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*** the superlatives ***





*** My best journey ! *** comparatives and superlatives


*** My best journey ! ***

Le mot’ journey ‘ est d’un registre plus soutenu que le mot ‘trip’ pour dire voyage en anglais et a moins de connotations négatives. Il a la même origine que le mot ‘journée’.

Les voyages étaient  comptabilisés en nombre de journées: il fallait 3 jours pour se déplacer d’un endroit  à un autre pour se rendre au marché par exemple.


It is the most beautiful place on the earth and the funniest!

You can meet the best and nicest people of the planet…

You can see the most friendly persons on earth…

You can talk to the most polite persons who come with the most amazing pets: their best cats and their best dogs.

You can sing your favorite song with the most experienced artists!

You can eat the nicest food in the cheapest restaurants…

You can smell your favourite perfumes and also see the sea…

You can speak in Chinese and in French but most people speak English and they have the most varied accents!

The Scottish people speak Scottish but they also speak more English than Scottish.

You can have more fun there than elsewhere!

Besides, it is called Paradise!


Je complète les mots qui manquent pour faire une phrase complète :

comparatif d’égalité :

Paris beautiful Rome

Lisbon in Portugal popular Bucarest in Romania

Berlin in Germany interesting Athens in Greece

comparatif de supériorité :

London cold Athens in Greece

Germany big Switzerland

Sweden long Italy 

comparatif d’infériorité :

Dublin small London .

Bern in Switzerland populated Madrid in Spain.

My favourite monument is…

The most interesting street is….

The most magical city of my dreams is…

*** asking for opinions and giving opinions ***

Asking for opinions
What are your views on… ?
What?s your opinion about/of… ?
What do you think about…?
How do you feel about…?
Do you think…?
What are your feelings on…?
Do you have any particular views on…?
Have you got any comments on…?
Giving opinions
I?m (quite) sure that…
From a (political) point of view…
In my opinion, …
I think…
If I were… , I?d…
Don?t you think it would be good to…?
In my experience, …
For me, …
From my point of view…
Politely interrupting
If I could just interrupt for a moment…
Sorry to interrupt, but…
If I could just come in here, …
Um… um… um…
(raise hand and eyebrows, look at the
Yes, definitely.
Yes, I agree completely.
I agree (absolutely).
I?d go along with that.
Yes, you have a point there.
On the whole, I agree.
I couldn?t agree more!
Yes, but on the other hand…
I can?t accept that.
I?m afraid I disagree (completely).
I?m afraid I can?t agree.
Sorry, but I don?t agree.
I don?t agree at all.
I?m afraid that?s not how I see it.
Well, that?s as may be, but…
I take your point, but…
Expressing doubts
I agree up to a point, but…
You could be right, but…
Maybe, but…
Well, possibly, but…
Well, my understanding is that…
But don?t you think that…?
I?m not so sure about that.
I agree to an extent, but…
I don?t know whether I?d entirely agree.

*** We’ve got penfriends!***

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  1. Add school details
    1. Log in to your account and click ‘Create or Update School Profile’ to add more information about your school. Adding a photo and description will make it more likely that other schools will want to match with you.
    2. Be sure to look in the My Account section where you will find downloads to help you with Penfriends.
  2. Start matching
    1. We will email you to let you know when you should begin to look for a partner school to match with. Search for a school with a similar number and age of children taking part.
    2. Once you have chosen a school, click on the ‘Send Request’ button to request a match with this school.
    3. Once your match has been confirmed, we will send you an email and your school can start designing their cards!
  3. If you have any questions, please contact your local Cambridge English Language Assessment office.

We hope you enjoy making new friends from around the world.

Best wishes,

Cambridge English Penfriends Team

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Maureen's rainbow cake . . .
Maureen’s rainbow cake . . .



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