Week 8 day 20

Correction for day 19

Répondez aux questions ci-dessous en observant la construction des phrases :

a Le mot qui est nécessaire pour exprimer la condition est : IF (si en français)

b Quand je pense au présent, la condition est au présent, et la suite de la phrase contient l’auxiliaire will

c Quand j’imagine un passé différent, la condition est au simple past, et la suite de la phrase contient would + past perfect

d Quand j’imagine le futur, si je pense que c’est possible et que ça a des chances d’arriver : la condition est au simple present, et la suite est au futur

e Quand j’imagine le futur, si je pense que cela n’a pas trop de  chances d’arriver : la condition est au  simple past, et la suite est au  conditionnel avec would 

 Complete the sentences : ce ne sont que des exemples

a If my parents hadn’t met…I would not exist

b If my father could, he …would travel to India/ build a new house

c If I could change something in my life,… (could = si je pouvais) I wouldn’t change anything/I would be taller

d If I could change something about me, …I would be good at sports

e If I am free in august, I will go to the seaside or to Corsica

f if I was rich,… ( on peut aussi dire if I were rich, cela souligne que c’est de l’imagination), I would share my money more


Day 20

1 Listen to this song  : écoutez la chanson

2 Pick the right answer : choisissez la bonne réponse

a- the boy would like to : make a secret code/get in touch with someone to get some help with remote work/create a code

b- he has tried 4/5/ 6 times to get some help.

c- his father is baffled because : he understands the situation/ he doesn’t understand the situation/ the computer is screaming

d- the boy wants to : participate in zoom class meetings/ log in a game/ log in a bank app.

e- they have spent : 3 weeks on  quarantine/ 3 weeks at school/ 3 weeks on vacations

f- the boy has only seen his parents and brothers and sisters/ his parents and teacher/ his parents.

g- he has : enjoyed the situation/ not enjoyed the situation/ worked a lot

h- he has not even brushed :  his teeth/his dog/his hair

i- he hasn’t seen his friends in a long time, which means : he misses them/ his friends miss him/ he misses the teacher ( I know, it’s only a joke)

j- he has sent : messages/letters/ photos of his screen to the administrators.

k- his dad is a true computer nerd, which means he is an expert in IT (information technology)/ he is stupid/ he is ridiculous

l- Zoom has kept the boy excluded for a long time/ Zoom is keeping the boy out now/ Zoom has finally accepted the boy.

m- The boy has finally met his friends/ called his friends on the phone/texted his friends

n- The boy is confident he will see his class eventually/ he will never see his class again/ he will sing again.

W7 day 19

Please send me the exercices for day 18 on my professional message service.


Read these examples : If I could, I would go outside and walk and walk and walk… If I was free, I would live at the seaside. If I didn’t have a cat, I would adopt a dog. (I’m imagining a different present because I can’t go outside now, I live in Angers, and i have a cat).

If I had lived in the 1950s, I would have worn large skirts like the ones Christian Dior invented, I would probably not have a car. If i had been a boy, I would have been given a horrible name. (I’m imagining a different past, because I live in the 2020s and I was born a girl.)

If I can, I will travel to Corsica next summer (I’m imagining the future.. if it’s possible)

If I could, I would travel to Corsica next summer (I’m imagining the future, but I’m not sure it’s possible)

2 Lisez les exemples en couleurs ci-dessus et répondez aux questions ci-dessous en observant la construction des phrases :

a Le mot qui est nécessaire pour exprimer la condition est :____ (si en français)

b Quand je pense au présent, la condition est au présent/futur/ simple past, et la suite de la phrase contient l’auxiliaire be/have/will/would (entourez la/les bonne(s) réponse(s))

c Quand j’imagine un passé différent, la condition est au simple past/present perfect/past perfect, et la suite de la phrase contient would + past perfect/ will + simple past/ would+ present perfect  (entourez la/les bonne(s) réponse(s))

d Quand j’imagine le futur, si je pense que c’est possible et que ça a des chances d’arriver : la condition est au simple present/futur/ simple past, et la suite est au simple présent/futur/ simple past (entourez la/les bonne(s) réponse(s))

e Quand j’imagine le futur, si je pense que cela n’a pas trop de  chances d’arriver : la condition est au simple present/futur/ simple past, et la suite est au simple présent/futur/ simple past/ conditionnel avec would (entourez la/les bonne(s) réponse(s))

2 Complete the sentences :

a If my parents hadn’t met…

b If my father could, he …

c If I could change something in my life,… (could = si je pouvais)

d If I could change something about me, …

e If I am free in august,

f if I was rich,… ( on peut aussi dire if I were rich, cela souligne que c’est de l’imagination)


3 Look at the message on this door :

 Personally, I would choose George Clooney, because he must be fun to talk too (and I think he is good-looking ), and Barack Obama, Robert Badinter (who abolished the death penalty in France) and Margaret Atwood (who wrote The Handmaid’s Tale) to have interesting conversations. I would also resurrect Roy Buchanan, who is my guitar hero. Who would you choose ?



W7 DAY 18

Correction for Day 17

1 Vocabulary in English :

chassez-le par votre vote: vote him away

puissant(e): mighty

menteur : liar

auto-centré(e) /narcissique : self-obsessed

chut : hush

obsédés de science : science nerds

sondages : ratings

plafond, toit : roof

se faire tester : to get a test

grippe : flu

mensonge : a hoax

la gauche (politique) : the left wing

coup d’état : a coup

masques chirurgicaux : PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

vide : bare (= nu)

faute : fault

dollar : buck (familier)

pays : country

infirmiers(ères) : nurses

vide de sens : full- of -shite (version polie 😉


4 Transformez chaque proposition en l’accordant au conditionnel, sur les modèles suivants (ils suivent les temps du document) :

If Donald Trump had captained the Titanic, there WOULD BE no problem. There WOULD BE no iceberg.

 »            »               »                                   the ship WOULDN’T SINK. They WOULDN’T HIT an iceberg.

 »            »               »                                 his radar WOULD HAVE WORKED. He WOULD HAVE KNOWN it was an iceberg before anyone else.


 »            »               »                                  he WOULD HAVE NAMED who created it. Nobody WOULD HAVE KNOWN  icebergs better.

 »            »               »                                  people COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN about icebergs. No one COULD HAVE PREDICTED the iceberg

 »            »               »                                  the USA COULD NOT accept the iceberg. The US COULD NOT ALLOW an iceberg to stop the ship.

 »            »               »                                  everybody WOULD BE LYING about icebergs. The crew WOULD BE SPREADING fake news about icebergs.

 »            »               »                                some people WOULD HAVE TO DIE. Penguins WOULD HAVE BROUGHT the iceberg. Some people WOULD HAVE TO DROWN.

5 Complétez le tableau de concordance des temps ci-dessous en observant les phrases ci-dessus :

Présent  simple I am I would be
Futur I will be I would be
Simple past I was I would have been
Present perfect I have been I would have been
Présent continu I am being I would be being
Possibilité, présent I can be I could be

DAY 18

En vous servant du tableau de conversion de concordance des temps, complétez les phrases ci-dessous. Vous pourrez vous aider des exemples que je vous donne également.Vous devez m’envoyer cet exercice par mail

If  I was at school today,…

If I had been free to travel for the holidays,

If I could change my birth date and my birth place,

If I could go out,

If I met the Prime Minister,

If I could change something in the world,

If I had enough money,

If it snowed today,

If I was sick,

Here is what I would write :

If I was at school today, I would teach classes.

If I had been free to travel for the holidays, I would have flown to Corsica

If I could change my birth date and my birth place, I would have lived in the 1960s in Tahiti.

If I could go out, I would meet my friends.

If I met the Prime Minister, I would ask him to give masks and protections to everybody.

If I could change something in the world, I would supply food, water and schooling to everyone.

If I had enough money, I would travel around the world for one year.

If it snowed today, I would make a fire.

If I was sick, I would lie in bed.


W7 day 17

Hello dear Students, and welcome back to « school ». I hope you could relax in pleasant conditions, and I am looking forward to meeting you again.

Bonjour à tous. J’espère que vous avez pu vous reposer dans des conditions agréables, et j’ai hâte de vous retrouver bientôt.

1 Watch this video

2 Look at the words in the video, and look for the following vocabulary en English :

chassez-le par votre vote/puissant(e)/menteur/auto-centré(e), narcissique/chut/obsédés de science/sondages/ plafond, toit/

se faire tester/grippe/mensonge/la gauche (politique)/ coup d’état/ masques chirurgicaux/vide/faute/dollar/pays/infirmiers(ères)/vide de sens/

3 Look at this picture :

4 Transformez chaque proposition en l’accordant au conditionnel, sur les modèles suivants (ils suivent les temps du document) :

If Donald Trump had captained the Titanic, there WOULD BE no problem.

 »            »               »                                   the ship WOULDN’T SINK

 »            »               »                                 his radar WOULD HAVE WORKED

 »            »               »                                  he WOULD HAVE NAMED who created it

 »            »               »                                  people COULD NOT HAVE KNOWN about icebergs.

 »            »               »                                  the USA COULD NOT accept the iceberg

 »            »               »                                  everybody WOULD BE LYING about icebergs

 »            »               »                                some people WOULD HAVE TO DIE

5 Complétez le tableau de concordance des temps ci-dessous en observant les phrases ci-dessus :

Présent  simple I am I would be
Futur I will be
Simple past I was
Present perfect I have been
Présent continu I am being
Possibilité, présent I can be



W4 DAY 16

Correction for DAY 15

  • watch this video
  • Complete the blanks : complétez les trous en écoutant la vidéo. Les mots sont sous le texte pour vous aider.

Part 1 If we remain united  and resolute, then we will overcome it. I hope   in the years  to come,  everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge, and those who come after us will say the Britons of this  generation were as strong as any. The attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve, and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country. The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future.

The moments when the United Kingdom has come together to applaud its carers and essential workers will be remembered as an expression  of our national spirit, and its symbol will be the rainbows drawn by children.


Part 2   Across the Commonwealth and around the world, we have seen heart-warming stories of people coming together to help others, be it through delivering food parcels and medicines, checking on neighbours, or  converting  businesses to help the relief effort. And though self-isolating may at times be hard, many people of all faiths and of none, are discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow down, pause and reflect in prayer or meditation. It reminds me of the very first broadcast I made in 1940 helped by my sisterWe as children spoke from here at Windsor, to children who had been evacuated from their homes and sent away for their own safety. Today, once again, many feel a painful sense of separation from their loved ones. But now as then, we know deep down that it is the right thing to do.

While we have faced challenges before, this one is different. this time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal.

We will succeed, and that success will belong to every one of us. We should take comfort, that while we may still have more to endure, better days will return.(…) We will meet again.

DAY 16 

  • PRACTICE YOUR PRONOUNCIATION WITH QUEEN ELIZABETH II : LISTEN TO THE VIDEO AND REPEAT AFTER HER. YOU SHOULD TRY TO MAKE YOUR PRONOUNCIATION AS CLOSE TO HERS AS POSSIBLE. Entraînez-vous à bien prononcer avec la reine Elizabeth : écoutez la vidéo et répétez après elle. Essayez de prononcer le mieux possible, elle est le standard mondial en matière de prononciation. (On parle de RP = Received Pronunciation, ou du Queen’s English) 

Je vais arrêter de poster sur le blog pendant une semaine, puis je posterai des pistes de travail – et d’amusement – en anglais la 2ème semaine. Vous pouvez continuer à m’envoyer votre travail, mais je ne répondrai pas forcément… je pars en vacances dans ma propre maison 😉 Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches.


W4 Day 15

Correction for DAY 14

1 Video of Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth II addressed the nation in a speech on the occasion of cover 19

She said the nation would  be fine. « we will succeed »

She wants to thank everyone on the National Health Service Frontline and care-workers.

She speaks of  care-workers who work *selflessly and do their *day-to-day duties.

She thanks  all the people who carry out their jobs. She speaks of their hard work. She also thanks the people who stay at home to protect the vulnerable.

Together, the British nation is tackling this disease.

The british should remain united and resolute.

They will *overcome the disease. Better days will return. We will be with our friends and families again. We will meet again.

The Queen has addressed the country four times only on exceptional occasions.

2 Vocabulary :

Trouvez les mots de la video, (à l’oral ou à l’écrit) qui font partie du :

champ lexical de la gratitude : thank/*appreciate=apprécier un effort/*praise= féliciter

champ lexical de la réussite : *overcome= surmonter/*succeed: réussir/success= réussite/resolve = volonté

champ lexical de la résistance, de la lutte et de l’héroïsme :

*tackle=s’attaquer à un problème/ *frontline= le front/*hard work= les efforts, le dur labeur/ protect/ *spare= épargner/resolve *duties= devoirs/*support=aider, soutenir/help/ *selflessly= généreusement

DAY 15

  • Find a slogan for the coronavirus crisis. You can get your inspiration from the Queen’s speech.
  • watch this video
  • Complete the blanks : complétez les trous en écoutant la vidéo. Les mots sont sous le texte pour vous aider.

Part 1 If we remain _______________and resolute, then we will ________________ it. I _______________in the _______ to come,______________ will be able to take pride in how they _______________ to this challenge, and those who come after us will say the Britons of this_______________ were as strong as any. The attributes of self-____________, of quiet good-humoured _____________, and fo fellow-_________________ still characterise this ______________. The pride in who we are is not a part of our ______________, it defines our _______________ and our ________________.

The moments when the _____________________ has come together to applaud its carers and essential workers will be remembered as an ______________ of our national spirit, and its symbol will be the _______________ drawn by children.

WORD BANK : united/responded/overcome/hope/years/discipline/everybody/generation/country/feeling/resolve/future/past/present/ expression/United Kingdom.

Across the __________________ and around the ____________, we have seen heart-warming_______________ of people coming together to help others, be it through delivering ________________ parcels and medicines, checking on neighbours, converting _______________ businesses to help the relief _____________.And though self-isolating may at times be hard, many people of all faiths and of none, are discovering that it presents an _______________ to slow down, pause and reflect in prayer or ________________. It _________________ me of the very first broadcast I made in 1940 helped by my ____________.We as _______________ spoke from here at Windsor, to children who had been evacuated from their ____________ and sent away for their own safety. _____________, once again, many feel a painful sense of _______________ from their loved ones. But now as then, we know deep down that it is the _________ thing to do.

While we have faced challenges _____________, this one is different. this time we join with all nations across the _________ in a common endeavour, using the great advances of _______________ and our instinctive compassion to heal.

We will __________________, and that success will belong to every one of us. We ___________ take comfort, that while we may still have more to endure, better days will return.(…) We ________ meet again.

WORD BANK : World/effort/meditation/food/stories/opportunity/ Commonwealth/children/sister/ homes/reminds/today/ separation/before/globe/should/right/science/will/succeed

Princess Elizabeth was 14 when she gave her first address to the British nation. Here she is sitting next to her sister Princess Margaret.


W4 DAY 14

Correction for Day 13 :

The question is  : Is this document propaganda or caricature ?

This is  a wartime poster. It was glued on walls for people to see in the streets.The main colour is yellow, and  it is globally very colourful.There is a slogan in a bubble at the top.We cannot see the artist’s name, which means we do not know who made it. Posters were supposed to be seen by people in the streets. During World War II, the war effort in Great-Britain was enormous, and the population largely participated in it. We can see the top half of a woman. She is wearing a blue jumpsuit and a red scarf with white polka dots to protect her hair. She is showing her muscle and getting ready to work.

  •  The slogan  at the top reads : « we can do it ! ». It is written in large bold white letters.This is not a caricature, since caricatures exaggerate features and there is no exaggeration here. The most important element is  the slogan. There is an exclamation mark , which means it is motivational, to encourage people to act. Propaganda is supposed to manipulate people into changing their opinion or acting. This poster ‘s goal is to ask people to work for American industry. It is especially aimed at women who worked in factories for the military effort. During World War II, governments expected workers to join in  the war effort. As a conclusion,  the American government created propaganda to motivate women to work in factories. It is interesting to note that although the woman on the poster is wearing a blue worker’s jump-suit, she is also wearing make up. This was not exactly the usual image of a factory worker, and women got more power after the war because they had worked in factories like men.

DAY 14


What did Queen Elizabeth II do to the British nation on the occasion of covid19 ?

What is her *promise  for the future ?

What does she want to say to care-workers ?

What adjectives correspond to a/ care-workers   b/their work ?

*Who else does she thank for their effort ? and what effort is this ?

What is the British nation doing together to the disease ?

How should the British stand to succeed in this difficult time ?

Find the four promises the Queen makes.

How many times has the Queen addressed the country on exceptional occasions during her reign ?

2 Vocabulary :

Trouvez les mots de la video, (à l’oral ou à l’écrit) qui font partie du :

champ lexical de la gratitude : thanks / thank/gratitude/grateful/appreciate/praise

champ lexical de la réussite : overcome/failure/battle/succeed/success/win

champ lexical de la résistance, de la lutte et de l’héroïsme :

tackle/ frontline/hard work/ protect/ spare/resolve/ duties/support/help/ selflessly/war

Week 4 DAY 13

  • Look at this document :
  • COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE RIGHT WORDS or EXPRESSIONS : complétez avec les bonnes expressions ou mots (ils sont sous le texte, et divisés en deux parties- comme le texte- pour vous faciliter le travail.) Relisez le commentaire du jour 12 avant de commencer, vous retrouverez des mots.
  • The _________________ : ___________ this document propaganda or caricature ?________________ a wartime ____________. It was glued on walls _______________ in the streets.The ____________ colour is yellow, and  it is globally very colourful._________________ a slogan in a bubble at ________________.We cannot see the artist’s name,__________________ we do not know who made it. Posters _____________ to be seen by people in the streets. _____________ World War II, the war effort in Great-Britain was enormous, and the population largely participated in it. ______________ the top half of a woman. She ____________ a blue jumpsuit and a red scarf with white polka dots to protect her hair. She _____________ her muscle and getting ready to work.
  •  The slogan  at the top reads : « we can do it ! ». ____________ in large bold white letters.This is _________ a caricature, ___________ caricatures ______________ features and there is no exaggeration here. ___________________ the slogan. There is an ________________ , which____________ it is motivational,_______ encourage people to act. Propaganda is supposed _________ manipulate people into ___________ their opinion or acting. This poster ‘s _________ is to ask people to work for American industry. It is especially aimed at ____________ who worked in factories for the military effort. ____________World War II, governments expected workers to __________in the war effort._______________ the American government created propaganda to motivate women to work in factories. It is interesting to note that _______________ the woman on the poster is wearing a blue worker’s jump-suit, she is also wearing make up. This was not exactly the usual image of a factory worker, and women got more power after the war because they had worked in factories like men.
  • Vocabulary : during/document is/this is/There is /which means/question is/is/for people to see/is showing/main/is wearing/ we can see/were supposed/at the top
  • It is written/since/means/ exaggerate/not/the most important element is / exclamation mark/to/changing/to/goal/during/as a conclusion /women/join/although

W3 DAY 12

Chers élèves, je peux à nouveau me connecter sur ma messagerie académique, vous pouvez donc m’envoyer votre travail sur ce media à nouveau !





2 What is the nature of the document ?

3 Is it a colour/black and white picture ? a photo ? a drawing ? an illustration ? a poster ? a statue ?

4 Who created it ? (Give a few facts about the artist)

5 Where was it published ? Where was it first exhibited ? Is this important ? Does it mean anything ?

6 What was the historical/political/sociological context ?


7 What can you see ?

8 What are the meaningful elements ? What do they mean ? What is their effect ?

9 Define propaganda /caricature with essential elements

10 Write your conclusion : is the document propaganda or caricature ? justify your answer.

  • Here is the document that is  my example :
  • The question is : is this document propaganda or caricature ?
  • This is a poster. It was glued on walls for people to see in the streets.
  • It is red, white and black, and very colourful.The lines are simple and clear.
  • There is no name on it, which means we do not know who made it, but many artists were employed by the Ministry of propaganda during World War II.
  • Posters were supposed to be seen by people in the streets, or large pictures were published in newspapers. They were seen by large numbers of people.
  • During World War II, the war effort in Great-Britain was enormous, and the population largely participated in it.
  • There is a large face with a big ear that is out of proportion. Adolf Hitler is easy to recognize : his moustache is a very personal and conspicuous feature, his hair is also very distinct. There is also a slogan in white at the top: « careless talks costs lives ». « Mr Hitler wants to know » is written in large black letters in the middleAt the bottom, there is a text about the data that is important in the war, and that is valuable both to the Allies and to their enemies, and that was essentially army plans and organisation. In the text at the bottom, there is a pun with the word « Führer » : Fuehrious instead of furious.
  • The most important element is the ear, that corresponds to the fact that the Nazi Regime wanted to find intelligence (information) about the allied forces. Hitler did not have big ears. The ear on the poster corresponds to the message which is, basically : « do not talk to enemies ». People had to be careful who they talked to, and they had to beware of spies.
  • Caricature is the exaggeration of a feature. As Hitler did not have large ears, so, this is not exactly a caricature. Propaganda is a system of information to manipulate people into believing in ideas or acting. The message of this poster was to  spread fear of spies and strangers to protect the Allied Forces. Therefore, this is clearly propaganda, because its goal was to make people act in a special way. Moreover, this poster was issued by the Ministry of Information.

As a conclusion, governments often use propaganda to get citizens to act or believe in something. In democracies, it is mainly for a good cause, and this can be criticized by the opposition. During the current  Covid -19 crisis, many governments have organised information and communication to protect people. It is also possible to expose this communication through the press.

  • Look at the expressions in boldface letters. List them in your book and match them with the French translation. Try to use them as much as possible in your text.
  • français (dans le désordre par rapport au texte…cherchez un peu 😉 :

de plus / pour cette raison/la problématique est/l’élément le plus important/caractéristique/en haut/au milieu/en bas/informations/il y a /ce qui signifie que/manipuler les gens pour qu’ils fassent quelque chose/manipuler les gens pour qu’ils croient à quelque chose/être censé …faire/publié/pour que les gens les voient/ en conclusion/la caricature consiste en l’exagération d’un trait…



W3 DAY 10


Charlotte’s anecdote :

1 Charlotte was 3 when she moved.

2 The garden was very large.

3/ They built a tree house.

4/ They added a  food elevator that was made of a basket and a rope.

5/ When Charlotte and her family went  back to their house, they realized the garden was much smaller than in their memories, which means they were disappointed.

What about you ? Tell me about your wish list.

1 If I could, I would + verb

2 If I had to stay on a desert island, I would bring……..TO +

3 I would listen to … because….

4 I am…..My family is…..

5 I communicated with…/ I didn’t communicate with

6 I exercised…. and I …… jumped/ I did some push-ups/ I danced….I didn’t exercise…..7 Did you help your family ? How did you help your family ? By doing what ?

7 I watched…. I didn’t watch….. I advise you to watch…. You should watch….

8  I listened to …. My favourite music during lockdown is…..

9 I don’t usually do any DIY. I sewed/  I am knitting/ I baked a cake/ I built/ I painted/

10 I advise you to cook … This is a good recipe…

DAY 10

  • WATCH MY PREZI PRESENTATION  or VISIT MY OTHER BLOG at lewebpedagogique.com/howartyou and choose the Propaganda vs caricature tag.
  • If you can’t watch the presentation, read these paragraphs :

1 What is a caricature ?
It is a drawing of a real person which *distorts or exaggerates certain *features, it is an exaggerated portrait and its *purpose is to ridicule or satirize a subject, especially public *figures and politicians, to expose hypocrisy and corruption and if it has a moral message, it is considered a satire.

Satirists traditionally ridicule both Government and Opposition, and have a significant power at the tip of their pen. A common criticism of caricatures is that they may be one of the most populist forms of art. Authorities may be tempted to *ban *seditious types of art, and especially political caricatures. Democracies usually tolerate them.

Some satirists have become famous by their *ability to *match a subject’s mental state to a physical defect.

Cartoons serve as a version of editorial opinion when it makes political satire.

LIST THE VOCABULARY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AFTER READING THE TEXT :Etablissez une liste de vocabulaire anglais-français. Répondez aux questions. Les réponses sont dans le texte.

What is the nature of a caricature ? What does it do ? What is the intention of the artist ? Who is generally *under attack ? What is the reaction of a democracy to a caricature ? What media publishes caricatures ? Are caricatures neutral ? Can they simplify debate too much ? What is specific to satire ?

*ability = capacité/*ban=interdire/*distort=déformer /*expose =dénoncer/ *features= traits/*figures= personnages/*match= associer/*populist=populiste/*power=pouvoir/*purpose=but/*seditious= subversif, révolutionnaire/*under attack = attaqué/


Propaganda : *dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, *half-truths, or *lies—to influence public opinion.

Propaganda is the systematic effort to manipulate other people’s *beliefs or actions. *Deliberateness and manipulation distinguish propaganda from the free and easy exchange of ideas. Propagandists have a specified *goal.
To *achieve this, they deliberately select *facts and arguments.
To maximize effect, they may *omit or distort pertinent facts or simply lie. *Deliberate selectivity and manipulation also distinguish propaganda from education. Educators try to present *various sides of an *issue. Education *aims to induce reactors to collect and evaluate *evidence for themselves and assists them in learning the techniques for doing so.

The word propaganda itself is often a pejorative one tending to connote such things as the discredited atrocity stories and deceptively stated war aims of World Wars I and II, the operations of the Nazis’ Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, and of *countless *instances of false and *misleading *advertising.

*achieve=atteindre un but, réussir/*advertising= publicité/*aims to=avoir pour but de /*beliefs=croyances/ *countless=infini/*deliberate=délibéré/*dissemination=propagation/*facts=faits/*goal=but/*half-truths=semi-vérité/*instances=exemples/ *issue=problèmes, questions, problématiques/*lies=mensonges/*misleading=volontairement erronés, malhonnêtes/ *omit= omettre, laisser de côté/*various=divers, différents

LIST THE VOCABULARY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS AFTER READING THE TEXT :Etablissez une liste de vocabulaire anglais-français. Répondez aux questions. Les réponses sont dans le texte.

What is the nature of propaganda ? What does it do ? What is different between debate and propaganda ? What is negative about propaganda ? What do educators do ? What political regimes used propaganda ? Is propaganda used in fields that are not political ?