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LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions

Turn your Dream into Reality

DRAW YOUR FUTURE  (B2/C1): a video with subtitles to see how you can transform your dream into reality

Catégories: A2B1-2. Life at work & the workplace, A2B1-4. Self-representation & Relation to others, AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-5. Fictions & Realities, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, LLCE1°_2-3-Confrontation to difference, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation, LLCET°_2-3-Initiation and apprenticeship, LLCET°_3-2-Anchoring and inheriting | Tags: , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Turn your Dream into Reality

Heroes ? Soldiers’ mothers’ viewpoints

CE. A poem by Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967), a famous English poet, writer and soldier who served during WWI. THE HERO ‘Jack fell as he’d have wished,’ the mother said, And folded up the letter that she’d read. ‘The Colonel writes so nicely.’ Something broke In the tired voice that quivered to a choke. She half … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-5. Fictions & Realities, B1B2-8. Territory & Memory, LLCE1°_2-1-Love and friendship, LLCE1°_2-2-Relation between the individual and the group, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation | Tags: , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Heroes ? Soldiers’ mothers’ viewpoints

Robert Burns : the making of a national figure

University of Glasgow introduces you to the life, works and global celebrity of Robert Burns

Catégories: AMC1°_2-1-Being heard, AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, B1B2-3. Art & Power, LLCE1°_2-1-Love and friendship, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation | Tags: , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Robert Burns : the making of a national figure

Giving Life: from Myth to Reality

WHO GIVES LIFE TO WHOM ?   Here are some examples that will give you some ideas … Michelangelo’s painting : the creation of Adam The Myth of Prometheus Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus Isaac Asimov’s short story : True Love     Why do some people write stories and become writers ?   Here … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMCT°_1-1-Unity and plurality, AMCT°_1-2-Public and individual freedoms, AMCT°_1-3-Equalities and inequalities, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-6. Scientific Innovations & Responsibility, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, LLCE1°_2-1-Love and friendship, LLCE1°_2-3-Confrontation to difference, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Giving Life: from Myth to Reality

Women, their roles and their fights

Ideals of Womanhood in Victorian Britain from the BBC gender in 19th Century Britain the role of women gender and morality   The Fight of the Suffragettes in America from   The Fight for the Vote in Britain   Emma Watson Speech at the UN He for She Campaign   Advertising : fighting stereotypes … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMC1°_2-1-Being heard, AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, AMCT°_1-2-Public and individual freedoms, AMCT°_1-3-Equalities and inequalities, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, AMCT°_3-2-Rivalries and interdependencies, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-5. Fictions & Realities, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, LLCE1°_2-3-Confrontation to difference, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Women, their roles and their fights

Ted Hughes’s Biography

On Wikipedia: in English : in French : On Poetry’s Archive: On the BBC: this article was written in 2009 when the BBC launched a survey to elect Britain’s favourite Poet

Catégories: AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation, LLCET°_2-3-Initiation and apprenticeship | Tags: , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Ted Hughes’s Biography

The Thought-Fox

Poem read by author   THE THOUGHT-FOX I imagine this midnight moment’s forest: Something else is alive Beside the clock’s loneliness And this blank page where my fingers move. Through the window I see no star: Something more near Though deeper within darkness Is entering the loneliness: Cold, delicately as the dark snow, A fox’s … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, B1B2-3. Art & Power, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-3-Initiation and apprenticeship, LLCET°_3-1-Exploration and adventure, Oral et Grand Oral | Tags: , , , | Commentaires fermés sur The Thought-Fox