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Global peace initiative -under proof-reading and proof-listening



March… last year I came here for a couple of days

and … it was awesome and I was so excited

being now I love this city

it was really fun and creative and anything available architecture here people

were really friendly

I kind of developped the concepts of what I wanted

to be like for us a couple of years now

it was only until a year ago that the idea of a construction of a monument

actually began

and about eight months ago

i got the phone call that Julian had requested and incorporate

a white feather and dedicated to his father, John Lennon

it was obviously a peace monument

a global peace initiative but yeah

it was quite… how it turned out because

when I first came wit the concept of

follow peace and try to make that an amount of

more what this sculpture was going to be like

and it is funny I was listening to John Lennon

and it does feel like that time and

I was like you know it ‘s music

pretty much that one thing that

every body in the world that birngs us

this is altogether that we all have that in common

and I decided that it has to be

the aim/theme of my sculpture and

it is

what’ s eating a few odds about the monument

also has some glass components as well

but there is three parts

the base, the bottom and then on top

of that is this globe with

this instrument with this kind of

wrapping around throwing around

this kind of

globe and it hangs at the top and we can see doves

and there is the white feather of course

the top bird and that’s the glass component

pretty much, you know

just look at it, and remember John Lennon

because I think he had such a powerful message

that it is so advanced in today’s society just as much as it was

back when he was alive

it is pretty much the most important thing, it is a peace monument

remember his legacy and

that it is still alive today is pretty much

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October 2010

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