Chocolate Roll by Jeoffrey C.

–        180g black chocolate                                             petits beurres                  marshmallows

–        100g   butter.                                           

–        100g  icing sugar

–        1 egg

–        8  marshmallows                        

–        150g  biscuits ( petits beurres)

–        some  foil. 

Melt the chocolate with the butter and mix well.

 Add the egg into the mixture and then, stir in the icing sugar. 

Crumble the biscuits and chop the chamallows into little cubes . Mix in and pour the preparation on the foil in a 30 cm line (like a sausage). 

Roll the foil around it and give it a sausage shape. Leave to cool in the refrigerator for 6h.

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