WEEK 9 Day 23


EXERCISE 1 FOR or SINCE ? (for + durée ou since + date de début jusqu’au moment où je parle)

a- I’ve lived in Angers………. I was born. since

b- I’ve lived in the same flat …. 5 years. for

c- My family has known my best friend’s family …. we were in primary school. since

d- I haven’t gotten a present ….. my birthday.since

e- We haven’t been able to go to the seaside … a few weeks now.for

f-You usually work… one or two hours everyday, don’t you ? for

a- I will definitely go ……where far when this quarantine is finished. somewhere

b- Did you see …one yesterday ?anyone

c- No, I didn’t see …one.anyone I saw….one. noone

d- Have you ever done …thing special for your birthday ?anything

e- Have you done…thing really interesting lately ?anything

f- We will try to organise ..thing special when we meet again.something


1 La liste des façons de s’adresser aux différents groupes de personnes de cet article.

Dear Sir/Madam


Hello, Greetings, Attention + Name

Valued + name

2 Cherchez dans la liste les groupes ou personnes suivants :

  • les utilisateurs des services postaux : recipient of letters and packages
  • un homme politique Américain : Mr McConnell (Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. (born February 20, 1942) is an American politician serving as Kentucky’s senior United States senator and as Senate Majority Leader.)
  • les consommateurs de nourriture bio ou de bonne qualité : Customer (= client)
  • les soignants : Hospital staff
  • un citoyen ordinaire : Citizen
  • un ou une client(e) classique : Customer
  • la nature : Environment
  • les USA : America
  • un employé au rôle  social essentiel : Essential worker
  • un être humain : Human deserving of Basic Rights ( être humain qui mérite des droits de base)
  • un parent : Parent

3 Associez les produits ou services manquants aux différents groupes, ou personnes de la question 2 :

  • rouleaux de papier toilette :rolls of toilet paper
  • la démocratie : democracy
  • l’accès aux soins pour tous : universal health care
  • la poste : United States Postal Service
  • un message clair : UNmixed messages
  • blancs de poulet bio, élevés en plein air : organically fed, hundred-per-cent pasture-raised chicken breasts
  • humanité et empathie : humanity and empathy
  • des gants de protection : protective gloves
  • un fauteuil de bureau ergonomique (= adapté au corps et à ses mouvements) : ergonomic desk chair
  • la distraction et la garde : entertainment and child care
  • un responsable compétent : competent leader

4 Quelles sont les solutions de remplacement proposées à chaque fois ?

Instead of eating organically fed chicken, customers could have heavily processed, fifty-per-cent meat, fifty-per-cent miscellaneous chicken-nugget-like product. (like KFC chicken)

Instead of using one single ergonomic desk chair , customers can use three.

Instead of finding  regular sources of entertainment and child care, parents will drink wine in a large glass.

Instead of protecting their hands with gloves, Hospital Staff will take oven mitts covered in garbage bags.

Instead of being treated with humanity and empathy, essential workers will wear a bandana while Jared Kushner (Donald Trump’s son-in-law, who is in charge of the response to coronavirus) has plenty of masks. y

Instead of getting letters and packages, recipients will not get anything.

Instead of getting clear messages about pollution, the Environment is getting mixed messages.

Instead of wiping his bottom with rolls of toilet paper, McConnell could use the Constitution.

Instead of getting universal health care, American Humans could move to Canada.

Instead of having a competent leader  in the White House, citizens have an impatient, uninformed, delusional ratings-chaser. (Donald Trump est décrit comme impatient, non-informé, chasseur de sondages fallacieux)

Instead of enjoying democracy now, people will vote next November to get democracy in 2021.

DAY 23

1 WRITE ABOUT YOURSELF : use instead of + Verb-ing, and pay attention to the auxiliary and the verb. Ecrivez à propos de vous-même : utilisez instead of + Verb-ing. Attention à la suite de la phrase.

a- Instead of practising sports, what have you done to keep fit ?

b- Instead of going to a fast food restaurant with your friends, where will you meet ?

c-Instead of giving a hug or a kiss to friends, what can you do to greet them ?

d- Instead of meeting face to face, how should you communicate ?

e- Instead of buying tons of unnecessary things, what can you  give a friend as a present ?


USED TO + Base verbale exprime une habitude passée, une action que l’on faisait souvent autrefois, et que l’on ne fait plus désormais.

a- When he was 8 years old,____________________________ a lot

b- When he was 10 years old,___________________________ a lot

c- When he was 12 years old,_____________________________ a lot

d-When he was 14 years old,______________________________ a lot

e- When he was 18 years old,______________________________ all day.

f- Finally, ____________________________ a scientist

3 WHAT ABOUT YOU ? You CAN send me a small paragraph about you as a child.

a- What did you use to wear when you were little ?

b- What did you use to look like ?

c- What games did you use to play ?

d- Where did you use to live ?

e- Did you use to have a favourite fluffy toy or a favourite toy you had all the time ? What was it ?

As for me, I used to wear flip-flops on my feet all day (except for school) because at one point I lived in a tropical country. I used to have long blond (or light brown) hair. I used to climb trees and build huts with my friends, and my father used to take us to the the beach every other day. We used to live in Tahiti then. And then we moved back to Angers when I was 7.
I used to sleep with and carry around my doll. For some strange reason, her name is Tintin.

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