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A Robot Artist ?

Posted by on 25 juin 2021

‘Some people feel threatened’: face to face with Ai-Da the robot artist

Self-portraits by ultra-realistic android go on show at Design Museum in London

Ai-Da the robot next to one of its self-portraits
Ai-Da, described as the world’s first ultra-realistic robot artist, at the opening of the exhibition Ai-Da: Portrait of the Robot, at the Design Museum in London. Photograph: David Parry/PA
Arts correspondent

She, if it can be called a she, began her career with abstract art but has now moved to self, if they can be called self, portraits and they are alarmingly good.

“She is getting better all of the time,” said Aidan Meller, the force behind Ai-Da, the world’s first ultra-realistic robot artist, who is the subject of a display at the Design Museum in London.

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