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My art suitcase

I can describe a poster 6°7

‘ The lady is Iranian. She comes from Iran. She is wearing a scarf on her head.’= elle porte un foulard sur la tête

She looks sad= Elle a l’air triste.

She looks worried= elle a l’air inquiète

She is walking in the street= Elle marche dans la rue.

Ske looks beautiful= elle a l’air belle.

She may have family problems= elle a peut-être des soucis familiaux.

The title is ‘Separation’.



Midnight in Paris by Woody Allen

We can see a street in Paris. A man is walking by the river La Seine.

Un homme marche près de la rivière La Seine.


We can see= on peut voir.

We can see a church and we can see a bridge (un pont).


L’enfant sauvage The wild child by François Truffaut





The wild child

What  can he do?


What can’t he do?


What does he like?


What doesn’t he like?


He can swim .

He can’t swim.

He can walk.

He can’t walk.

He can run.

He can’t run.

He can’t ride a bicycle.

He can read.

He can’t read.

He can eat with a fork and a knife.

He can’t eat with a fork.

He  likes eating  potatoes.

He also likes eating fruit and vegetables.

He can get dressed.

He can’t get dressed.

He likes wearing clothes.

He doesn’t like wearing clothes.

He likes the company of Madame Guérin.

He doesn’t like the company of Me Guérin.

 Your opinion about this great  film:

It is funny when he knocks at the windows. He is funny when he is in the wheelbarrow. The end is a happy end for Victor.”


Mélanie: “I liked the film a lot. I enjoyed the film because there are monologues but no suspense.”


“Estelle loved the film the wild child because he hasn’t got a family.”


“Benjamin loves the film the wild child. It is very sad and inspiring.”


Michaël: ” I liked the film a lot because it is funny !”


Alexandre: ” I liked the film but I didn’t like Victor’s fits.”


Hasan likes the film but thinks that the child is strange.


Nathan: ” I like the movie The wild child.

He likes drinking water in the river the forest,

he likes running and animals but

Victor doesn’t like school !

I like when Victor is in the wheelbarrow because it’s funny. I think it’s a great movie.”

Mix it up tree For a Mix it up day:-)

Projet transversal Classes européennes du Lycée Xavier Marmier de Pontarlier

  et Classes du Collège Lucie Aubrac de Doubs

Responsable pédagogique arts plastiques:  Marie-Eve Mougel, Collège Lucie Aubrac

en lien avec la Municipalité de la ville de Pontarlier





Breakfast and keep fit+porridge recipe;-)

For breakfast I usually have=

– a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice

-a cup of tea/ coffee/ hot chocolate/milk

– two slices of bread + jam and butter

– one hard boiled egg

– a piece of cheese



An eco-friendly recipe for porridge=

In the evening=

Heat water or milk .

Pour the water or the milk on the  oat flakes .

Let it stay over night.


In the morning =

You can add more water or more milk.

You can eat  it  hot or cold  as you like.

You can add sugar or marmelade or jam or sultanas or any fruit you like.


Le porridge est un plat ancestral  fait à partir de l’avoine dont on trouve des traces remontant à 5000 ans dans tout le nord de l’Europe.Les anglais colonisateurs de l’Ecosse étaient assez méprisants à l’égard de cette céréale qu’ils regardaient de haut en disant qu’elle était pour les chevaux.

co A1-A2   Nom prénom et classe:————————————————————————–

What do you do in the morning?

Je remets dans le bon ordre les éléments de la chanson

et j’élimine ceux qui ne sont pas dans la chanson:

I talk to my Mum and Dad.

I get dressed.

I watch TV.

I feed the cat and the dog.

I listen to the radio.

I go to school.

I wake up.

I brush  my teeth.

I wash my face.

I eat  breakfast.

I comb my hair.

I get out of bed.

I brush my hair.

Do you like the music of the song? 

Je souligne les mots  qui correspondent à ma réponse.

-Yes, I do  because it is amusing/ sad/entertaining/ strange/ colourful. It has got rhythm.

-No, I don’t because it is violent and aggressive.It hasn’t got rhythm.

-No, I don’t because it is not my type of music.

-Yes, I do because the girl looks very friendly.She is smiling.




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