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Positive piece of news: tigers in the Himalayas


The Mom’ s song

The Mum’s song – Some expressions de Corinne Dezegelle    Académie de Grenoble


Don’t forget you gotta feed the cat
___________pas de donner  à ______________________
Chew slowly
But hurry
Mais ______________toi !

Be careful
Fais _______________
Did you wash behind your ears?
T’es tu lavé _____________les ________?
Clean your room
Range ta ____________________
Fold your clothes
Plie tes ___________________
Put your stuff away
____________________tes trucs
Answer the phone
Répond au _________________
Turn it down
_____________ça moins fort
No texting at the table
Pas de __________________à table
No more computer time tonight
Fini _________________pour ce _________
I thank you NOT to roll your eyes at me
_____________de ne pas me __________ces yeux____
Close your mouth when you chew
____________la __________quand tu mâches
Use your fork
____________ta fourchette!
Do not you burp
_____ rote________ !
Eat the food I put upon your plate
_________ce qu’il y a dans ton ____________
Stand up straight when you walk
___________toi droit ___________tu marches
Look at me when I am talking
______________moi quand je te_________
Don’t get smart with me
__________ le malin avec_________
I don’t care who started it
Je me moque de savoir qui a____________
You’re grounded until your 36
_______privé de sortie ____________________36 ans
Stop crying
____________  pleurer

Weather forecast :Predicting the weather on the BBC


A2-B1 -B2 Cree Tribe Native Americans and Thanksgiving



Joseph Boyden : We all fight our own wars…

click on the link, be patient and the video  will be there!

watch+read+ listen= restitute and progress !

My name’s D… L…, I’m from Canada,

the Plains Cree Tribe.


I talk through  the Cree Nation, that’s my reservation.


I was invited here from my buddy, Barbara Dulk.


He was asking different tribes to come and

perform their style of dancing.


I am here representing the Cree Tribe from Canada.


My first time across the ocean, first time on a plane,

I really enjoy France.


I hope, I hope by being here I can now show

the way I’ve been taught,

the way of my ancestors


and I hope that by doing that people can learn ,


they can know [repeated twice]


We are not the Indians you see

on movies and Hollywood,


We are real, you know,

we are still around (smile)

Many thanks to Dany who kindly accepted to be recorded

and  to Ornans Pow Wow 2010, Association Four Winds !




curtesy of Eliot S



details from Courbet’s paintings

A2-B1-B2 Edward Hopper

Hopper 1powerpoint


“If I could say

it in words,

I wouldn’t need

to paint”

video clips: copy and paste!




NGA New York curator speaks about Edward Hopper’s paintings


Boys and girls meet:

a gorgeous adult Persian cat and a lovely German sheepherd
puppy – they’re going to get on like a house on fire.
several Rockwell’s illustrations:

It is  true or false ?

The atmosphere:

calm and quiet

disturbing  and disquieting

peaceful and relaxing

noisy with a lot of people walking and doing their shopping

It gives an impression of quietness and accomplishment

It conveys a  strange feeling that something unpleasant is going to happen

It conveys the feeling that something pleasant will take place

Which adjectives ?

sad- romantic- gothic- realisitc- modern- everyday America  or Grand America

Which words?

romanticism- realism-modernism- gothicism

What are the artist’s favourite scenes?

Choose two answers:

busy streets    or empty streets

-daylight  in the early morning or  at night

urban scenes  –  everyday America or  Grand America

-people interact with each other  (talk and chat)  

people are indifferent and do not care about each other

-people look at various directions

colourful   or     sad    scenes

-people on their own (seuls) or  people with friends

towns,  cities  or seascapes and landscapes

-loneliness and isolation

-lonely and isolated


On the one hand,

On the other hand,

It is up to the viewer to decide !

The viewer is considered as a free person to judge and make his own picture of the scene

The artist  is very respectful of the viewers as he does NOT impose his own viewpoint

The viewers are free to invent their own world

they can choose between  positive and negative feelings,

between loneliness and isolation


July 2024

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