Personality adjectives : match the words and the definitions

a someone who is slow to act because they are uncertain.

b someone who can be *trusted to do something well (*= à qui l’on peut faire confiance)

c someone who is able to use words in a clever and funny way

d someone who moves and does things in an awkward way

e someone who behaves badly and does not like to obey

f someone who does not have courage

g someone who is powerful and physically vigourous

h someone who perseveres and who resists provocation and trouble with calm.

i someone who is able to move quickly

j someone intelligent

witty/ ruthless/ hesitant /strong/reliable/clumsy/patient/ clever/coward/quick


Key for day 31

Personality adjectives : match the words and the definitions

a someone who is slow to act because they are uncertain = hesitant

b someone who can be *trusted to do something well (*= à qui l’on peut faire confiance)= reliable

c someone who is able to use words in a clever and funny way=witty

d someone who moves and does things in an awkward way=clumsy

e someone who behaves badly and does not like to obey=ruthless

f someone who does not have courage =coward

g someone who is powerful and physically vigourous=strong

h someone who perseveres and who resists provocation and trouble with calm=patient

i someone who is able to move quickly=quick, fast

j someone intelligent=clever

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