Frankenstein, the movie

Last monday we began to watch Frankenstein‘s movie in literature in english class. It is a movie starring by Robert De Niro and Helena Bonham Carter, for example (I love so much this actress).

Althought I love actors and how they play, I definitly don’t love this movie and this story, particularly. I don’t like this kind of stories and I think it is quite special… So, this movie was not my cup of tea but it was still possible to watch !

What do you think about this movie ? Did you enjoy or not ? Why ?

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the movie

In class, we saw a movie named Frankenstein, with a famous actor, Robert de Niro.

For me, I liked it because there strangeness all along the film despite of blood’s scene which can be hard.

It’s the first time that I saw a movie like Frankenstein and I’m not disappointed because it’s a good story which is well interpret by the actor. It’s both sad and scary so can create differents emotions for the spectators and can’t be bored by this film.

The film adaptation of Frankenstein by K.Branagh

We have seen in class the film adaptation of the gothic novel Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus written by Mary Shelley (in 1818). It was directed by Kenneth Branagh, and produced by Francis Ford Coppola in 1994. In addition to his director role, Kenneth Branagh also played the main character of the film, Victor Frankenstein. The creature was played by Robert De Niro, and Elizabeth, Victor’s fiancée and adoptive sister, was played by Helena Bonham Carter.

Although this movie is the most faithful to  Mary Shelley’s book, there is some differences : in the book, Professor Waldman is a secondary character, but, in the film, it is him who inspire Victor (with his book where it is written how give life). Also, in the book, Elizabeth is strangled by the Creature. In the film, her heart is pulled out by Frankenstein’s monster.

My opinion is mixed : I think a book like Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus can’t be adapted because there is lot of details that we can’t missing out. I was a bit sceptical, and I also think that the begining was to long and really boring. One thing I really liked in this film is the makeup, and I understand why those makeup artists were nominated for the Oscar of the best makeup ! It was really worked, and realistic.

Few anectodes : Gérard Depardieu was early suggested for the role of the Creature and Sean Connery was asked to play Professor Waldman.

Bilbo the Hobbit – Peter Jackson

On the eve of the output of the second part of the film Bilbo the Hobbit by Tolkien rehabilitate by Petter Jackson, I’m going to give my own mind about the first part.

Reminding of the three Lord of the Ring, I feel disapoint by Bilbo. First, having read the book, I wonder why they made the film in few parts knowing that the book is pretty short (exept interminable description of landscapes, I mean). Consequently, nothing happend ! Be honest, if you saw it, you was boring, don’t you ? Next, even if there was really beautiful pictures on screan (again and again landscape ! That is the Tolkien’s and Jackson’s strength), I was destabilized by the design of the characters. I believed I was on a kind of freaky fary tale. I was thinking like » is Peter Jackson actually working with disney ? ». So, I check it: he doesn’t. So has he finally realized that it could to be good for children? Mistery… To finish, the last but not the least point of disapointment : the end.I mean, I’m just waiting for action for two hours and it cut when it is going to star ? » No! Is it a joke? Dude, you can’t do this to me! I beg! It is a kind of torture you know? » is probably what I would say to mr.Jackson if he was here. Oddly, he wasn’t.It’s a pity!

And to your opinion ? Will you watch the second one?

Dorian Gray

The film Dorian Gray is an adaptation of the eponymous novel written by Oscar Wilde, published in 1891. Directed by Oliver Parker in 2009, the film tells the story of a naive and young Englishman whose image is captured in an enchanted painting that keeps him from aging. If he commits a sin, his face in the picture changes and loses his beauty. For this adaptation, Ben Barnes as Dorian Gray and Colin Firth as Lord Henry Wotton, imperious and decadent dandy. Extremely witty, he is seen as a critique of Victorian culture at the end of the century, espousing a view of indulgent hedonism.

I don’t read the original novel, so I can’t establish a comparison between the film and the Gothic novel of Oscar Wilde. In my opinion, I’m not sure if this adaptation is the best but I liked so much the story, the atmosphere emitted, the soundtracks and the splendid shots of the director. The story is very interesting and pleasant.

 The Picture of Dorian Gray remind me the novel of Honoré de Balzac The Magic Skin (La Peau de Chagrin) because in the two novels, we find the notion of physical decadence. Although, the rapprochement is often effected.

Movie Trailer : [youtube][/youtube]

The Shining

The Shining is a movie by Stanley Kubrick.

Kubrick is one of my favorite film directors. The storie comes from a novel of Stephen King (american writer) which is called The Shining too.

Jack Torrance has to keep a hotel during the winter, when it’s close. However, the last keeper killed his wife and his two girls but Jack doesn’t care. He wants to keep this hotel  with his wife and his son Danny.

Danny seems to know many things about this hotel and he has got a lot of bloody visions.

During the movie, there are more and more strange things. At the beginning nobody is worry except Danny, but his mother becomes scared because of Jack, who becomes more and more aggresive, strange and mad…

Kubrick succeed in making a scary and oppresive atmosphere thanks to the loneliness in  this big hotel, it reminds us a kind of labyrinth.

It’s a very good movie, you should watch it ! (except if you are fearful…)



When I look at the entire blog, I noticed that everyone was talking about either Frankenstein or Bilbo, or somethings like that ;so  in fact, about something seen in class. So I wanted to do something different and make you discover movies called Underworld.

This film is actually in 4 parts, so 4 films. Each lasts around two hours. It was directed by the American Len Wiseman for the first two films, the French Patrick Tatopoulos for the third and by the Swedish Mans Marlind and Björn Stein for the fourth. The main actors are Kate Beckinsale (who plays a main role in my favorite film Pearl Harbor too) in the role of Selene, Scott Speedman in the role of Michael Corvin and Bill Nighy in the role of Viktor. These films combine several genres such as gothic, fantasy, action, and horror. The story in general is a war between vampires and werewolves (lycan).

It’s a perfect movie to watch in bed under a warm blanket with a cup of hot chocolate, or coffee. We’re easily absorbed by the story and by the constant action there is. The special effects are quite well done and the senario is not cutesy (in the romantic parts of the movie).

In summary, this is movies which are in my top 5 !