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Groundhog Day on the 2nd of February

Groundhog Day takes place on the first or the second of February




A1-A2 Ici et ailleurs, modernités et traditions.

Where does it take place?


What  can you see?


What can you hear?


 What are people wearing?


 What’s the name of the  famous groundhog?


 What can it predict?


  Who are the members?


  Do you like this tradition?


 My toolbox of words:

top hats and a congregation of gentlemen

a suit= un costume

a tuxedo= une queue de pie

a tie=une cravate

a bow =noeud papillon

to wear = porter un vêtement

smart and traditional clothes,

it is freezing cold!

the shadow=l’ombre, many people, a lot of people,

the weather= le temps météorologique

a weather forecast= un bulletin météorologique

the best weather forecast, the dream, dreamers

very traditional

to see its own shadow =voir la projection de son ombre

funny and pleasant, to announce spring, to announce winter,

a very likeable animal

it is part and parcel of traditions=

one president= notre président

the tree-trunk= le tronc d’arbre

the hole= trou

to sleep=

to be sleeping=

to like folklore, not to like folklore,

to like and enjoy dreams and dreamers


Groundhogs are able to climb trees to escape.

The etymology of the name woodchuck is unrelated to wood or chucking. It stems from an Algonquian (possibly Narragansett) name for the animal, wuchak. The similarity between the words has led to the common tongue-twister:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could

if a woodchuck could chuck wood![12]

[edit] In popular culture

  • One of Robert Frost‘s best known poems is “A Drumlin Woodchuck,” in which he uses the imagery of a woodchuck dug in to a small ridge as a metaphor for his emotional reticence.
  • A woodchuck figures prominently in the movie Groundhog Day.

Mix it up tree For a Mix it up day:-)

Projet transversal Classes européennes du Lycée Xavier Marmier de Pontarlier

  et Classes du Collège Lucie Aubrac de Doubs

Responsable pédagogique arts plastiques:  Marie-Eve Mougel, Collège Lucie Aubrac

en lien avec la Municipalité de la ville de Pontarlier





Mix it up day:-) 6°2 H a p p i n e s s

6°2 Collège Lucie Aubrac

Mix it up day!

With our friends “Les prépositions de lieu”

H a p p i n e s s

H for happy holidays [z]and happy houses ![siz]

Hello, Mexico on a horse !

Hide behind handsome heads !

Health in front of our hearts !

A for apple-afternoons around amusing armchairs !

Awards on the right!

Awards on the left !

Amazing! Just awesomely amazing!

P for pretty parties in front of Pekin, Paris, Pontarlier !

Paintings of pasta, peas and plants

Pass above the pier!

Poetry is powerful!

P for prestigious penguins near the public and the polar bears !

Pink and purple promises with Peaceful Princes and Princesses

Prefer the perfect present in this park

                                             to the peculiar past in that park!

I for an ice-cream  or an inventor of  illnesses

I for inivisible ice-creams in our imagination!

I for  intelligence  in an imaginary ice-cream

I for get an  idea, be inspired !

N for near our neighbours

Next to the notice-board for  our neighbours

E for enjoy (y)our evening

Enjoy eating with (y)our enemies in Exeter!

S for success and surfing

in the swimming pool with snakes, snails and spiders.

S   for    a    story

                and   for                               

                                    s    o    r    r    y   !

Mix it up day! 6°4 poetry writing Collège Lucie Aubrac

Mix it up day! 

an anglo-saxon activity widely used in the Usa and Canada in a lot of schools.

adapted by and for the  Classes européennes du Lycée Xavier Marmier by Mesdames  Marie-Christine Bourdin and  V  Maréschal

Pontarlier schools and city council (municipalité de Pontarlier)

Conditions de réussite de l’écriture poétique en cours:

1)se mettre d’accord sur le mot qui sera illustré= négocier, éliminer, justifier et choisir

2)écouter la proposition faite par un/camarade,la développer, l’enrichir

3)construire du sens, de la musique et du plaisir!
Yes, it is fun !

6°4 Collège Lucie Aubrac

langues vivantes Marie André-Milesi

Thursday, November 3rd (the third)


U for united upstairs in the beautiful sky

up in the rainbow world

up the window and classroom walls

up in a bright blue sky:-)

N for a new day with new friends

new names and new suns , new earth,

next to our school, near our friends,

new hobbies, lights in the nights

In the pink colour of the night

inventors who tell jokes 😉

imaginary friends who are good friends

inspired with good ideas

Together the road is beautiful

Take your friends with you!

Thank you!

Today is together day!

Take it easy tonight!

Tonight is my friends’ night!

Trust is true!

Take care of all your friends!

Time’s up !


E for e m e r g e n c y for unity and friends!

Introduce yourself !

I am F____________ .

I am from F________.

We are form ….

Our form likes nature and we enjoy biking cycling, walking.

We are 12 girls and 13 boys .

We are keen on all activities in  the forests and the woods.

We live in the countryside and the mountains far from the seaside near Switzerland.

Every Tuesday afternoon we go mountain-biking.

It is awesome!

In France the flag is blue white and red .

In our region there are lots of cows .

There are also hens in the countryside.

There are lots of mountains because we live close to the Alps in a region called Jura.

There are also lots of trees.

The landscape is beautiful.

The cheese is called Comté and it is delicious!

The cows are called Montbéliardes.

You can see brown and white cows on these  photos. (Thank you Emma)

The school is red and grey with some trees in the courtyard. The school’s name is

                                                          Lucie Aubrac

Lucie Aubrac was a great lady. She was very brave and determined. She is a great figure in the history of the Second World War.

She was a history teacher.

The school is situated in a small town close to Pontarlier.

There are more than 600  pupils in the school.

Pupils come to school by bus or coach.

They also walk to school or cycle. At school we study


 French grammar and literature





PE (physical education)






In summer, we can swim in the river and in the lake.

In winter, we go skiing, cross-country-skiing and skating.

We like snowboarding.

We like playing handball.

We like cycling and riding our bikes.

We enjoy walking a lot.

We are fond of all types of sports!


Je note les 7 expressions parlant du goût, de ce que l’on aime faire et de ce que l’on apprécie, de ce que nous aimons:—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–

un/e grand/e personnage:————————————————————-

la forêt et les bois:————————————————————————

l’été et l’hiver:—————————————————————————–

le paysage:——————————————————————————–

la campagne:——————————————————————————

le payage marin:—————————————————————————

beaucoup de vaches:———————————————————————-

la rivière:———————————————————————————-


une grande dame:(sens moral et non physique)—————————————-

la cour de récréation:———————————————————————-



un professeur d’histoire:——————————————————————-

il y a (au singulier):————————————————————————

il y a (au pluriel):————————————————————————–

jouer de la flûte:—————————————————————————

le bus:—————————————————————————————

jouer de la trompette:——————————————————————-


les phasmes:—————————————————————————–

la matière (à l’école):——————————————————————-

apprendre à vivre ensemble:———————————————————–


Parlons de nos goûts!:——————————————————————

Je sais nager:—————————————————————————–

espérer :———————————————————————————-




Quelle formule de politesse a-t-on utiliser pour conclure notre lettre:

















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