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The Diamond Jubilee by numbers

Despite the complaints, viewing figures were high.

The most-watched event was the lavish Diamond Jubilee pop concert,which had an average of 14.7m viewers and a peak of 17m.

That was higher than the Party At The Palace during 2002’s Golden Jubilee,which was seen by an average of 12.5m viewers.

The Queen’s five-minute message was watched by an average 5.6m on BBC One and 3.5m on ITV.

Tuesday’s state service and procession attracted 4.5m and 6.2m respectively on BBC One, with a further 1.7m watching on ITV.

That compares with figures of 6.51m for the state service and 5.74m for the procession in 2002, with just under one million tuning in on ITV.

Prince Charles pays tribute to Her Majetsy The Queen






Prince Charles is addressing


Her Majesty the Queen and …


his own mother!


Your Majesty,


Your Majesty,




I am sure you want me to thank ,on your behalf, 
all the wonderful people who made tonight possible. 
All the comedians, the artists, the performers, the musicians, 
who (‘ve) made jolly good jokes!
all 600 (hundred) of them behind the scene
thank God, the weather turned out fine,
the reason , of course, is because I didn’t do the forecast
(le temps s’est amélioré, et c’est bien sûr parce que je n’ai pas présenté le bulletin météo!)
The only sad thing is that my father is in hospital , he is taken unwell
but if you shout loud enough, he might hear us….
We are very proud t o be part of something unique as the Commonwealth!
We are celebrating a unique and special event, some of us have seen three jubilees and I have the medals to prove it!
I was only three when my grand father George VI died,
your life and my father’s life were irrevocably changed.
Thank you for being with us!
Three resounding cheers for Her Majesty!
hip hip hip hurray!
hip hip hip hurray!
You make us proud to be Bristish!



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