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Covid 19

Some general tips to help you learn at home.

Top tips for home-learning

  1. Plan your day
    Think about how you’re going to spend each day. Get up at the same time each day (not too late!) and get showered and dressed as if you were going to go to school. It’s important not to stay in your pyjamas all day as you won’t feel like studying in your PJs! Make a timetable to plan activities for the day – put 20–30 minutes of English learning into your timetable and see ideas below for activities.
  2. Balance online and offline activity
    For many teenagers more time at home will mean spending even more time than usual online. Be aware of how long you spend online each day and take regular screen breaks to stretch and take your eyes off the screen. Also, make sure you switch off tablets and phones at least an hour before you go to bed. It’s also important to limit the amount of news you read and hear about the virus. You should keep informed, but try not to follow the news all day, every day.
  3. Exercise and healthy eating
    Try to take some exercise each day. There are lots of exercise tutorials being shared online that you can do at home, so find one you enjoy and follow the videos that are offered. Try to eat meals at regular times and ensure you eat fresh fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water.
  4. Keep in touch with school friends
    Keeping in touch with your school friends is important but you don’t have to be connected every minute of the day! Work out what you think is a good amount of time to be connected to friends.
  5. Think of others and help when you can
    This is a difficult time for you, but it’s also going to be difficult for the other people in your home. Your parents/carers will be adjusting to changes in their own lives too and will have additional concerns about their jobs etc. We all need to be more patient than ever at this time. If you can, think about others who are less fortunate than you are and if there are ways you can help to support friends and neighbours, then do so. Loads of great ideas are appearing, and people are showing how creativity can really help in unusual situations like this one.
  6. Learn something new
    Set yourself a challenge to learn something new. This is the perfect opportunity to learn skills that take time. There are many video tutorials to help you. So improve your typing skills, learn to juggle, learn how to cook – whatever you want, but try to make the most of this extra time.

The Survivor


100 women




Emmeline Pankhurst

Emmeline Pankhurst was born in Manchester, in the north of England, in 1858. Back then British women couldn’t vote in elections, but men could. 

Emmeline went to school in Paris, France. 

As she grew up she became interested in politics 

and wanted to create a more equal society for women and men. 

She wanted women to have the same rights as men, such as the right to an education, the right to have a good job and, perhaps most importantly, the right to vote. 

In 1888, the girls who worked at the Bryant and May match factory in London went on strike. 

Usine d’allumettes


Les conditions de travail:

Laisser tomber:

sur le sol

Être malade

La grève

Être   solidaire de

They stopped working and asked the owner of the factory to improve their terrible working conditions. They worked 14 hours a day and were fined for dropping matches on the floor. Many of the girls were ill because they worked with dangerous chemicals. Emmeline supported the strike. 

Emmeline formed The Women’s Social and Political Union, also called the Suffragettes, in 1903. The Suffragettes were a group who fought for women’s rights, especially the right to vote. They published a newspaper called Votes for Women which sold 20,000 copies a week. 

The Suffragettes also held demonstrations, and they often broke the law by smashing windows or chaining themselves to fences to protest. In 1913, a Suffragette called Emily Davison was killed when she threw herself under the king’s horse at a famous horse race, as a protest because the government refused to give women the right to vote. 

In 1918, the British government gave women aged over 30 the right to vote, although men could vote when they were 21.

 Women were finally allowed to vote at the same age as men shortly after Emmeline died on 14 June 1928. Emmeline Pankhurst is sometimes described as one of the most influential people of the 20th century. 

to be allowed to vote 


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