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Looking for Eric by Ken Loach -under construction-Collège et cinéma



1)Underline 5  similarities between Ken Loach’s life and work  and Gustave Courbet’ s life and work.

2)Choose 5 sentences or more and ask as many questions as you can.



Gustave Courbet was born in  La  Vallée de la Loue (Loue Valley) in Franche-Comté on June 10th 1819 .He studied in Besançon and Paris. His family wanted him to study law but he preferred drawing and painting. He spent a lot of his time in museums copying a huge amount of paintings and eventually stopped studying law. He was politically involved in La Commune and was attributed the destruction of La Colonne Vandôme.

He liked saying “Courbet sans les courbettes”.It means that he was a very straightforward person with a lot of  personality- at times, too much!He wrote many interesting pamphlets and letters to explain his viewpoints  about painting. He didn’t want to work for the Académie des Beaux-Arts and refused any type of promotion linked to the government because he wanted to be a free “thinker”.

He had a son who  died when he was 25 years old .

He was condemned by the French government and put in prison.  He died in exile in Switzerland on December 31st 1877. The debate about his responsibility or the absence of responsibility in the destruction of the Column is  still going on.

His painting has the realism of every day life:

-people  at work

-people coming back from a burial

-ordinary people  at a burial

-hunting scenes with realistic details

-ordinary people by the riverside

-nudes  with realistic details

-portraits and landscapes of his region

The common key-word and denominator between the two  people is  r e a l i s m .


Ken Loach was born on June 17th 1936. He started studying law  and eventually became a comedian. He is interested in shooting films and documentaries about  daily life.He becomes  the reference for “docudrama”, a mixture of fiction and documentaries.

He wants to show the difficulties of people in today’s world. The words  which best sum up his work are= dark and gloomy, depressive  and depressed, depression,  gloominess and darkness.

He usually resorts to ordinary people rather than real actors.

He likes shooting films about the working-classes.
  Kes (1969)  is a film about a young boy who trains a kestrel in an ordinary working-class family with very ordinary people.


-cinema as a tool for understanding our world

-cinema should inform, educate and high light our human condition

-cinema should stress important elements in people’s daily life=

their problems in their jobs and their family relationships.

-cinema should serve politics, ethics and economy more than entertainment.

– “Humour is essential to our humanity”. “It is a question of  survival.”

– Football is part and parcel of social life in working class families

Regions shot by the artist:

 Sheffield, Manchester-Liverpool , Glasgow.




Cria Cuervos by Carlos Saura 3°7

Thursday, November 17th (seventeenth)

Cria Cuervos     by      Carlos Saura

  • What is it about? (De quoi ça parle? Quel est le sujet?

  • -What do you think about  the film? What is your viewpoint?

It is about a little girl who is acting very strangely.

To act strangely= agir de manière étrange

  • She thinks about death.

  • She regularly thinkS  about death : l’adverbe de fréquence se place avant le verbe

  • She asks Rosana to show her breasts.

  • She says she doesn’t want to wear a bra.

To show= montrer

death= la mort

to think about= penser à

to ask= demander

breasts= seins

to want to= vouloir

to wear = porter ( vêtements)


T. liked the music more than the film. ( plus la musique que le film)

F. liked the burial.(l’enterrement)

I liked the passage when she discovers her father.

To discover= découvrir

K. liked the music as well (aussi).

T. liked the passage when the father dies.

He liked it because it is strange and scary!

C.  liked the film but didn’t like the little girl who is acting in a strange way.

Cl.‘s viewpoint= le point de vue de Clémentine

She didn’t like the film because there is no action.

L.  didn’t like the song.

She thinks that the little girl acts very well but is frightening.

Frightening= qui fait peur

Laura‘s viewpoint and Cédric‘s viewpoint are different.

Ici on utilise le cas possessif dit encore cas génitif.

Océane didn’t like the film because it was in Spanish.

It is too sad.

Introduce yourself !

I am F____________ .

I am from F________.

We are form ….

Our form likes nature and we enjoy biking cycling, walking.

We are 12 girls and 13 boys .

We are keen on all activities in  the forests and the woods.

We live in the countryside and the mountains far from the seaside near Switzerland.

Every Tuesday afternoon we go mountain-biking.

It is awesome!

In France the flag is blue white and red .

In our region there are lots of cows .

There are also hens in the countryside.

There are lots of mountains because we live close to the Alps in a region called Jura.

There are also lots of trees.

The landscape is beautiful.

The cheese is called Comté and it is delicious!

The cows are called Montbéliardes.

You can see brown and white cows on these  photos. (Thank you Emma)

The school is red and grey with some trees in the courtyard. The school’s name is

                                                          Lucie Aubrac

Lucie Aubrac was a great lady. She was very brave and determined. She is a great figure in the history of the Second World War.

She was a history teacher.

The school is situated in a small town close to Pontarlier.

There are more than 600  pupils in the school.

Pupils come to school by bus or coach.

They also walk to school or cycle. At school we study


 French grammar and literature





PE (physical education)






In summer, we can swim in the river and in the lake.

In winter, we go skiing, cross-country-skiing and skating.

We like snowboarding.

We like playing handball.

We like cycling and riding our bikes.

We enjoy walking a lot.

We are fond of all types of sports!


Je note les 7 expressions parlant du goût, de ce que l’on aime faire et de ce que l’on apprécie, de ce que nous aimons:—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–

un/e grand/e personnage:————————————————————-

la forêt et les bois:————————————————————————

l’été et l’hiver:—————————————————————————–

le paysage:——————————————————————————–

la campagne:——————————————————————————

le payage marin:—————————————————————————

beaucoup de vaches:———————————————————————-

la rivière:———————————————————————————-


une grande dame:(sens moral et non physique)—————————————-

la cour de récréation:———————————————————————-



un professeur d’histoire:——————————————————————-

il y a (au singulier):————————————————————————

il y a (au pluriel):————————————————————————–

jouer de la flûte:—————————————————————————

le bus:—————————————————————————————

jouer de la trompette:——————————————————————-


les phasmes:—————————————————————————–

la matière (à l’école):——————————————————————-

apprendre à vivre ensemble:———————————————————–


Parlons de nos goûts!:——————————————————————

Je sais nager:—————————————————————————–

espérer :———————————————————————————-




Quelle formule de politesse a-t-on utiliser pour conclure notre lettre:
















eo-ioeo-4° Introduce your partner to your class

First name: __________________________
Surname: ___________________________
Date of birth: ________________________
Place of birth: _______________________
Address: ____________________________
Brothers and sisters: __________________
Pets: ______________________________
Hobbies: ___________________________
Dislikes: ____________________________
 Ask your partner questions to
fill in his/her form. Ask him/her to
spell difficult words (countries, cities
etc ) . Then introduce your
partner to the class.

First name: __________________________
Surname: ___________________________
Date of birth: ________________________
Place of birth: _______________________
Address: ____________________________
Brothers and sisters: __________________
Pets: ______________________________
Hobbies: ___________________________
Dislikes: ____________________________

 Ask your partner questions to
fill in his/her form. Ask him/her to
spell difficult words (countries, cities
etc ) . Then introduce your
partner to the class.

Projet Vivre ensemble 2010-2011

A partir de l’un des axes du projet de l’établissement, Vivre ensemble,

Les élèves de 6°3  ont participé au goûter du service Agathe de  l’EHPAD de Doubs. La musique ayant un rôle fédérateur, les personnes présentes ont également participé sous l’égide des élèves qui ont donné à chacun une copie de la chanson. Nous avons offert une barquette de clémentines aux personnes présentes, la représentation ayant eu lieu début décembre avant l’encombrement des fêtes de fin d’année. Le moment était donc propice et l’attention des personnes bénéfique aux élèves. Un micro aurait néanmoins été nécessaire pour les contes pour une meilleure réception. La mise en scène n’a pas été faite faute de temps. Le coût de l’opération s’élève à 8 euro (clémentines). Le déplacement s’est effectué à pied, nous sommes voisins. L’axe Vivre ensemble  du projet d’établissement prend tout son sens.

La chanson Do you like ? Enjoy 6° a été chantée et les contes écrits avecMadame Delphine Kuenzi ont été présentés par les élèves dans le service Agathe.

Ces vidéo-clips sont le travail de la déléguée de la classe qui a filmé ses camarades après accord e des familles.


Ce travail a contribué à fédérer le groupe -classe.

Cinq minutes ont été nécessaires  pour travailler la chanson à la fin de chaque séance. Une poursuite est envisagée. La simplicité de la chanson a été un moyen de faire participer les personnes de l’EHPAD en anglais et de créer du lien entre les participants.

Les 26 élèves ont fait preuve  de respect et de politesse en distribuant leurs travaux par exemple ou en répétant plusieurs fois la chanson.


Ils ont chanté une dernière fois, spécialement pour une dame qui en a fait la demande!

6°3 EHPAD 008

6°3 EHPAD 014

6°3 EHPAD 002




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