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Tagged With: US

The Bio Revolution is transforming it/us all…  

Catégories: AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMC1°_1-2-Science and techniques, promises and challenges | Tags: , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur The Bio Revolution is transforming it/us all…

Evolution of Hollywood Western genre

a synthetic overview   a synthetic insight   a detailed four-chapter study on the evolution of the genre   PART 4 Modernity (you need to connect because of age restrictions on this part)   The example of THE SEARCHERS Revisiting the genre in 1993 and then Mixing genres in 2019 A parody : Los Gringos … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: LLCET°_3-1-Exploration and adventure, LLCET°_3-2-Anchoring and inheriting, LLCET°_3-3-Migration and exile | Tags: , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Evolution of Hollywood Western genre

Should there be limits to the freedom of speech ?

  Facebook starts adding labels to ‘state-controlled media’ and will ban them from running ads in the US ahead of the 2020 election By Tyler Sonnemaker 04/06/2020, for Business Insider France     Facebook and Twitter Must Do More About Trump’s Tweets Twitter is only bringing more attention to the president’s tweets, and Facebook’s … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMC1°_2-2-Informing and being informed, AMCT°_1-2-Public and individual freedoms, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, B1B2-4. Citizenship & Virtual Worlds | Tags: , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Should there be limits to the freedom of speech ?

Street Art Project in Bushwick-Brooklyn

Catégories: AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, AMCT°_1-2-Public and individual freedoms, AMCT°_2-1-Frontier and space, AMCT°_2-3-Rethinking cities, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-3. Art & Power, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, B1B2-8. Territory & Memory, LLCET°_1-1-Art and protest, LLCET°_1-2-Polemical art | Tags: , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Street Art Project in Bushwick-Brooklyn

The symbols of America

Catégories: AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, AMCT°_3-3-Common inheritance and diversity, B1B2-8. Territory & Memory | Tags: , | Commentaires fermés sur The symbols of America

Education vs Profit

Who should educate children when it comes to food and eating habits ? Parents? School? The Law? Here are some different viewpoints related to the US but also France … ******** According to Michelle Obama school has a role to play in educating children as to health issues. This is a controversy in the US … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: A2B1-7. Saving the Planet & Designing our Futures, AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMC1°_2-1-Being heard, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Education vs Profit

Giving Life: from Myth to Reality

WHO GIVES LIFE TO WHOM ?   Here are some examples that will give you some ideas … Michelangelo’s painting : the creation of Adam The Myth of Prometheus Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus Isaac Asimov’s short story : True Love     Why do some people write stories and become writers ?   Here … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMCT°_1-1-Unity and plurality, AMCT°_1-2-Public and individual freedoms, AMCT°_1-3-Equalities and inequalities, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-6. Scientific Innovations & Responsibility, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, LLCE1°_2-1-Love and friendship, LLCE1°_2-3-Confrontation to difference, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Giving Life: from Myth to Reality

Women, their roles and their fights

Ideals of Womanhood in Victorian Britain from the BBC gender in 19th Century Britain the role of women gender and morality   The Fight of the Suffragettes in America from   The Fight for the Vote in Britain   Emma Watson Speech at the UN He for She Campaign   Advertising : fighting stereotypes … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: AMC1°_1-1-Production and circulation of knowledge, AMC1°_2-1-Being heard, AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, AMCT°_1-2-Public and individual freedoms, AMCT°_1-3-Equalities and inequalities, AMCT°_3-1-Power and influence, AMCT°_3-2-Rivalries and interdependencies, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-2. Private Space & Public Space, B1B2-5. Fictions & Realities, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion, LLCE1°_2-3-Confrontation to difference, LLCET°_2-1-Expressing emotions, LLCET°_2-2-Self-representation | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Women, their roles and their fights

Sports can Unite a Nation

Nelson Mandela’s speech (Listen) & Olympic Games values   As we can read in the speech of Nelson Mandela, sport can be an exchange between countries and people. Like during the Olympic Games, peoples are united together in the same place to play or watch a game. They can talk together and create links whatever … Continuer la lecture »

Catégories: A2B1-5. Sport & Society, AMC1°_2-3-Representing the world and oneself, AMCT°_1-1-Unity and plurality, AMCT°_3-3-Common inheritance and diversity, B1B2-1. Identities & Exchanges, B1B2-7. Diversity & Inclusion | Tags: , , , , , , , | Commentaires fermés sur Sports can Unite a Nation