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Introduce yourself !

I am F____________ .

I am from F________.

We are form ….

Our form likes nature and we enjoy biking cycling, walking.

We are 12 girls and 13 boys .

We are keen on all activities in  the forests and the woods.

We live in the countryside and the mountains far from the seaside near Switzerland.

Every Tuesday afternoon we go mountain-biking.

It is awesome!

In France the flag is blue white and red .

In our region there are lots of cows .

There are also hens in the countryside.

There are lots of mountains because we live close to the Alps in a region called Jura.

There are also lots of trees.

The landscape is beautiful.

The cheese is called Comté and it is delicious!

The cows are called Montbéliardes.

You can see brown and white cows on these  photos. (Thank you Emma)

The school is red and grey with some trees in the courtyard. The school’s name is

                                                          Lucie Aubrac

Lucie Aubrac was a great lady. She was very brave and determined. She is a great figure in the history of the Second World War.

She was a history teacher.

The school is situated in a small town close to Pontarlier.

There are more than 600  pupils in the school.

Pupils come to school by bus or coach.

They also walk to school or cycle. At school we study


 French grammar and literature





PE (physical education)






In summer, we can swim in the river and in the lake.

In winter, we go skiing, cross-country-skiing and skating.

We like snowboarding.

We like playing handball.

We like cycling and riding our bikes.

We enjoy walking a lot.

We are fond of all types of sports!


Je note les 7 expressions parlant du goût, de ce que l’on aime faire et de ce que l’on apprécie, de ce que nous aimons:—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–

un/e grand/e personnage:————————————————————-

la forêt et les bois:————————————————————————

l’été et l’hiver:—————————————————————————–

le paysage:——————————————————————————–

la campagne:——————————————————————————

le payage marin:—————————————————————————

beaucoup de vaches:———————————————————————-

la rivière:———————————————————————————-


une grande dame:(sens moral et non physique)—————————————-

la cour de récréation:———————————————————————-



un professeur d’histoire:——————————————————————-

il y a (au singulier):————————————————————————

il y a (au pluriel):————————————————————————–

jouer de la flûte:—————————————————————————

le bus:—————————————————————————————

jouer de la trompette:——————————————————————-


les phasmes:—————————————————————————–

la matière (à l’école):——————————————————————-

apprendre à vivre ensemble:———————————————————–


Parlons de nos goûts!:——————————————————————

Je sais nager:—————————————————————————–

espérer :———————————————————————————-




Quelle formule de politesse a-t-on utiliser pour conclure notre lettre:
















She is a Lady by Tom Jones



“She’s A Lady”

Well she’s all you’d ever want,
She’s the kind they’d like to flaunt and take to dinner.
Well she always knows her place.
She’s got style, she’s got grace, She’s a winner.
She’s a Lady. Whoa whoa whoa, She’s a Lady.
Talkin’ about that little lady, and the lady is mine.
Well she’s never in the way
Always something nice to say, Oh what a blessing.
I can leave her on her own
Knowing she’s okay alone, and there’s no messing.
She’s a lady. Whoa, whoa, whoa. She’s a lady.
Talkin’ about that little lady, and the lady is mine.
Well she never asks for very much and I don’t refuse her.
Always treat her with respect, I never would abuse her.
What she’s got is hard to find, and I don’t want to lose her
Help me build a mountain from my little pile of clay. Hey, hey, hey.
Well she knows what I’m about,
She can take what I dish out, and that’s not easy,
Well she knows me through and through,
She knows just what to do, and how to please me.
She’s a lady. Whoa, whoa, whoa. She’s a lady.
Talkin’ about that little lady and the lady is mine.
Yeah yeah yeah She’s a Lady
Listen to me baby, She’s a Lady
Whoa whoa whoa, She’s a Lady
And the Lady is mine
Yeah yeah yeah She’s a Lady
Talkin about this little lady
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa and the lady is mine
Yeah yeah She’s a Lady
And the Lady is mine.

Projet Vivre ensemble 2010-2011

A partir de l’un des axes du projet de l’établissement, Vivre ensemble,

Les élèves de 6°3  ont participé au goûter du service Agathe de  l’EHPAD de Doubs. La musique ayant un rôle fédérateur, les personnes présentes ont également participé sous l’égide des élèves qui ont donné à chacun une copie de la chanson. Nous avons offert une barquette de clémentines aux personnes présentes, la représentation ayant eu lieu début décembre avant l’encombrement des fêtes de fin d’année. Le moment était donc propice et l’attention des personnes bénéfique aux élèves. Un micro aurait néanmoins été nécessaire pour les contes pour une meilleure réception. La mise en scène n’a pas été faite faute de temps. Le coût de l’opération s’élève à 8 euro (clémentines). Le déplacement s’est effectué à pied, nous sommes voisins. L’axe Vivre ensemble  du projet d’établissement prend tout son sens.

La chanson Do you like ? Enjoy 6° a été chantée et les contes écrits avecMadame Delphine Kuenzi ont été présentés par les élèves dans le service Agathe.

Ces vidéo-clips sont le travail de la déléguée de la classe qui a filmé ses camarades après accord e des familles.


Ce travail a contribué à fédérer le groupe -classe.

Cinq minutes ont été nécessaires  pour travailler la chanson à la fin de chaque séance. Une poursuite est envisagée. La simplicité de la chanson a été un moyen de faire participer les personnes de l’EHPAD en anglais et de créer du lien entre les participants.

Les 26 élèves ont fait preuve  de respect et de politesse en distribuant leurs travaux par exemple ou en répétant plusieurs fois la chanson.


Ils ont chanté une dernière fois, spécialement pour une dame qui en a fait la demande!

6°3 EHPAD 008

6°3 EHPAD 014

6°3 EHPAD 002



The Duke of Cambridge and charity work


A1-A2-B1 Our film review of the Secret of Kells




About the film: Where does the story take place?

1) It takes place in Iona in Scotland

2) It takes place in Kells in Ireland

3)Louis Le Bocquy, a painter (born in 1916) inspired the film-maker

3) The book was transferred in 806 from Iona in Scotland to Kells in Ireland

Who are the characters of the film?

Abbot Cellach:

1) he is a tall and protective man who lives in a tower

2)he forgot he was an illuminator in the past

3)he has got ginger hair

4)he lives in a tower to forget the past

Abbot Aidan:

1) He is of small size

2)he teaches Brendan how to draw  or how to observe

Pangur Ban:

1) She is a real and mythical cat

2) She is only mythical

3) There are poems written by the monk in the archives which mention the cat

Aisling’s parents:

1) They were killed by Crom Cruach

2) They died when she was younger

3) They are still alive


1) She is a fairy and an angel

2) She is intelligent, careful and also very sensitive

3) She moves on four feet

4) She can transform herself into a wolf

Abbots Tang, Leonardo and Assoua:

1) They are all illuminators

2) They are allowed out of the monastery

3) They are not allowed out of the monastery

4)They are entirely dedicated to the scriptorium

5) They eventually/finally die but the spectator doesn’t see them

The Vikings:

1) They are not menacing shadows

2)They are represented as cruel animals

3) They represent death, unhappiness, dangers and tragedy, destruction and war, horror and blood

Crom Cruach:

1) He is a Celtic God with a snake

2)He represents the dragon as a legend

3) He was shot by Saint Patrick in Irish mythology

4)His name means  “The Dark One”

What are the Celtic symbols in the film?

1) The square

2) The rectangle

3)The triangle

4)The circle

5) light modifies the scenes

6) light doesn’t modify the scenes

7) forest as paradise on earth

8) forest as opposed to flat landscapes

9) the circle as the symbol of harmony

10) the “triskele” is a Celtic symbol which is a representation of water, fire and earth

 And now the story:

1) it starts when Brendan is a child and finishes when he is an adult

2)it is the story of  the evolution of a young boy into adulthood

3)the Book is always present in Brendan’s mind

4)the Vikings are always present in Brendan’s Uncle’s mind

The Book of Kells:

1)The Book of Kells is a real book which is in Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

2)The Book of Kells  isn’t a real book and doesn’t exist.

It is a legend.

What about Pangur Ban, the magic spell and spirit?

1)Pangur Ban, the white cat, existed. She is a female cat.

2)Pangur Ban the white cat never existed.

3)One of the monks  wrote poems about her.

How is Celtic mythology  represented ?

1) symbols inspired by  nature and  animist cults.

2) it is close to natural rites and rhythms

Can you name painters who inspired the artist?


The monastery is very beautiful.

The colors are original.

People are monks and priests.

Walls have got bizarre shapes.

Brendan is twelve years old.

He is an orphan: he hasn’t got any parents.

His father and his mother died.

He meets a very friendly girl: she is called Aisling!

She will help him. She is a fairy. He is looking for berries to make ink

because he wants to write the Chi Ro page.

Brendan is of medium height and size and has got ginger hair.

He lives in Kells in Ireland.

Brendan’s Uncle is the head of Kells.

He is taking care of other monks and people.

The book is very important to him.

The security and safeness of the monastery matters to him as well!

He  lives in a tower which opens with a very narrow door.

He  is very strict because he wants to save the monks and his people from the Northmen’s attacks.


The Secret Of Kells

Description of Aisling: long white hair and green eyes. She looks like a fairy and she is one! She has the power to turn the cat, Pangur Ban into a fish-cat, a spirit! She can use her spells!

Description of Brendan: short orange hair and blue eyes, long feet, curly and funny ears! He is the hero of the story and we can see him when he is older!

Description of the monks: Asian, African, all walks of life! They are wearing long red coats

I like the scene when :

When the bad guys come and attack the town of Kells

– When Brendan goes into the forest to look for an eye

My best scene :

– When Brendan dreams that the Vikings will attack Kells because he has visions and can trust his imagination! He is a visionary!

My least favourite scene :

– When Brendan makes a lot of drawings on the Book! He is inspiring!

I like the scenes when there is

  • a lot of suspense and many battles
  • when the forest is beautiful
  • when the book is beautiful and turns into a magic spell!
  • Pangur Ban is really cute with two different colours for his eyes! Pangur Ban did exist! He was one of the monk’s cat. The monk wrote poems about her!


Our  film review about the Secret of Kells

I liked the scene when the little boy writes the sacred book

-I liked the discovery of the forest

-I liked the scene when he catches the monster’s eye.

-We liked the red and the green colours and the drawings!

My best scenes:

– The meeting between Aisling and Brendan

-She is quicker than Brendan,

she runs faster and she is the best!

-She has magical powers to trasnform nature .The cat can go where she cannot

My best favorite scenes

-When his Uncle is hurt, someone tells Brendan : « You must go, your Uncle is not dead! »

– Brendan disobeys his Uncle to pick up berries because he is not allowed to do so!

-Vikings’s attack and the wolves eat the Vikings in the forest

-Brendan thinks the bees will attack him but it is not true!

the Vikings ‘s attacks are in red

Aisling in the forest

the wolves ‘s scenes are also in red

Aisling ‘s eyes

the wolves ‘s eyes

beautiful nature: waterfalls, rivers, leaves in spring, leaves on trees, leaves falling down,

the Vikings’ s eyes

Pangur Ban

the monster Crumach

The scene when Brendan is writing

when the Vikings go Kells

When Brendan meets his uncle

The wolf’s lips and mouth

When Brendan   writes the Book of Kells

the fire, the sky, the buildings, the walls, the attacks, the

Brendan catches the goose

Brendan’s UNCLE’s clothes

green berries for green ink

Aisling disappears and gets lost in darkness

red represents evil or  a danger: it means something bad is going to happen

and green represents what is best and good in life, luck, happiness,

writing and drawing



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