HOW TO …write a recipe



Here is an example, with my SUPER EASY CARROT SOUP  IN COCONUT MILK :

Serves 4

Ingredients :

2 or 3 large carrots (chopped small)

1 onion (chopped small)

1 teaspoon of fresh ginger (grated)

1 can of coconut milk

400 ml water or vegetable broth

salt (to taste)

Method : how to …

Add the carrots, onions, ginger,  to a soup pot and cover with the water or vegetable broth and the coconut milk. Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes, until carrots are soft.

Let it cool a little. Then puree with a blender. Season with salt to taste.
Serve it hot or cold. You can add fresh coriander if you want.

Vocabulary :

Verbs :  to add = ajouter/ to chop = couper/ to cool = refroidir/to cover = couvrir, recouvrir/to grate = raper/to puree = réduire en purée/  to season = assaisonner/ to serve = servir/to simmer = laisser mijoter

Adjectives and nouns …and the rest :

carrot= carotte/coconut milk= lait de  coco/cold=froid/coriander=coriandre/easy = facile/fresh= frais, fraîche/ginger=gingembre/hot= chaud/onion=oignon/salt=sel/soft= tendre/soup pot= grande casserole/ to taste= selon votre goût/until= jusqu’à ce que/vegetable broth=bouillon de légumes/water=eau



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