The Gulf War

Vous trouverez ci-joint le cours d’Histoire Euro sur la Guerre du Golfe, son diaporama ainsi que les videos à regarder. Il est indiqué dans le fichier doc à quel moment du plan les regarder et les questions sur 2 videos à faire, sur le discours de Bush et le reportage sur la Highway of Death

Gulf War

Gulf War

Pour le contexte et le résumé général de la Guerre :



in 3 minutes



George Bush’s Speech ont the beginning of the War


The Gulf War’s firts air strikes


George Bush’s Speech ont the end of the War


The Highway of Death


TRAHOT Laureen

Discours Bush:
1) The president say that Kuweit, a member of united states is crushed by Iraq. Five months ago saddam hussein started destroyed kuweit so he showed that it’s necessary to defend this country and the night of this speech, bush announce United States join us in a military action with many others countries. Bush justify the war saying Saddam hussein makes horrible things, he is wrong over and over again, because of him the inhabitants of koweit suffer from unspeakable atrocity, there are too much of a murdered innocents children, Iraq uses dangerous weapons of mass destruction. Moreover, system of Iraq is negative for the entire world including economy. So Bush wants send mass forces in koweit, he hopes a new world order for the new generations.

2) The americains want Saddam Hussein’s forces leave from koweit; Bush says kuweit’s army will be restaured and will once again be free; Bush fights for security and stability of the gulf so Iraq must to withdraw from kuweit (thanks to the coalition forces: for that United States collaborate with United Nations), Bush hopes this intervention will be short and the casualties will be minimal, the objective is the liberation of Kuweit, he say that Irag must allows people to go home and be with their families he doesn’t want a world lawless and lawlessness.

3)Bush insists in the importance of justice, security, kind, family and peace (he wants a new world order for better world).

The highway of death:
1/ The coalition force attacked and killed thousands Iraqi in the convoy, civilians and soldiers, on the road named Highway of death in the desert. We see a lot of cars and tracks destroyed and many humans are lying on the ground.
2/ In the video Merrick Krause say that theses actions on this road are a revenge for the Kuweit, the objectif is that the Iraqi army withdraw.
3/ It can be considered as a crime of war because the United Nations coalition is bigger than Iraqi. Moreover, they attacked by aircraft on the ground so Iraqi can’t defend themselves because the American attack using mass arms.

1/ The United Nation played the role of mediator, the goal is the international peace and the resolution of conflicts using minimum of force so it’s based of negotiations and diplomacy thanks to the Security council who votes for charters.
2/ This resolution perfectly illustrate the expression carrot and stick because if Iraq respect the resolution 660 the United Nations offer a final opportunity however, if Iraq doesn’t respect this chartre, United Nations allow Kuweit to use any means to restore peace.
3/ The principals arguments are international peace, justice and security.

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