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Yearly Archives: 2011


A2- B1 I love my irregular verbs …









Stella -2008 Collège et cinéma

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaoesW5CCvQ[/youtube]Stella was shot in 2008 by Sylvie Verheyde

It is a recent film about the life of young girl in 1977 in a lycée in Paris.

The name of the school:__________________________________________________________

The date on the blackboard:_______________________________________________________

Stella’ s father:__________________________________________________________________

Stella’s mother:_________________________________________________________________

Stella’s friends:___________________________________________________________________


Who are the teachers?____________________________________________________________


What are they studying?


I would like to have Stella as a friend because: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I wouldn’t like to have Stella as a friend because:


Would you like to live in a bar?


There are places with light:


There are places with no light. They are dark.


What are the important elements in Stella’s life? And why?


Does she change and why?


Your comments about the film:

I liked the scene when the English teacher  throws the book outside.

This story didn’t interest me but I liked Gladys’ s family.

There isn’ t  any action.

I didn’t enjoy watching  the film because it is rather sad but one scene was interesting.

The scene which interested me most is the scene  when  Stella fights with a girl.

I liked watching the film Stella because the story speaks about a  teenager’s life.

From the beginning of the film, she feels very different from other pupils and she will change and the film is the story of her evolution.

My favourite scene was when the dog bites Gladys.

I didn’t enjoy the movie because it was sad.

In this film, there are some funny extracts.

I liked  the scene when Stella was at school and when she went to her grandmother’s.

I didn’t  like the movie because it  was not funny.

I liked the scene with music and dance.

I didn’t like  the scene when Stella invited  Gladys  and when they had  a chat and a fight with the  pillow.

In the film, Stella enjoys listening to music and dancing.

Dancing and music are her favourite hobbies.


B1 reading history and climate changes from trees

14 January 2011 Last updated at 17:19 GMT

Roman rise and fall ‘recorded in trees’

By Mark Kinver Science and environment reporter, BBC News

Tree growth rings (Image: Science Photo Library) The study offers a link between changes to the climate and the rise and fall of human societies

An extensive study of tree growth rings says there could be a link between the rise and fall of past civilisations and sudden shifts in Europe’s climate.

A team of researchers based their findings on data from 9,000 wooden artifacts from the past 2,500 years.

They found that periods of warm, wet summers coincided with prosperity, while political turmoil occurred during times of climate instability.

The findings have been published online by the journal Science.

“Looking back on 2,500 years, there are examples where climate change impacted human history,” co-author Ulf Buntgen, a paleoclimatologist at the Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape, told the Science website.

Ring record

The team capitalised on a system used to date material unearthed during excavations.

Continue reading the main story

“Start Quote

Distinct drying in the 3rd Century paralleled a period of serious crisis in the western Roman empire”

End Quote Ulf Buntgen

“Archaeologists have developed oak ring width chronologies from Central Europe that cover nearly the entire Holocene and have used them for the purpose of dating artefacts, historical buildings, antique artwork and furniture,” they wrote.

“Chronologies of living and relict oaks may reflect distinct patterns of summer precipitation and drought.”

The team looked at how weather over the past couple of centuries affected living trees’ growth rings.

During good growing seasons, when water and nutrients are in plentiful supply, trees form broad rings, with their boundaries relatively far apart.

But in unfavourable conditions, such as drought, the rings grow in much tighter formation.

The researchers then used this data to reconstruct annual weather patterns from the growth rings preserved in the artefacts.

Once they had developed a chronology stretching back over the past 2,500 years, they identified a link with prosperity levels in past societies, such as the Roman Empire.

“Wet and warm summers occurred during periods of Roman and medieval prosperity. Increased climate variability from 250-600 AD coincided with the demise of the western Roman empire and the turmoil of the migration period,” the team reported.

“Distinct drying in the 3rd Century paralleled a period of serious crisis in the western Roman empire marked by barbarian invasion, political turmoil and economic dislocation in several provinces of Gaul.”

Dr Buntgen explained: “We were aware of these super-big data sets, and we brought them together and analyzed them in a new way to get the climate signal.

“If you have enough wood, the dating is secure. You just need a lot of material and a lot of rings.”

A2-B1 Celebrating the New Year with the future tense

1- This year will be different from the last.

will nous permet de parler du futur avec la base verbale

will + base verbale

2- A la forme négative, will devient will + not : forme pleine

ou won’t : forme contractée

On utilise la même forme pour l’ensemble

des personnes du singulier et du pluriel.

3- Il existe aussi une forme contractée pour will :

  I’ll get it all done = I will get

  I’ll get serious = I will get

ici nous parlons du futur, de l’avenir et des résolutions :

En français, quand je parle de l’avenir, j’utilise aussi le futur.

I will give back to society : je donnerai en retour à la société.

You’ll give back to society : tu donneras en retour à la société.

He’ll give back to society : il donnera en retour à la société.

We’ll give back to society : nous donnerons en retour à la société.

You’ll give back to society : Vous donnerez en retour à la société.

They’ll give back to society : Ils donneront en retour à la société.

4- Il y a une forme familière que l’on trouve

à l’oral ainsi que dans les chansons.

I’m gonna eat right and cut out the junk.

J’vais (je vais) manger correctement et réduire la malbouffe.

ou bien

I’m going to eat right and cut out the junk.

I’m gonna eat est plus familier que I am going to

I will show more love to my family.

I won’t chat in class.

I will enjoy life and help others.

I will speak English more often.

I will play more sports.

I will  do more my homework.

I will read more.

I will set the table every day.

I will read a book every month.

I will tidy my room more often.

I will go on working  hard at school and get better marks.

In the future, I will keep fit, drink water and walk every day.

I will eat right  and cut out the junk food.

I will eat fruit and vegetables and I will exercise more.

In the future, I will work hard at school.


I will become an electrician and won’t be hurt.

I will become a carpenter.

I will become a police woman.

I will become  a tourist on one of our planets…

I will be a  star with lots of children and a family.

I will become the best sportsman on the moon.

I will skate on the moon.

I will be more friendly with my friends.

I will tidy my bedroom because it is messy.

I will be friendly with my friends and be polite!

I will become Prime Minister.

I will become The President of Europe!

I will become a farmer.

I will surf on Mars.

I won’t have any accidents.

I will become an astronaut.

I will become a designer of clothes.

I will become a vet.

I will be more organized.

Yes, I can revise my verbs and enjoy doing so!


Celebrating  2011 in London


Niveau A2


- Nick : New Year’s resolutions

Nicks tells us about his New Year resolutions for 2011 : a new house, recycling and losing weight.

- Sarah : My New Year resolutions for 2011

Sarah speaks about her new year resolutions for 2011 : replying to her emails, travelling, enjoying her French experience, going to the gym…

Niveau B1

- Liv : New Years Eve
Liv has finally had a good New Years Eve !

- Paul : New Year’s resolutions in America
Paul tells us about the typical New Year’s resolutions in the US.

- Paul : My new year resolution for 2011
Paul speaks about his top new year resolution this year : quit smoking.


B1 et plus






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