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Students fighting guns since adults won’t USA

Students Fighting Guns Since Adults Won’t

Adults have failed us. Everyday, we students walk into school with the promise of an education without threat of violence. However, it has become increasingly clear that hallways of schools across America are no longer a guaranteed safe haven. Whether it’s an elementary school in small-town Connecticut or a high school in Florida, it’s become apparent that school shootings are becoming an expected part of American life. Since 2013, there have been 291 school shootings, with 18 of them happening in 2018 alone. We simply ask how many shootings will it take, how many innocent children have to die, until adults decide we, as our nation’s children, are more important than our nation’s guns. Therefore, we ask our fellow students to take it upon ourselves to stand up as our adults remain sitting. We demand change.

While most students cannot vote, we are not voiceless to our society. There are about 56 million K through 12 students in the United States. If we mobilize this population — by signing petitions, contacting lawmakers, and utilizing social media — we can make our presence felt. Ultimately, our goal is to pressure lawmakers to make comprehensive and responsible gun control policy to keep our schools and society safe. 

It’s not a matter of if anymore, it’s a matter of when we will be affected.  

Students For Gun Legislation


June 2024

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