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Indigenous Women in Canada disappear …

Posted by on 8 septembre 2020

Indigenous women are preyed on at horrifying rates. I was one of them

by Brandi Morin

Twenty-seven years ago I almost ended up a grim statistic, like so many Indigenous women and girls. It’s still happening.

Red dresses hang on a fence near the TransMountain pipeline site in Blue River, British Columbia. Red dresses symbolize murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls.
Red dresses hang on a fence near the TransMountain pipeline site in Blue River, British Columbia. Red dresses symbolize murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls. Photograph: Brandi Morin

Mon 7 Sep 2020

I was a missing Indigenous girl who beat the odds. Now I’m a journalist and I won’t shut up about a genocidal crisis happening in Canada.

I spent my childhood in and out of foster homes. It was a cold and lonely system.

At age 12 I ran away from a group home with two other girls. It was freedom, or so I thought. I don’t even remember exactly how many days I was missing for. Each day blurred into the next.

At one point two men in their late 20s held me hostage at a downtown apartment in Edmonton, Alberta, where they raped me several times.

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