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exception pédagogique et droit d’auteur

Exception pédagogique au droit d’auteur — Éducnet

26 mar 2008 Cette exception pédagogique n’entrera entre en vigueur qu’au 1er janvier 2009. Pour couvrir la période 2006-2009, le ministère de
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Historical and technical aspects


Titanic : the last survivor dies the very day the ship was launched…

Stern View

Final view of Titanic on No.3 slip just prior to her launch, timed for 12.15pm on 31 May 1911

Last Titanic survivor dies at 97


Millvina Dean was just weeks old when the liner sank

The last survivor of the sinking of the Titanic has died aged 97.

Millvina Dean was nine weeks old when the liner sank after hitting an iceberg in the early hours of 15 April 1912, on its maiden voyage from Southampton.

The disaster resulted in the deaths of 1,517 people in the north Atlantic, largely due to a lack of lifeboats.

Miss Dean, who remembered nothing of the fateful journey, died on Sunday at the care home in Hampshire where she lived, two of her friends told the BBC.

Her family had been travelling in third class to America, where they hoped to start a new life and open a tobacconist’s shop in Kansas City.

Miss Dean’s mother, Georgetta, and two-year-old brother, Bert, also survived, but her father, Bertram, was among those who perished when the vessel sank.

If it hadn’t been for the ship going down, I’d be an American
Millvina Dean

The family returned to Southampton, where Miss Dean went on to spend most of her life.

Despite having no memories of the disaster, she always said it had shaped her life, because she should have grown up in the US instead of returning to the UK.

She was fond of saying: “If it hadn’t been for the ship going down, I’d be an American.”

In 1985 the site of the wreck was discovered and, in her 70s, she found herself unexpectedly in demand on both sides of the Atlantic.

“I think sometimes they look on me as if I am the Titanic!” she said after a visit to a Titanic convention in America. “Honestly, some of them are quite weird about it.”


But she never tired of telling her story.

“Oh not at all. I like it, because everyone makes such a fuss of me! And I have travelled to so many places because of it, meeting all the people. Oh I wouldn’t get tired of it. I’m not the type.”

Millvina Dean and her mother

Millvina Dean in her mother’s arms a few weeks after the disaster

But she was unimpressed when divers started to explore the wreck, located 3,000m below the surface of the Atlantic, saying: “I don’t believe in people going to see it. I think it’s morbid. I think it’s horrible.”

According to BBC South transport correspondent Paul Clifton, she refused to watch James Cameron’s epic film of the disaster, starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo diCaprio, fearing it would be too upsetting.

But in the last years of her life, she began struggling with monthly bills of £3,000 at her care home and had been in danger of losing her room.

She began selling some of her Titanic-related mementoes to raise funds, and in April a canvas bag from her rescue was sold at auction for £1,500. It was bought by a man from London who immediately returned it to her.

Actors Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, who appeared in the 1998 movie Titanic, also contributed towards her care costs, along with the film’s director James Cameron, by donating to the Millvina Fund which was set up by her friends.

882ft by 92ft, 46,328 tonnes – largest vessel afloat at time
2,223 passengers and crew left Southampton on 10 April 1912
Struck iceberg, sank in two hrs 40 mins at 0220 GMT on 15 April
1,517 killed, 706 survived
Total lifeboat capacity: 1,178 but ship could carry up to 3,547
Survival rates by ticket class – first: 60%, second: 44%, third: 25%, crew: 24%

John White, managing director of exhibition company White Star Memories, and organiser of the Millvina Fund campaign said Miss Dean was always “very supportive”.

She travelled to exhibitions around the country and took the time to sign autographs and write personal messages for adults and children.

“She was a lovely supportive lady and very kind-hearted,” Mr White told BBC News website.

International Titanic Society President Charles Haas, from Randolph, New Jersey, met Miss Dean on numerous occasions and described her as an “effervescent person with a wonderful sense of humour”.

“It is truly the end of an era,” he said.

“She was a truly remarkable woman. She had a marvellous approach to life. It is almost as if God gave her the gift and she really took advantage of it.”

David Lawrence, from the Nomadic Preservation Society, was a friend of Miss Dean and said he was “very sad” to hear the news.

“She was very sharp-minded and very sprightly. One of those people who could make a whole room laugh with a story,” he said.

Youngest passenger

Built in Belfast, the White Star Line vessel became infamous for not having enough lifeboats onboard, leading to the deaths of many passengers.

Elizabeth Gladys Dean, better known as Millvina, was the Titanic’s youngest passenger, born on 2 February 1912.

Another baby on board, Barbara Joyce West, was nearly 11 months old when the liner sank. She also survived.

Barbara Joyce Dainton, as she became when she married, died in October 2007, leaving Miss Dean the last Titanic survivor.

Poetry 5°6 écriture inter-active

Number one:

there is a tree under the mountain
a mountain in the sky!

There is a ladybird on the flower
It is black and red, isn’t it?

There are lovers on the picture
A girl is holding a boy’s hand
and the boy is holding the girl’s hand
Aren’t they lovely?

Number two:

Can you guess?
Can you guess?

What have I got in my sleeve?
One trick? Two tricks?
More than one or two!
In my sleeve, I’ve got one thousand tricks
to keep people happy, smiling and wise!

Number three

Have you seen the…?
Have you seen the…?
The what?
Have you seen the squirrel
jumping here and there
with its nutty food?
No, I haven’t!

Have you seen the sheep [i:]
selling cheap[i:] chips [i]
on the cheap[i:] ship?[i]
Yes, I have!

So much luck, so much luck!
How lucky you are!
So much luck!
So much luck!
How lucky we are!

Number four:

One upon a time, there was a young boy who was selling shells on the seashore
There was also a young girl selling shells on the seashore
They decided to look after each other’s business
They thrived and thrived and thrived [ai]
They made a lot of money
… But guess what… they eventually fell in love, didn’t they?
I can’t believe your funny story, can I?

Of course, you can!

Ireland and Book of Kells

The  Secret of Kells (film)


Webquest (adapted from the original site)

Names : _________________________________________________

Your name is Sean O’Connell. You are Irish-American. You live  in Chicago and come to Ireland for the first time with your family to discover your roots.

I)                   First of all, you decide to learn a bit about the HISTORY of Ireland to understand your roots.

1)      Your family moved to America because of the Great Famine. You explain to your family what it is and when it occurred.

The Great Famine is also called ___________________ . It is a famine that took place in _______________ between _______ and ________. It was due to a disease that instantly destroyed the _________________________ for many Irish. The famine has other causes : __________________________________________________________________________. It is suggested that between ___________ and ____________________ people died in the three years from 1846 to 1849 as a result of ____________________, which was about _____% of the population. Many people also emigrated to _____________________________________________________________________.

2)      Now, your family asks you why Ireland is mostly Catholic, whereas Great Britain is mostly protestant.

James, a Roman __________, had lost the throne of _________ in the bloodless war called  “_________________” of 16___. William won the war. He was ______ of ___________, a Protestant married to ____________________, and became king of Great Britain, so the country became p_________. James sought refuge with his old ally, , who saw an opportunity to strike at William through Ireland. He provided French officers and arms Louis XIV of _______ helped James to control _________, in 16___. James quickly created a parliament, largely __________, refusing Protestantism.

3)      When did Ireland become a free state ? ________

4)      As you walk in a pub, you hear the song “Bloody Sunday” by U2. It is a famous historical event. Explain what it is in your own words.


You can watch a live of the song and read the lyrics.

II) You decide to visit the country and learn a bit about the GEOGRAPHY of Ireland.

Ireland is  divided in ____  parts. _______________________ is the biggest part. Its capital city is _______________. ____________________ is part of _________________. Its capital city is _______________ .

1)      Write the correct names on top of each photograph (type the names in “Google images”) : Dublin, Giant’s Causeway, Cork, Connemara region.

2)      Now, locate them on the map of Ireland. Print the blank map and write them on it.

3)      Locate the main towns and cities on a  map: Dublin, Belfast, Galway, Cork, Limerick, Wicklow, Donegal, Wexford, Kilamey.

Which photo and city is in Northern Ireland ? ___________________________________

III) Now, you go with your family to a typical Irish pub to discover the typical FOOD and DRINKS of Ireland.

1)      You order a Colcannon and an Irish stew for you and your family.

What are the two main ingredients of the Colcannon ? ___________________ and kale (=___________).

Explain the tradition.__________________________________________________________


What are the main ingredients of the Irish stew ? ___________________________________________________________________________

Which one would you prefer ? __________________________________________________

2)      Now, you order a drink.

What is the most famous Irish beer ? ___________________

What colour is it ? _______________________


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