Club UNESCO Sorbonne (dont  membres au sein du ACCESSACCESS organisent une exposition d’exception)

vous y invite vivement :

AccessAccess ART ET CULTURE ACCESSIBLES a l’immense plaisir de vous convier à sa seconde exposition à Paris.

Nous exposons 3 de nos artistes pendant 2 semaines avec 3 accrochages différents !


Sylvie Quémener revient cette année en présentant de nouvelles œuvres de 2011 et de 2012. De nouvelles formes, des volumes et des couleurs qu’elle a pris le soin de réinventer au sein de son œuvre vous attendent sur les murs de la galerie le Cerisier, où elle montre la femme, le rêve, la danse, des rencontres…multiples !

Denny expose pour la première fois sa seconde phase du métaréalisme déclinée en peinture. Pour autant l’artiste n’en est pas à sa première exposition ! Depuis près de 40 ans il a forgé son pinceau qu’il ne cesse de tremper dans le monde qui l’entoure. Il nous a fait confiance parce que nous avons la même idée de l’art et du rôle de l’artiste!

Marie-Christine Saladin montre, montre, montre ! Son travail est vaste et elle a sélectionné avec nous, le meilleur de son univers pour l’exposer à Paris, ville qu’elle connaît si bien : elle a pu tant de fois déjà embellir divers espaces de ses compositions aux fls rouges si différents mais qui se rejoignent dans une unité complexe.


AccessAccess expose pour ouvrir la galerie dans le monde des galeries fermées. Nous exposons, parce que nous voulons remettre l’art et l’échange humain au centre des réflexions. Exposer à Paris, en mai, à Marseille en juin, puis à nouveau à Paris…est pour nous une chance, pas une opportunité.

Nous agissons. Les théories deviennent pratiques réelles, les idées se transforment en projets authentiques.

Pour quoi faire ? Pour changer l’image de l’art et de la culture. Pour rendre l’art et la culture plus accessibles. Mais pas pour le faire sans vous, pour prétendre changer les choses en vous excluant. Mais pour les réinventer avec vous, pour construire l’art et la culture accessibles de demain, maintenant !!!

MERCI. Nous serions réellement heureux de vous rencontrer lors de cette exposition : alors venez nombreux !


Exposition AccessAccess



Du 21 mai au 3 juin 2012

Galerie le Cerisier

42 quai des Célestins – 75004 PARIS

Tous les jours de 11h à 19.30 h


access.access01@gmail.com http://accessaccess.over-blog.com/

Everlasting peace lessons from Mahatma Gandhi : quality peace education

Mahatma Gandhi’s everlasting peace quotes :

« Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment. »


« We must become the change we want to see in the world. »


« I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering. »


« An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind »


« There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no cause that I am prepared to kill for. »


World Press Freedom Day 2012 at UNESCO Headquarters

World Press Freedom Day 2012


Since 1993, when the United Nations General Assembly established the World Press Freedom Day celebrating the fundamental principles of press freedom, evaluating press freedom around the world, defending the media from attacks on their independence and to paying tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their profession, it is celebrated annually on May 3rd, the date on which the Windhoek Declaration was adopted.

UNESCO, which coordinates activities each year on May 3rd, had organized, this year, with the French Federation of UNESCO Clubs (FFCU) at the UNESCO Headquarters an important Press Freedom Forum confirming freedom of the press as a bridge of understanding and knowledge, and confirming that the dialogue and the exchange of ideas between high level journalists, experts, and civil society is essential.

Aleksandar Protic (Sorbonne, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge Allumni), president of UNESCO Club at Sorbonne University, organised the event, mandated by the president of French Federation of Clubs, Associations and Centers for UNESCO, Yves Lopez.

High level journalists and experts participated and greatly contributed to Forum :

– Jean Chrisophe Buisson (Culture chief editor at Figaro Magazine)

– Julija Vidovic (RFI journalist, now UNESCO officer)

– Ana Dumitrescu (UNESCO Culture specialist and head of international UNESCO clubs projects)

– Ruxandra Boros (World Bank consultant and Professor in French School of government ENA)

– Boris Petrovic (web-journalist and essay writer).

The event was inaugurate be the press freedom related speech of President of FFCU Yves Lopez, and its vice-President Claude Vielix. The session was directed by Aleksandar Protic.

Most active french university UNESCO Clubs : from Sorbonne University and Sciences Po UPMC greatly contributed to Forum, participating in the event and encouraging and developing initiatives in favor of the freedom of the press.

Students from both universities UNESCO clubs participated in many ways : President of Science Po- UPMC UNESCO Club, Lara Kaute, as well as club’s representative speaker Benedicte Niel had the opportunity to address the Forum and present the work of their club reflection encouraging constructive debate among journalistes and professionals on the issues of press freedom.

UNESCO Club Sorbonne was first represented by the speech of Leandre Lucas regarding the impact and importance of press. His reflection was fallowed by the discourse of Julia Houas Medvedova concerning press : information, manipulation and disinformation. Representatives of UNESCO permanent delegations, UNESCO officers, and civil society members attended the Press Freedom Forum as well.

At this occasion, both Ana Dumitrescu (UNESCO Cultural Sector, previously Director General Office) and Jean Christophe Buisson (Chief Editor for Culture at Figaro Magazine) received the title of Cross-Cultural Ambassadors. Cross-Cultural Ambassadors are recognized by UNESCO Club Sorbonne for having made, a significant contribution to the promotion of cross-cultural understanding, promotion of peace, diversity, compassion, and environmental harmony, achieved through cooperative and non-violent means.


Daniela Iancu, Federal counselor FFCU



Tesla’s article on light and other high frequency phenomena

On light and other high frequency phenomena 

(Lecture before Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Feb. 1893); Journal of Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, (July 1893); National Electrical Light Association Proceedings, St. Louis, (1893).

Delivered before the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, February 1893,
and before the National Electric Light Association, St. Louis, March 1893.


« When we look at the world around us, on Nature, we are impressed with its beauty and grandeur.  Each thing we perceive, though it may be vanishingly small, is in itself a world, that is, like the whole of the universe, matter and force governed by law,—a world, the contemplation of which fills us with feelings of wonder and irresistibly urges us to ceaseless thought and inquiry.  But in all this vast world, of all objects our senses reveal to us, the most marvelous, the most appealing to our imagination, appears no doubt a highly developed organism, a thinking being.  If there is anything fitted to make us admire Nature’s handiwork, it is certainly this inconceivable structure, which performs its innumerable motions of obedience to external influence.  To understand its workings, to get a deeper insight into this Nature’s masterpiece, has ever been for thinkers a fascinating aim, and after many centuries of arduous research men have arrived at a fair understanding of the functions of its organs and senses.  Again, in all the perfect harmony of its parts, of the parts which constitute the material or tangible of our being, of all its organs and senses, the eye is the most wonderful.  It is the most precious, the most indispensable of our perceptive or directive organs, it is the great gateway through which all knowledge enters the mind.  Of all our organs, it is the one, which is in the most intimate relation with that which we call intellect.  So intimate is this relation, that it is often said, the very soul shows itself in the eye.

It can be taken as a fact, which the theory of the action of the eye implies, that for each external impression, that is, for each image produced upon the retina, the ends of the visual nerves, concerned in the conveyance of the impression to the mind, must be under a peculiar stress or in a vibratory state, It now does not seem improbable that, when by the power of thought an image is evoked, a distinct reflex action, no matter how weak, is exerted upon certain ends of the visual nerves, and therefore upon the retina.  Will it ever be within human power to analyse the condition of the retina when disturbed by thought or reflex action, by the help of some optical or other means of such sensitiveness, that a clear idea of its state might be gained at any time?  If this were possible, then the problem of reading one’s thoughts with precision, like the characters of an open book, might be much easier to solve than many problems belonging to the domain of positive physical science, in the solution of which many, if not the majority: of scientific men implicitly believe.  Helmholtz has shown that the fundi of the eye are themselves, luminous, and he was able to see, in total darkness, the movement of his arm by the light of his own eyes.  This is one of the most remarkable experiments recorded in the history of science, and probably only a few men could satisfactorily repeat it, for it is very likely, that the luminosity of the eyes is associated with uncommon activity of the brain and great imaginative power.  It is fluorescence of brain action, as it were. »

Read the full article here