est : IF (si en français)

b Quand je pense au présent, la condition est au présent, et la suite de la phrase contient l’auxiliaire will

c Quand j’imagine un passé différent, la condition est au simple past, et la suite de la phrase contient would + past perfect

d Quand j’imagine le futur, si je pense que c’est possible et que ça a des chances d’arriver : la condition est au simple present, et la suite est au futur

e Quand j’imagine le futur, si je pense que cela n’a pas trop de  chances d’arriver : la condition est au  simple past, et la suite est au  conditionnel avec would 

 Complete the sentences : ce ne sont que des exemples

a If my parents hadn’t met…I would not exist

b If my father could, he …would travel to India/ build a new house

c If I could change something in my life,… (could = si je pouvais) I wouldn’t change anything/I would be taller

d If I could change something about me, …I would be good at sports

e If I am free in august, I will go to the seaside or to Corsica

f if I was rich,… ( on peut aussi dire if I were rich, cela souligne que c’est de l’imagination), I would share my money more


Day 20

1 Listen to this song  : écoutez la chanson

2 Pick the right answer : choisissez la bonne réponse

a- the boy would like to : make a secret code/get in touch with someone to get some help with remote work/create a code

b- he has tried 4/5/ 6 times to get some help.

c- his father is baffled because : he understands the situation/ he doesn’t understand the situation/ the computer is screaming

d- the boy wants to : participate in zoom class meetings/ log in a game/ log in a bank app.

e- they have spent : 3 weeks on  quarantine/ 3 weeks at school/ 3 weeks on vacations

f- the boy has only seen his parents and brothers and sisters/ his parents and teacher/ his parents.

g- he has : enjoyed the situation/ not enjoyed the situation/ worked a lot

h- he has not even brushed :  his teeth/his dog/his hair

i- he hasn’t seen his friends in a long time, which means : he misses them/ his friends miss him/ he misses the teacher ( I know, it’s only a joke)

j- he has sent : messages/letters/ photos of his screen to the administrators.

k- his dad is a true computer nerd, which means he is an expert in IT (information technology)/ he is stupid/ he is ridiculous

l- Zoom has kept the boy excluded for a long time/ Zoom is keeping the boy out now/ Zoom has finally accepted the boy.

m- The boy has finally met his friends/ called his friends on the phone/texted his friends

n- The boy is confident he will see his class eventually/ he will never see his class again/ he will sing again.

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