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* * * November 12th and 13th * * *

A2-B1 co-ee-eo-ioe
Je réponds aux questions

What is the title of the film?
Ambitious, Ambition

How many characters are there in the film?
Two persons: a man and a woman
many people

What can you see?
Trees and rivers, houses and people,
lakes and animals, water, roads and highways,
skyscrapers and buildings, offices, stars and comets,
planets, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, Rosetta, the probe,
sand, rocks and dust, stones,
Enough! Walk with me!
Perhaps we should find you something a little less challenging!

I don’t undertsand !
I’ve planned everything
Let me do it again!

Once upon a time…


This is a good one, I promise
What is the key to life on earth?

A long time the origin of water and life on the planet
the underearth
For a long time the origins of water and indeed life on our home planet remained an absolute mystery. So we began searching for answers beyond Earth. “Where could all this water have come from?” In time we turned to comets, one trillion celestial balls of ice, dust, complex molecules, left over from the birth of our Solar System
Once thought of as messengers of doom and destruction and yet so enchanting, if we were to catch one, A staggeringly ambitious plan

Are you talking about the Rosetta mission?

Throw me the probe
So many things could’ve gone wrong
A failure at launch, an error in the calculations, collisions, so many unknowns With the technology we had back then, we may as well have been shooting from a slingshot. and tell me, what was it all for?


Yes, but we also wanted to show what was possible.

I know all this from the archives. There were bigger missions after

Yes, it was the first one to catch a comet
Nothing has changed
we fall
we pick ourselves up again
and we adapt

I was watching you earlier you did everything right I destroyed your rock and see how you would react

Nicely done!
Let’s begin!


European Space Agency
rendezvous with a comet


How Rosetta is turning science fiction into science fact. Ambition, the film, starring Aiden Gillen (Game of Thrones), Aisling Franciosi and ESA Rosetta. Screened on 24 October during the British Film Institute’s celebration of Sci-Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder.













Rosetta is speaking to Philae:
Wake up! We’ve got work to do!
Are you ready?
Philae: Yes, I am! Let’s go! (Let us go!)
Comet (in the distance) :

Hurry up! I can’t wait.
I am so happy to have visitors.

Are you ready? I can’t hear you! Speak up, please!
Have you got a problem, Philae?

No, I haven’t but I am very cold and it is dark!
Comet (in the distance):
What ‘s your name ?


My name is Rosetta.
I am famous in Egypt and in the British Museum .
My name is Philae. My name comes from an island on the Nile in Egypt. I’ve got a bilingual stone, a deciphering stone on my island in Egypt. I can help you, I can read and I can decipher for you! It sounds great!
Comet (in the distance):
I am looking forward to meeting you!
Il me tarde de vous rencontrer, au plaisir de vous rencontrer,au plaisir de faire connaissance

Rosetta and Philae:
We are so happy! It is a great journey.

We are so lucky!We’ve got a song for you!
See you soon, little baboon! [U:]

In a while [AI] crocodile!  [AI]

Later, little otter!
Bye, bye…[AI]


Peux-tu faire ce questionnaire?







Name: Rosetta

To rendezvous with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko where it will study the nucleus of the comet and its environment for nearly two years, and land a probe on its surface.

Launch date: 2 March 2004

Journey milestones:
1st Earth gravity assist: 4 March 2005
Mars gravity assist: 25 February 2007
2nd Earth gravity assist: 13 November 2007
Asteroid Steins flyby: 5 September 2008
3rd Earth gravity assist: 13 November 2009
Asteroid Lutetia flyby: 10 July 2010
Enter deep space hibernation: 8 June 2011
Exit deep space hibernation: 20 January 2014
Comet rendezvous manoeuvres: May – August 2014
Arrival at comet: 6 August 2014
Philae lander delivery: November 2014
Closest approach to Sun: 13 August 2015

Mission end: 31 December 2015

Launch vehicle: Ariane-5 G+

Launch mass: Orbiter: 2900 kg (including 1670 kg propellant and 165 kg science payload); Lander (Philae): 100 kg

Dimensions: Orbiter: 2.8 x 2.1 x 2.0 m with two 14 metre long solar panels


Partnerships:  The lander is provided by a European consortium headed by the German Aerospace Research Institute (DLR). Other members of the consortium are ESA, CNES and institutes from Austria, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, and the United Kingdom.

Primary mission objectives:
– Undertake a lengthy exploration of a comet at close quarters to watch how it is transformed by the warmth of the Sun along its elliptical orbit
– Land a probe on a comet’s nucleus for in-situ analysis


Rosetta mission facts:
– Rosetta gets its name from the famous Rosetta stone that led to the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics almost 200 years ago.
– Rosetta’s original target was comet 46P/Wirtanen, but after postponement of the initial launch a new target was set:

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
– Rosetta was the first spacecraft to fly close to Jupiter’s orbit using only solar cells as its main power source.
– Rosetta will be the first spacecraft to orbit a comet and land on its surface
– The Philae lander is named for the island in the river Nile on which an obelisk was found that had a bilingual inscription that enabled the hieroglyphs of the Rosetta Stone to be deciphered.


Rosetta Stone
Je recopie les questions:


What is the Rosetta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it. It was created in 196 BC;


How big is the Rosetta Stone?

The Stone is 114.4 centimeters (45 in) high at its tallest point, 72.3 centimeters (28.5 in) wide, and 27.9 centimeters (11 in) thick. It weighs approximately 760 kilograms (1,676 lb);


Why is it called the Rosetta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone is named after the town it was discovered in, a town called Rosetta, on the Mediterranean coast in Egypt.


What writing was on the Rosetta stone?

The text is made up of three translations of a single passage, written in two Egyptian language scripts (hieroglyphic and Demotic), and in classical Greek.


What does the Rosetta stone say?

The Rosetta Stone is thought to have been written by a group of priests in Egypt to honour the Egyptian pharaoh. It lists all of the good things that the pharaoh has done for the priests and the people of Egypt.


When was the Rosetta Stone found?

The Rosetta Stone was found in 1799.


Who found the Rosetta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone was found by French soldiers who were rebuilding a fort at Rosetta, a harbour on the Mediterranean coast in Egypt.


How long did it take to decode the Rosetta Stone?

For twenty years scholars tried to decode the slab.





In Flanders Fields 1915

World War I  poem








In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead.

Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If yOU  break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.





WWI react ! 


The torch; be yours to hold it high.


If you break faith with us who die


We shall not sleep, though poppies grow


In Flanders fields.


Dans les champs de Flandre, les coquelicots fleurissent
entre les rangées de croix qui marquent notre place
Et dans le ciel, malgré le rugissement des canons
L’on perçoit encore le chant des courageuses alouettes.


Nous sommes les Morts  et pourtant quelques jours auparavant
Nous regardions l’aurore poindre et le soleil rougir en
Se couchant. Nous avons aimé  et étions aimés et aujourd’hui
Nous gisons dans les champs de Flandre.


Reprenez notre combat contre l’ennemi:
De nos mains qui chancellent, nous vous confions
Le flambeau qui sera vôtre et que vous tiendrez haut.


Si vous ne croyez plus en nous qui mourrons, jamais nous
Ne retrouverons le repos dans les Champs de Flandre
Où  fleurissent les coquelicots


(Traduction adaptée )

*** Thanksgiving and My friend White Cloud ****





IMG_0478Pumpkin recipe 



IMG_0185blackfoot-searchers-on-the-gallatin1The weather by Danaé

Thanksgiving is an American ——– celebrated each year in the USA on the ——- Thursday of ———–.

This year, Thanksgiving is on the ——- of November.
On Thanksgiving, people have a special ——- with their ———. They eat roast ——- with ——– sauce and ——– pie.
In 1620, the ——– came from England aboard the ——- and they settled in Plymouth.

At first, life was very hard but the ——- helped them to plant ——, to —– turkeys, to pick up berries. That’s why the Pilgrims —— Squanto and his friends to share a big dinner.

It was the first ——-.

It was in —-

*** In class 6° ***

Je salue la classe!

–  Good morning class!

– Good morning teacher!

 Stand up, please!

 How are you?

– I am fine, thanks!  We are fine thanks!

What about you?

– Sit down, please!



Good morning : pour le matin

Good afternoon: pour l’après-midi

Good evening= pour la soirée

Good night: pour la nuit

What’s the weather like today?

The weather by Danaé

Drawing by Danae


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