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Tagged With: activism

Women, their roles and their fights

Ideals of Womanhood in Victorian Britain from the BBC gender in 19th Century Britain the role of women gender and morality   The Fight of the Suffragettes in America from   The Fight for the Vote in Britain   Emma Watson Speech at the UN He for She Campaign   Advertising : fighting stereotypes … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMC1°_2-1-Being heard, AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, AMCT°_1-2-Public and individual freedoms, AMCT°_1-3-Equalities and inequalities, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, AMCT°_3-2-Rivalries and interdependencies, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-5. Fictions & Realities, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, LLCE1°_2-3-Confrontation to difference, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Women, their roles and their fights

Cities of the Future : Utopia or Reality ?

Thomas More ‘s Utopia  Traduction Française : Analysis in English   Jacque Fresco’s vision of man’s future : The Venus Project The Venus Project France Au delà de la politique, de la pauvreté et de la guerre Fresco’s vision of the future   The Garden City   Auroville : La Cité Radieuse … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMC1°_1-2-Science and techniques, promises and challenges, AMCT°_2-1-Frontier and space, AMCT°_2-2-From the protection of Nature to ecological transition, AMCT°_2-3-Rethinking cities, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-5. Fictions & Realities, B1B2-6. Scientific Innovations & Responsibility, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, LLCE1°_1-3-Utopias and dystopias | Tags: , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Cities of the Future : Utopia or Reality ?