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Yearly Archives: 2011


L’enfant sauvage The wild child by François Truffaut





The wild child

What  can he do?


What can’t he do?


What does he like?


What doesn’t he like?


He can swim .

He can’t swim.

He can walk.

He can’t walk.

He can run.

He can’t run.

He can’t ride a bicycle.

He can read.

He can’t read.

He can eat with a fork and a knife.

He can’t eat with a fork.

He  likes eating  potatoes.

He also likes eating fruit and vegetables.

He can get dressed.

He can’t get dressed.

He likes wearing clothes.

He doesn’t like wearing clothes.

He likes the company of Madame Guérin.

He doesn’t like the company of Me Guérin.

 Your opinion about this great  film:

It is funny when he knocks at the windows. He is funny when he is in the wheelbarrow. The end is a happy end for Victor.”


Mélanie: “I liked the film a lot. I enjoyed the film because there are monologues but no suspense.”


“Estelle loved the film the wild child because he hasn’t got a family.”


“Benjamin loves the film the wild child. It is very sad and inspiring.”


Michaël: ” I liked the film a lot because it is funny !”


Alexandre: ” I liked the film but I didn’t like Victor’s fits.”


Hasan likes the film but thinks that the child is strange.


Nathan: ” I like the movie The wild child.

He likes drinking water in the river the forest,

he likes running and animals but

Victor doesn’t like school !

I like when Victor is in the wheelbarrow because it’s funny. I think it’s a great movie.”

Mix it up tree For a Mix it up day:-)

Projet transversal Classes européennes du Lycée Xavier Marmier de Pontarlier

  et Classes du Collège Lucie Aubrac de Doubs

Responsable pédagogique arts plastiques:  Marie-Eve Mougel, Collège Lucie Aubrac

en lien avec la Municipalité de la ville de Pontarlier





Cria Cuervos by Carlos Saura 3°7

Thursday, November 17th (seventeenth)

Cria Cuervos     by      Carlos Saura

  • What is it about? (De quoi ça parle? Quel est le sujet?

  • -What do you think about  the film? What is your viewpoint?

It is about a little girl who is acting very strangely.

To act strangely= agir de manière étrange

  • She thinks about death.

  • She regularly thinkS  about death : l’adverbe de fréquence se place avant le verbe

  • She asks Rosana to show her breasts.

  • She says she doesn’t want to wear a bra.

To show= montrer

death= la mort

to think about= penser à

to ask= demander

breasts= seins

to want to= vouloir

to wear = porter ( vêtements)


T. liked the music more than the film. ( plus la musique que le film)

F. liked the burial.(l’enterrement)

I liked the passage when she discovers her father.

To discover= découvrir

K. liked the music as well (aussi).

T. liked the passage when the father dies.

He liked it because it is strange and scary!

C.  liked the film but didn’t like the little girl who is acting in a strange way.

Cl.‘s viewpoint= le point de vue de Clémentine

She didn’t like the film because there is no action.

L.  didn’t like the song.

She thinks that the little girl acts very well but is frightening.

Frightening= qui fait peur

Laura‘s viewpoint and Cédric‘s viewpoint are different.

Ici on utilise le cas possessif dit encore cas génitif.

Océane didn’t like the film because it was in Spanish.

It is too sad.









1-    Who was Norman Rockwell ?



2-   When was he born ?




3-   When did he die ?




4-   How long did his career last ?




5-   How did he become famous ?




6-   What did he do when he was 21 ?




7-   How many covers did Rockwell paint for the Post ?




8-   What were his favourite subjects ?




9-   What was Rockwell’s style ?




10- Do you like his style ?






1-    What sort of document is this ?




2-   Where does the scene take place ?




3-   When does the the scene take place ?




4-   Can you describe the scene

  • In the back ground :




  • On the right :




  • On the left




  • In the bottom right-hand corner





  • On the table





  • Right in the middle





6-What is the atmosphere of the room ? Why ?






7- Can you explain why the title of this document is  “Freedom from Want”






8- Write a commentary on this painting using the answers to the questions :

(write it on another sheet of paper)




1-    What do you know about Thanksgiving ?




2- When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated ?



3- When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated ?



4- What happened on this occasion ?




5- When was Thanksgiving declared a national holiday ? _________________________________________________________________


6- What is the meaning of Thanksgiving today ?




7- Why is “Freedom from Want” used to illustrate Thanksgiving Day ?



Mix it up day:-) ! 3°7

I for interesting information

I love you !


M for main information


A for amazing  informationin April

G for general  information

Good prospects


I for interesting information

I love you !


N for   information on a notice-board


E for extraordinary  information

Every day, I love you, every day!


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