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grrr…. culture with … Baton Rouge… Usa… Louisiana … Black people say ‘ we matter ‘A2

Jonathan Bachman ….

is  the New Jersey-born freelance photographer

“I had gone to bed and when I woke up and went right back to Baton Rouge,” he says. ….. Then, his father called.

“He said, ‘John, your photo is all over the Internet.’”

The photograph shows a demonstrator, later identified as Ieshia Evans, facing

 police officers in riot gear as she’s about to be arrested. Evans looks resolute, standing peacefully in the middle of the road near the headquarters of the Baton Rouge police department. The contrast between her body language and those of the approaching police officers is made even more powerful by the flowing black-and-white dress she’s wearing.
Bachman knew he had the shot, and that it would be a good one. “I knew it was a representation of what was happening in Baton Rouge at that moment,” he says. “But I really, honestly, never thought it was going to be something like this. I had no idea I would be talking to everyone these past few days.”

Since he’s photographed Evans, Bachman has been inundated with emails and calls – some coming from photographers he’s looked up to, he says. “It’s a very humbling experience. It’s a little surreal as well.”

“I’m a freelancer,” he says, “so I just wait for the phone calls,” — but Ieshia Evans should be the one getting the credit, he says. “People have been trying to talk about me, but really it’s that woman that made the photo.”

Olivier Laurent is the editor of TIME LightBox






fragments from published e-twinning work

My picture

Marie ANDRE-MILESI Marie.Milesi@ac-besancon.fr

School Icon Collège Lucie Aubrac, PONTARLIER, FRANCE Académie de Besançon.



Anastasie, Emilien,Julie, Juliette, Laura introduce the Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation

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We were shocked by the horror of the photographs which are testimonies of torture and experiments made in the concentration camps when Americans arrived.  Most of the experiments were done on people because of their belonging to the Jewish religion and /or because they were Jews (Jewish)

We could for example see children’ s clothes and people’s hair. It was of the utmost violence and extremely difficult to watch!

As …

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Caroline D is writing about our visit to the Museum of the Resistance in Besançon

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Who is taking care of the premises?

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PictureJust have a guess or guesses!

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Vallée de Gustave Courbet or The Loue Valley

Posted by: Marie ANDRE-MILESI 9 comments1 comments Add a commentAdd a comment

PictureLa vallée de la Loue is peopled with strange shapes, fauna and flora alike which were

the pride of Gustave Courbet whose paintings are still questioning our twenty-first century eye and

sense of beauty.


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Visit of ElemenTerre in our school

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ASSOCIATION ACE ENVIRONNEMENT Présentation de l’opération ElemenTerre, destinée aux collégiens …

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Porte Saint Pierre, Pontarlier and lac Saint Point

Posted by: Marie ANDRE-MILESI 9 comments2 comments Add a commentAdd a comment

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La porte St Pierre à Pontarlier

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Deux mille Neuf! 2009 wishes

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Picture2009 wishes !

Note our new postal address:

Collège Lucie Aubrac

BP 25 25300 DOUBS France


Lake Saint Point

Posted by: Marie ANDRE-MILESI Add a commentAdd a comment

PictureOnce upon a time, there  was a very beautiful valley with lots of nice and cosy houses, colourful and scented flowers.

In this very beautilful village, there was a lady who had  to feed seven children. She was living on her own with them. The crops were scarce, the wheat was scarce, the barley was scarce, the potatoe crop was scarce… Winter had been harsh and she was left with no food.

She had no food, no bread, no vegetables, nothing to give them.  …

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Who are we 4°2 Collège AUBRAC DOUBS

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Who are we?

We are


Fredrika: Buddharama Temple

Posted by: Agneta Renman Add a commentAdd a comment

PictureBudharama tempel in Fredrika

By Maritza

The buddhist are going to build a temple in Fredrika  It will be the biggest temple in Europe. Phramha Boonthin Taosiri, the chief monk in Sweden, decided that in 2004. We are not Buddhist in Fredrika, but many Thai people come here every summer to pick berries and sell.  They have not started building the temple yet, but there is a big monk statue and a golden Buddha statue on the Temple Mountain. Every summer they have ceremonies and festivals where they collect money for the temple.


Fredrika: Four seasons

Posted by: Agneta Renman Add a commentAdd a comment

PictureFour seasons

by Wictor

We have a temperate climate, which means that we have four very different seasons. Since we live in the northern part of Sweden, we have very long winters and short summers. Here are some short summaries about our four seasons.

Winter – November to February

Our climate is cold and icy in the winter. And we have long, dark and cold nights. The weather is clear and consists of sunlight and ice-cold temperatures.  The temperatures sometimes reaches -40° Celsius (which is rare in the most parts of Sweden), but normally it is -10° to -20° Celsius. Sometimes, you don’t want to go outside due to the cold because it hurts to breath cold air, but after a while you get used to it.

Spring – March to May

It’s snowy and around 0° Celsius on the spring. It’s not very cold, and the snow usually melts down, and freezes again during cold nights. We normally have snow left on the ground until the end of April.

Summer – June to August

The summer is most of the time pretty warm. It is around 20°Celsius to 28°Celsius. Sometimes it rains and sometimes we have chilly winds, even in the summer. The most special about our summers are the bright nights. We have midnight sun during June and July, and it is quite intense and a powerful brightness over the sky.

Autumn – September to October

Our autumn is quite short, but yet so cold and rainy. We have cloudy weather during the short autumn.  Our broad-leaved trees become very colorful during the autumn, almost glaring the yellow, orange and red colors on the leaves.

Accueil Fredrika – Cultural Identity Fredrika – Natural Identity FUERTEVENTURA FUERTEVENTURA HISTORY FUERTEVENTURA NATURAL IDENTITY Lower Silesia Poland The Natural and Cultural Identity of Lower Silesia Poland


Fredrika; The Sami

Posted by: Agneta Renman Add a commentAdd a comment

The Sámi people

By Wictor

The Sámi people is an ethnical minority in Sweden. They are a national group, and they see themselves as one people, even if they live in different geographical countries. The total population of the Sámi people is around 80 000-135 000, but only 20 000 of them live in Sweden.

The Sámi peoples work can be divided into three divisions. The first division is reindeer herding, the second fishing (mainly in Norway and Russia) and the third is everything else except reindeer herding and fishing.

The reindeer herding is an old part of the Sámi culture, and 10 % of the total population practices reindeer herding. In Sweden only  Sámi are allowed to practice reindeer herding. They are nomades and move with the reindeers; in the summer, they live up in the mountains and in the winter in the forest region, like here around Fredrika. They’re using modern technology, like helicopters, snowmobiles and so on.

Thibault 4°2 Lucie Aubrac 2008-2009


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