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on cyberspace

Three friends  are chatting on the internet:


-Fiona: Hello (Hi!) Are you in cyberspace today?

-Alex:Hi! Yes, I’m here. So what’s up?

-Cindy Yes, I’m here. I haven’t got much time to spend with you, folks!

– Fiona: I ‘ve just sent you the latest version of Sexion d’ Assaut

and I will send you my favourite film ASAP

( together):  We thought you had forgotten us,

you are such a busy man! JK

Fiona: Hold on a minute, please!

There ‘s someone at the door.  BRB

Ten minutes later:

-Fiona: You won’t ever guess who it was. It was the girl I met last week.

– Alex: Oh! Who is she? Is she friendly?

– Cindy:What is her name? Where does she live? Do we know each other?

-Fiona: Yes, she seems very friendly and pretty cool! She said she would come back when she is free.

-Alex: Sorry, I should go shopping for my parents. I will be back in the evening.

– Cindy: CU then.

– Fiona: She is called Sarah and she lives in the same district as mine.

-Cindy: Ok, I think I know her, she is a very friendly girl. Be kind with her!

-Fiona: CU then. We’ll meet next week for an outing.

ASAP: as soon as possible

BRB: be right back  JK: Just kidding! Just a joke!

CU: See you    LOL: lots of love    XXX:Hugs and kisses

Punxsutawney Phil predicts the weather



After casting a joyful eye

towards thousands of  his faithful followers, Phil proclaims:

If you want to know next
You must read my text
As the sky shines above me
My shadow I see beside me
Six more weeks of winter
It will be!

Haiti and its strength : past present and future

Positive Piece of  News Project

art one year after the eathquake



Voodoo pilgrimage


Which recovery?


Listening comprehension:  an orphanage in Haiti.

What is an orphanage?

an orphanage is a place  for children who need to be taken care of when parents or families

cannot (can’t) care for them or will NOT (won’t ) take care of them .

I-Underline the correct answers:

A-The young woman who is working in the orphanage is called:

1- Martha-       2-  Melinda          3- Melissa

What ‘s her nationality?

Welsh – Irish- Scottish   -Canadian  –  French   – American –   British

B- The orphanage is located :

1 – at the very bottom of Port au Prince         2- in the mountains above Port of Prince (the capital city of Haiti)

3- by the seaside

4- in a beautiful place with a breathtaking  or  an  amazing  viewpoint

C- The name of the orphanage is :

Little Angels              God’s Littlest   Angels               God’s Little Angels

II-We are given a tour of the orphanage
How many children (babies and toddlers) are living in the orphanage?

What is the name of the  baby who has a scar but who is doing well?

Jude   –      Jade      – John

What is the name of the place for  babies who are in need of special care :

Special Care Unit        Intensive Care             Intensive Care   Unit

III- Do you agree or do you disagree with the following statements?

Some babies will  be reunited with their families later on in the future when they have a proper house to live in   .

Some will be given for adoption  .

Some babies  are staying in  the orphanage  because their parents cannot take care of them as  their house collapsed   during the earthquake .

One baby is here because her mother can’t (cannot)  take care of her as she has a defect in her legs  .

IV- What about Ti’dada?

He is  the son of one of the nannies .

He is lots of fun    or on the contrary        he is no fun.

It is a nickname .

He  hasn’t got an older brother.

He will go back to his home once his house is rebuilt .

He is staying there until they can  get their home rebuilt.

He  has been abandonned by his family.

V- What about the lady who is talking to us? true or false?

She is enthusiastic and says  she is happy to work there because it is the best place to be  .

She tells us that volunteers come and help them on the balcony of the nursery.

She likes the balcony  at the top of the  house       and she feels she is blessed to be there   .

Her final words are:  “What else can you ask for!”                          ” What can I say?”

VI -Express yourself :

In my opinion this video-clip is   a relevant , interesting   and  genuine(authentique)– or uninteresting  and boring – document about the work done .

Would you like to work in an orphanage?  Where? Why ?  Why not?

It is a very interesting  report and I like  the baby Ti’ Dada!


About  Haiti!


It was the very first island to get its independance  during the

slave trade ( commerce des esclaves)

It became the very first republic made for and by Black people.

Toussaint -Louverture had a lot of arguments with Napoleon

and both men (tous les deux) had the same personality:

they were determined and strong -minded. The “white ” emperor was facing the “black” emperor.

Haiti is the poorest or one of the poorest island in the world.

Haiti was the victim of  one of the biggest earthquake.

Toussaint -Louverture was imprisoned  in the Château de Joux!

He eventually died here! (il a fini par mourir ici) eventually= finalement




choose links further down for more efficiency
read from the National Geographic archives for historical and cultural
and geographical facts

Dictionaries for up-to-date vocabulary


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Citizenship and resources


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