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Back from a training course – retour d’un stage professionnel

more difficult







Je donne un ordre de valeur aux compétences professionelles qui suivent:

(* la plus faible, **, ***, ****, *****)

1. Communication Skills

– communiquer avec les personnes de manière claire et efficace :

to communicate clearly and effectively

2. Honesty : l’honnêteté

– reconnaître ses erreurs :

to acknowledge one’ s mistakes

– ne pas les cacher à son employeur

Don’t cover it up !

– les admettre: admit them (the mistakes)

– apprendre à ne pas le refaire:

learn not to do it again.

3. Technical Competency : compétence technique

4. Work Ethic :

éthique professionnelle (éthique= morale)

– être à l’heure : to work on time

– faire ce que vous devez faire : do what you have to do

5. Flexibility : fléxibilité

– réagir rapidement : to react quickly

– s’adapter à d’autres situations : to adapt to new situations

6. Determination : détermination

– déterminé/e : deterrmined

– compétent/e: skilled

7. Ability to Work in Harmony with Co-Workers :

capacité à travailler avec ses co-équipiers

– bien s’entendre avec ses collègues :

to get along with one’s colleagues

8. Eager and willing to add to their Knowledge Base and Skills :

– trouver de nouvelles information :

to find out new information

– étendre la connaissance : to expand knowledge

– explorer de nouvelles manières de faire les choses :

to explore new ways of doing things

9. Problem-Solving Skills :

des compétences pour résoudre des problèmes

10. Loyalty loyauté

– la confiance: trust



Compréhension écrite:

Langages : codes socio-culturels

Niveau A2 acquis – non acquis – en voie d’acquisition

De retour de stage, tu dois cocher les phrases qui correspondent à ce que tu as fait pendant la semaine dernière:

A-Qui sont mes employeurs?

Who are my employers?

1°My employers were members of my family.

2°I didn’t know my employers.

B-Comment je me suis rendue à mon lieu de travail:

How I got there ?:

1°I walked to the office, the restaurant, the hair saloon, the building, the garage.

2°I took the bus.

3°My parents drove me to the place.

C-What did I do? Qu’est ce que j’ai fait:

je note les bonnes réponses

I had lunch with my employers:

j’ai pris mon repas avec mes employeurs.

2°I could speak with them:

j’ai pu parler avec eux.

I could not speak with them because they didn’t have the time to do so.

Je n’ai pas parler avec eux parce qu’ils n’avaient pas le temps de le faire.

I had problems with the timetable :

j’ai eu des soucis avec l’emploi du temps.

5° I had little time to do everything I wanted to:

je n’ai pas eu assez de temps pour tout faire

I realised it is the job I wanted to do later on in life:

j’ai réalisé que c’était le métier que je voulais faire plus tard dans la vie.

I don’t think it is the kind of job I would like to do later on in life : Je ne pense pas que c’est le type de métier que j’aimerais faire plus tard.

8° I don’t really know yet: je ne sais pas encore

OTHER : Je dis ce que j’ai fait chaque jour


D- What are the advantages and disadvantages of this job ?

Avantages ?ou inconvénients ? de ce métier .

Je place un smiley positif ou négatif devant chaque expression

– too long hours:

– too stressful:

– too many people to satisfy:

– not much stress:

– a lot of responsibilities:

– a lot of free-time :

– a lot of money:good wages (bons salaires) but no time for oneself (et peu de temps pour soi)

– a lot of people to see:

– many people to communicate with:

– no free time:

– you must stand up all the time:

rester debout tout le temps

– back home, you must keep long hours in the evening :

une fois rentré/e chez soi, on doit travailler tard le soir

– go back home late after work:

rentrer tard le soir après le travail

– good spirits in the workteam:

une bonne ambiance de travail dans l’équipe

– no good spirits in the workteam:

une mauvaise ambiance de travail dans l’équipe

– you can get better and improve:

on peut s’améliorer

– you can’t get better and improve:

on ne peut pas s’améliorer

– your skills are integrated in your salary:

vous compétences sont intégrées dans votre salaire

stage segpa 4°1 May 2018

expressions à savoir :

E- What must you do? What can’t you do?

– You must be very quick and fast

– You must be very polite

-You must answer the phone

– You must take the appointments =

prendre les rendez-vous

– You must adapt to the person and respect her style

– You mustn’t say ‘ You’ve got no brains!’

= tu n’as pas de cerveau, vous n’avez pas de cerveau

-You mustn’t say : ‘I can’t care less!’ :

je m’en fiche!

F- What should you do or say?

Ce que tu devrais faire ou dire ou ne pas faire /dire:

in a shop ? In a restaurant ? In a garage? In …

– Hello, can I help you?

– What’s the matter? = quel est le problème?

– Your car is a write – off =

votre voiture est bonne à mettre à la décharge

– I can’t undertsand, I don’t undertsand.

– I can’t help you, we ‘ve got too many people, go somewhere else!

Students fighting guns since adults won’t USA

Students Fighting Guns Since Adults Won’t

Adults have failed us. Everyday, we students walk into school with the promise of an education without threat of violence. However, it has become increasingly clear that hallways of schools across America are no longer a guaranteed safe haven. Whether it’s an elementary school in small-town Connecticut or a high school in Florida, it’s become apparent that school shootings are becoming an expected part of American life. Since 2013, there have been 291 school shootings, with 18 of them happening in 2018 alone. We simply ask how many shootings will it take, how many innocent children have to die, until adults decide we, as our nation’s children, are more important than our nation’s guns. Therefore, we ask our fellow students to take it upon ourselves to stand up as our adults remain sitting. We demand change.

While most students cannot vote, we are not voiceless to our society. There are about 56 million K through 12 students in the United States. If we mobilize this population — by signing petitions, contacting lawmakers, and utilizing social media — we can make our presence felt. Ultimately, our goal is to pressure lawmakers to make comprehensive and responsible gun control policy to keep our schools and society safe. 

It’s not a matter of if anymore, it’s a matter of when we will be affected.  

Students For Gun Legislation

*** Who was Robert Burns ? ***


** Kaileigh : Robert Burns’ Day in Scotland **
 A2   Kaileigh (Aberdeen, Scotland)
Kaileigh talks about this famous Scottish celebration which takes place in January.

A2 Kerrin : My country, Scotland

Kerrin introduces her country, Scotland (men wearing kilts, the Loch Ness…).

She focuses on two main cities : Edimburgh and Glasgow


A2 Chocolate cake

Chocolate cake

Ingredients :

200 cooking chocolate

125g of butter

5 eggs

5 spoonful of sugar

2 teaspoons of baking powder

90g of flour

Put the chocolate and the butter in a saucepan and let them melt.

Mix the eggs and the sugar in a bowl.

Add the flour and mix.

Add the baking powder, and mix again.Put the dough in a baking pan and put it in the oven.

Let it bake for 25 to 35 minutes according to your oven (around 220°C)

A2 Back to school

Back to school

I-Put the words in order, re-order the words :

a-How/ today ?/you/are:______________________

b-thanks/fine,/I’m :___________________________

c- about/what/ you ?__________________________

II-Choose one or two answers :

a-I’m feeling happy because I can see my friends.

b-I’m feeling sad because I can’t play with my cat/my dog/my brother/my sister.

C-I’m happy to be back because _________________

d-I aren’t happy to be back because______________


III-Can you speak about your holiday ?

What did you do ?


sleep/slept /slept








ride/rode/ridden a bike-

ride a horse-

go/went/gone scuba diving-



read/read/read comics-

read/read/read a book-

play/ed video-games-

go/went/gone for a walk-

listen/ed to my parents’s advice-

chat/ted with my friends-

write/wrote/written to my friends on social networks

send/sent/sent photographs-

swim/swam/swum in the water/in the sea /in the river/ in a lake/in a swimming pool/ in an artificial lake





April 2024

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