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Yearly Archives: 2009


Arthur Conan Doyle

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Arthur Conan Doyle was born in 1859 in Edinburgh in Scotland. He wrote the first detective story in 1887, A study in Scarlet when he was 28 years old.

He created Sherlock Holmes 4 years later in 1891 and wrote historic books too.

Then he became Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the tenth of August 1902. He eventually died [ai] at the age of 71.

New Year’s resolutions!

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2009 resolutions.

I must be polite [ai] with my mother!

I will be friendly with my friends!

I will be nice with my family!

I must not /mustn’t annoy my brother!

I must protect the environment!

I must register and vote!

I must go in 3eme

I will not / won’t watch TV

I must say hello to people I usually avoid

I must learn my vocabulary

I will practise sport regularly!

I will go for a walk once a week!

I will not/won’t play with video games!

I have to help my mother !

I have to be good at maths!

adapted from Colors by Kira Willey

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Adapted from Kira Willey… Colors !

Hello… I am happy… today !

Smiling like the sunshine

I am black today

as black as a black cat

and as dark as hair

I am red today

as red as blood

and an angry tiger and a mad lion

I am yellow today

as yellow as the sun

I am depressed today

I feel depressed today

as grey as fog and mist

as purple as a scar

I am tired today

I feel dead today

as heavy as stones

head in the fog

head in the mist

i am amazed today

like a firework in the sky

I am orange today

as orange as orange juice

I am blue today

as blue as the sea

I am grey today

as grey as a rabit

i am a rainbow today

as colourful as a smile

I am purple today

as purple as a toy

I am green today

as green as vegetables and leeks

I am blue today

as blue as the sky and as the sea

I am unhappy today

as a black toad waiting for the rain

I am purple today

as purple as a violet

as purple as a poor daisy flower

as a poor pear

as a poor princess

I am yellow today

as yellow as the sun

I am quik today

as quick as Quinky the horse

I am good at work today

as good as a galloping horse

I am a rainbow today

as a multi-colored flag

as a clever magician with a wand !



as a wealthy witch/wizard with a wonderful wand !

As a weird wizard with a weird wand !

As a white web in a white light


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Hey, we've got to do something!

2. Know what damage you’re doing and get to be an expert! It’s not muchCarbon Control website use trying to change something if you’re part of the problem or you don’t understand what it’s all about!
Why not start by finding out what
your Carbon Footprint is. (My friend Jasmine wrote to suggest this!) What’s a Carbon Footprint? You can easily work out what your carbon footprint is with Carbon Control’s Carbonator.
If you feel you need to find out more about global warming, try some of my links. And watch out: Don’t believe all you read or see. Not everybody tells the truth!

Many grown up people are getting worried too

3. Why drive when you can walk?! If your family has a car, get them to use it less. Walk to the shops. Walking, running, skipping are all much more fun than sitting in a boring un-cool car. If you need to travel further than you can walk, use a bus, metro or train if you can.

Cars=pollution=climate change

4. Make your own climate!

  • Turn the heating down in winter. If you’re cold, wear more clothes!
  • Turn the air conditioning down in summer or use a fan.

Tip from Tiki, one cool penguin who is also hotHot tip from a cool penguin
When it’s hot, dress cool;
When it’s cool, dress hot!

Wrap up warm when you're cold, a hot tip from Tiki

5. Shop locally: If you can, buy your food from local farm shops and try and avoid imported goods. Or get your family to join a veg box scheme. Trucks and planes bringing in food and stuff from other countries, or from distant parts of your own country, use huge amounts of fuel. buying local food
6. Travelling light: Don’t travel long distances unless you really have to. Particularly try and avoid using aeroplanes and big, gas-guzzling cars like SUVs. See if your friends and parents could holiday locally

Avoid air travel if you can

7. Get your parents to change their driving habits… and their car. Cars guzzle fuel, but they use much less if people drive them gently and keep below speed limits. Big SUVs make about six times their own weight in CO2 each year. A small efficient diesel car covering the same distance not only uses much less fuel; it makes two thirds less CO2.

driving fast means you get to traffic jams faster

8. Solar energy is free: see if you can get your parents and friends interested in free solar wind turbinesenergy — that’s energy from the sun and wind. You can get much of your hot water and heating from the sun and even generate electricity. And it’s exciting building all these things. If you live in a windy place, a wind turbine – also called ‘windmill’- really is a serious option. More and more people are installing them and more and more companies are producing well-designed, sturdy machines. Generating your own power is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Solar energy is free

9. Eating: Learn to cook! Home cooking is not only fun, it means you don’t have to drive to a takeaway or fast food restaurant. Result? Less pollution. If you make a garden, you can grow much of your own food. Did you know that if you eat fewer meat and dairy products, you can reduce greenhouse gas output? (Here’s why.) And composting your waste food means it doesn’t have to be trucked away to a landfill waste dump where it will cause more pollution including methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. [why doesn’t composting make methane?] Some Cool Kids – aged between 11 and 14 in San Diego, California, USA – are fighting against global warming in a really smart way. They’ve made a website which explains why eating much less meat is so important. It’s a great site so please take a look. You can join them and commit to eating less meat!

Learn to cook. It's fun and tasty.

Waste not, want not: Tiki's compost heap

10. Reduce, reuse, recycle: Remember your three Rs!

  • Reduce: the most important. If you don’t buy so much stuff in the first place, then you don’t need to reuse or recycle it.
  • Reuse whatever you can (like plastic supermarket bags). If you can’t reuse something,
  • Recycle it!

this kid recycles her toys

11. Turn off and shut it!

  • Turning things off may seem a boring turn-off hee hee!Tiki makes joke. But leaving lights, heating, air conditioning, computers, TVs and stuff on when you don’t need them wastes a lot of energy. Turning them off saves money too!
  • “Put t’ wood in t’ ‘ole” if it’s warm in one room and cold in another. The door helps keep the heat in.
  • Leaving things on standby (like TVs, computers and stuff) also uses a surprising amount of energy. See more of my cartoons about this!

Switch off and save money!

12. Psst!Tiki's DQT secret Don’t keep this a secret: the future is DTQs
Eh?!? What?!? This is one cool secret which no one seems to know about so you really must tell everyone! Don’t be put off if you don’t know what DTQs are; I didn’t either. But they look like the best way to stop global warming and energy shortages. So get your head round DTQs here and then be sure to tell everyone! Way to go…

Domestic Tradable Quotas: a cool idea whose time has come

What has Europe ever done for us?

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European day of languages

Today’s date:

Friday, September 26th 2008

What is special today? present

At eight o’clock, we listened to some music.

What was it like? What sort of music was it?

Was it pop music?

Was it rock?

Was it jazz?

Was c’est la forme de to be au passé (prétérit)

It was not rock and roll. It was not jazz. It was not pop music.

It was not rap. It was not hip hop.

It was classical music.

Bethoven Hymne à la joie. Symphonie n° 9

Did you like this music?

Yes, I did.

It is nice! It is smashing! (chouette)

It was nice! It was smashing!

No, I didn’t.

It is not my cup of tea! ( ce n’est pas mon style)

It was not my cup of tea!

It was boring!

What is the 9th of May famous for?

The 9th of May is famous for the feast of Europe and its creation.

How many countries are there in the European Union?

There are 27 countries in the European Union.

When was it created? Who was it created ?

It was created in 1950 by J.Monet and R.Schumann after the Second World War (WWII)

What is the most important aspect of the European Union ?

The most important aspect (issue) of the E.-U is the building-up of peace.There are no more wars in Europe between the countries which are members!


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