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Tag Archives: Thanksgiving


*** Thanksgiving and My friend White Cloud ****





IMG_0478Pumpkin recipe 



IMG_0185blackfoot-searchers-on-the-gallatin1The weather by Danaé

Thanksgiving is an American ——– celebrated each year in the USA on the ——- Thursday of ———–.

This year, Thanksgiving is on the ——- of November.
On Thanksgiving, people have a special ——- with their ———. They eat roast ——- with ——– sauce and ——– pie.
In 1620, the ——– came from England aboard the ——- and they settled in Plymouth.

At first, life was very hard but the ——- helped them to plant ——, to —– turkeys, to pick up berries. That’s why the Pilgrims —— Squanto and his friends to share a big dinner.

It was the first ——-.

It was in —-

A2 Thanksgiving


diaporama thanksgiving


Thanksgiving Pumpkin delights

Gobbledygook   was   born on December 28th 2013 (twenty- thirteen)

My feathers  are fanned out and they’ve got a beautiful white colour!

I weigh 48 pounds and I am  3 feet  high! My favourite food is :

beans and eggs

cereals  and corn

pumpkins and potatoes

carrots and peas

I can speak  English and I can gobble  for two hours non stop!

What about my favourite music?

I really enjoy listening to …











1-    Who was Norman Rockwell ?



2-   When was he born ?




3-   When did he die ?




4-   How long did his career last ?




5-   How did he become famous ?




6-   What did he do when he was 21 ?




7-   How many covers did Rockwell paint for the Post ?




8-   What were his favourite subjects ?




9-   What was Rockwell’s style ?




10- Do you like his style ?






1-    What sort of document is this ?




2-   Where does the scene take place ?




3-   When does the the scene take place ?




4-   Can you describe the scene

  • In the back ground :




  • On the right :




  • On the left




  • In the bottom right-hand corner





  • On the table





  • Right in the middle





6-What is the atmosphere of the room ? Why ?






7- Can you explain why the title of this document is  “Freedom from Want”






8- Write a commentary on this painting using the answers to the questions :

(write it on another sheet of paper)




1-    What do you know about Thanksgiving ?




2- When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated ?



3- When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated ?



4- What happened on this occasion ?




5- When was Thanksgiving declared a national holiday ? _________________________________________________________________


6- What is the meaning of Thanksgiving today ?




7- Why is “Freedom from Want” used to illustrate Thanksgiving Day ?




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