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there are the stars
and the sickle stare
of the moon

there are the frogs
dancing in the joy
of the ditch and the crickets
serenading everything

there are the trees
and the huge shadow
of the wind whispering
the old hymns of my childhood

and of course, there are the stars again.
winking at me like a curious woman.

               i am learning to breathe.

From A Jury of Trees (Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe and Letras Latinas, 2017). Copyright © 2017 by Andrés Montoya. Used with the permission of Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe.-via poet.org

Andrés Montoya 1968-1999

Andrés Montoya is the author of the iceworker sings and other poems (Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, 1999) and a jury of trees (Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe and Letras Latinas, 2017).

Naëlle paper Planes Competition

Celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee Collège Lucie Aubrac 25300 Doubs



View message header detail “rupert.morgan” <rupert.morgan@orange.fr> 
Sent  Tuesday, May 15, 2012 1:50 pm
To  Marie.Milesi@ac-besancon.fr 
Subject  Paper Planes Competition

Dear Marie André-Milesi,

I am writing to congratulate you on the fact that a student of yours, Naëlle Roche, was awarded a Special Mention in the Poem category of this year’s Creative Writing Competition for her poem ‘Queen of Kaleidoscopes’.  We all found the poem very charming and she was by far the youngest writer on any of the shortlists, so we really wanted to single her out for her talent even if she did not feature among the final three winners.  In all we had around 400 entries to this year’s competition and the level far, far exceeded our wildest hopes, so it was very difficult and painful narrowing it down to shortlist of 15 in each category, let alone choosing the eventual winners. This is particularly pleasing to me, as the instigator of the competition, because I feel we have managed to disprove the idea that the French are no good at languages in that this exercise was a great deal more challenging than writing a piece of homework, yet the students have responded with an enthusiasm and a sincerity that we all found extremely moving as we read the entries.  Congratulations to Naëlle, and I hope we see more of your students next year!

best wishes

Rupert Morgan
Directeur de la collection Paper Planes


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