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Like + base verbale +ing 

He likes singing.

He likes dancing.

She likes reading.

He likes writing and drawing.

He likes playing video games.

He likes listening to music.

He likes running.

He likes relaxing and doing nothing.

He likes resting.

She likes working.

She likes writing.

Superwoman is flying with [i] her car.

She is carrying her car and she is also flying.

Superwoman has got long, blond hair.

She is slim and tall. [o:]

Her eyes [ai] are blue.

She is wearing a strange suit.


Her suit is blue.

She is wearing a strange blue suit for flying.[ai]

She is under the red car.

Groundhog Day on the 2nd of February

Groundhog Day takes place on the first or the second of February




A1-A2 Ici et ailleurs, modernités et traditions.

Where does it take place?


What  can you see?


What can you hear?


 What are people wearing?


 What’s the name of the  famous groundhog?


 What can it predict?


  Who are the members?


  Do you like this tradition?


 My toolbox of words:

top hats and a congregation of gentlemen

a suit= un costume

a tuxedo= une queue de pie

a tie=une cravate

a bow =noeud papillon

to wear = porter un vêtement

smart and traditional clothes,

it is freezing cold!

the shadow=l’ombre, many people, a lot of people,

the weather= le temps météorologique

a weather forecast= un bulletin météorologique

the best weather forecast, the dream, dreamers

very traditional

to see its own shadow =voir la projection de son ombre

funny and pleasant, to announce spring, to announce winter,

a very likeable animal

it is part and parcel of traditions=

one president= notre président

the tree-trunk= le tronc d’arbre

the hole= trou

to sleep=

to be sleeping=

to like folklore, not to like folklore,

to like and enjoy dreams and dreamers


Groundhogs are able to climb trees to escape.

The etymology of the name woodchuck is unrelated to wood or chucking. It stems from an Algonquian (possibly Narragansett) name for the animal, wuchak. The similarity between the words has led to the common tongue-twister:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could

if a woodchuck could chuck wood![12]

[edit] In popular culture

  • One of Robert Frost‘s best known poems is “A Drumlin Woodchuck,” in which he uses the imagery of a woodchuck dug in to a small ridge as a metaphor for his emotional reticence.
  • A woodchuck figures prominently in the movie Groundhog Day.

Gustave Courbet and portraits

Beginning of Looking for Eric by Ken Loach








Camera Angles: Close-Ups and Long Shots

How can you communicate your vision on the screen?

establishing shotlong shotmedium shotover-the-shoulder shotclose-up


Establishing shot
A shot, normally taken from a great distance or from a “bird’s eye view,” that establishes where the action is about to occur. In your science-fiction movie, you will probably need an establishing shot of the Paris skyline, most likely one that shows the Eiffel Tower. This will communicate to the audience that the action takes place in Paris.

Long shot
A shot that shows a scene from a distance (but not as great a distance as the establishing shot). A long shot is used to stress the environment or setting of a scene. In filming your science-fiction movie, for example, you might use a long shot to show the monster causing traffic jams and panicked crowds.

Medium shot
A shot that frames actors, normally from the waist up. The medium shot can be used to focus attention on an interaction between two actors, such as a struggle, debate, or embrace.

Over-the-shoulder shot
A shot of one actor taken from over the shoulder of another actor. An over-the-shoulder shot is used when two characters are interacting face-to-face. Filming over an actor’s shoulder focuses the audience’s attention on one actor at a time in a conversation, rather than on both.

A shot taken at close range, sometimes only inches away from an actor’s face, a prop, or some other object. The close-up is designed to focus attention on an actor’s expression, to give significance to a certain object, or to direct the audience to some other important element of the film. In your monster movie, you might use a close-up of the monster’s teeth or claws to show how ferocious it is, or decide to zoom in on a frightened passerby to illustrate his or her fear.

Back to: “Directing
  1. About the beginning of the film:


I underline in blue what I can hear I underline in red what I can see


cars hooting- a busy road and people driving on the motorway- a man in his car – a close-up on his hands on the steering wheel- a motorway- blue and red cars- a Peugeot – a man driving on the wrong side of the road- an accident- the noise of an accident- a lot of noise – a car crash- a hospital- a man in a hospital- words and letters appearing as dribble in a football match- a man who is lying on a bed in a hospital- a man who wants to go back to work- a man who doesn’t want to go back to work- a man who is afraid of being late for work- a lot of different cars – drivers driving on the wrong side of the road


    1. True or False or We can’t tell


– football as a philosophy of life

– unity and united people

– a love story

  • a man who is depressed and has a car accident
  • Eric Cantona and Eric Bishop are friends
  • Eric Bishop is imitating Eric Cantona
  • Eric Bishop needs a coach for his on life
  • Eric Bishop has a love affair with football
  • Eric Bishop is having problems

Raymond Aubrac, Jean Moulin and History




Raymond Aubrac with wife Lucie Bernard 

Jean Moulin

Jean Moulin
  • Son of a history professor
  • Rapidly ascended Civil Service to become France’s youngest prefect (regional administrator)
  • Extreme left-wing politics
  • Arrested in June 1940 by Gestapo and tortured
  • Dismissed by Vichy government for refusing to sack all elected officials with left-wing views
  • Smuggled out of France in 1941 to meet De Gaulle in London
  • Parachuted back to France in Jan 1942 to organise Resistance movement
  • Betrayed in June 1943, tortured and died






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