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LLCET°_2-3-Initiation and apprenticeship

Education is Freedom and Power

« Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world. » Nelson Mandela (South Africa famous leader) WEAPONS VS SCHOOLS 15 February 2013 Last updated at 23:05 GMT Taliban continue to target schools   Many Pakistani school children are defying the Taliban every day by attending classes in areas where schools … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: A2B1-8. Past within Present, AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMCT°_1-2-Public and individual freedoms, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, LLCE1°_2-3-Confrontation to difference, LLCET°_2-3-Initiation and apprenticeship | Tags: , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Education is Freedom and Power

Ted Hughes’s Biography

On Wikipedia: in English : in French : On Poetry’s Archive: On the BBC: this article was written in 2009 when the BBC launched a survey to elect Britain’s favourite Poet

Catégories: AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation, LLCET°_2-3-Initiation and apprenticeship | Tags: , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Ted Hughes’s Biography

The Thought-Fox

Poem read by author   THE THOUGHT-FOX I imagine this midnight moment’s forest: Something else is alive Beside the clock’s loneliness And this blank page where my fingers move. Through the window I see no star: Something more near Though deeper within darkness Is entering the loneliness: Cold, delicately as the dark snow, A fox’s … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, B1B2-3. Art & Power, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-3-Initiation and apprenticeship, LLCET°_3-1-Exploration and adventure, Oral et Grand Oral | Tags: , , , | Commentaires fermés sur The Thought-Fox