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from A2 to C2 Dickens Dates and David, David who ?


What does Oliver do tonight?

Where does Oliver  live?













The life of Charles Dickens
Charles John Huffman Dickens was born on the 7th February 1812. His parents were John and Elizabeth Dickens. He was the second child of 8 siblings. John, the father always spent beyond his means. One day he pointed out a house to Charles remarking that he could live in such a house if he worked hard. The family moved to London in 1822. At 12 as the family finances worsened, he started working in a blacking factory labelling bottles for 11 hours a day. John Dickens was eventually sent to a debtors’ prison. Charles visited him every Sunday.
In 1827 he began work as a sollicitor’s clerk. From the surrounding of his office he began to collect names and characteristics of the people he saw.
He began a journalistic career in 1831. Writing became his passion. Working for the paper by day and on his own work by night he was beginning to taste success. His first piece of fiction was published in 1835. That same year Charles met Catherine Hogarth. They fell in love and were married. The further years resulted of much writing and many children. As his writing became more popular and his fame more widespread, rumours began to abound on his drunkenness and admission to an asylum. Stories were easy to concoct about the writer who kept a pet raven and whose writing dealt with the extreme of the sentimental and the grotesque. In 1842 Charles and Catherine set sail for America . On landing to Boston , they were mocked by crowds. He took his whole family on his next big trip to Italy in the summer of 1844. When he returned he looked for new diversions and he helped to start and edit a radical newspaper, founded a refuge for homeless women and performed his work at performed readings. Aged 44 Charles bought the house his father had showed him as a child. It symbolized the pinnacle of achievement. While Dickens was organizing a theatrical project « The frozen deek » , he met a young actress, Ellen Ternan. There was much speculation about this relationship that caused the end of his marriage with Catherine Hogarth.One fateful (catastrophique) night 1865 while Charles and Helen were returning from Paris, the train crashed.Only at the last minute did he remember to retrieve the final part of « Our mutual friend » from the wrecked(endommagé) carriage. The incident left Charles very shaken and his health began to fail.At home on the night of the 9th of June 1870, at the age of 58, Charles suffered a stroke and died. He is buried in Westminster abbey.

Lire sur Dickens ici :http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/famouspeople/charles_dickens/


Courbet Beauquier and water Ulis + 3°7




Théâtre des Sources de Nans – Sous – Sainte Anne  


Texte 1: Détail avec l’autorisation du Musée Courbet -Ornans – Photo Marie André-Milesi

Jeudi 29 novembre 2012


Courbet, Beauquier et L’eau

Théâtre des Sources de Nans-Sous-Sainte Anne

Collège Lucie Aubrac

dispositif Ulis et 3°segpa


Projet transversal : Pierre Brégand, Cyril Bousson et Marie André-Milesi


« La culture pour s’épanouir, se connaître et vivre ensemble »



Responsable pédagogique du projet : Marie André-Milesi







Dear Mr Philippe Cormery,



We liked the journey to the Vallées de La Loue and Lison !


We left school at 9 o’ clock.


The teachers waited for the bus.


The bus driver drove us through the Vallée de La Loue.


We visited the Museum.


The guides were very friendly !


We saw Courbet ‘s easel and paint box.


It was a great time !


We walked to the library and had lunch there .



We gave the teacher wasabi – flavoured chips.


The librarian was kind. Then we drove to Nans-Sous-Sainte Anne !


We had fun ! Your show was funny… you made us think of Mario Bross.


We liked the carrot, Goupil, the fox, the Lison river,

the story about the water,

the archeology, all the humour of the photographs !


Your memory is impressive !


You told us you were a pupil suffering from dyslexia.


It is very encouraging for us and for our teachers too !


« Et toi, Tais-toi ! » was an amusing passage ! We enjoyed it !


The story between the oak and Madame Lison was romantic and funny.


It rained and it was rather cold. But we had lots of fun !


In the Taillandrie, we could see how workers wrought iron !


Thank you Mr Cormery !



We had a great time !


With our warmest regards,



3° Segpa Collège Lucie Aubrac



Alexia, Aykut, Anaïs, Anthony, Brian, Corentin, Emily, Jason, Jérémie, Kilian, Marine, Meslican, Nazia, Océane, Sophie, Tifany,







beautiful impressive extraordinary great awesome




summer forest


spring winter






















remerciements à la Bibliothèque d’Ornans pour son accueil

What do you want for Christmas? A2

for Christmas


What do you want for  The New Year?


the teacher wants quiet pupils! Yes, she does!

I want  a report book full of sweets! Yes, I do!

I  want a ginger bread house with a chocolate entrance door! Yes, I do!

I want sunny afternoons and sunny mornings! 

I want lessons in the swimming pool with a lot of music! 

I want all lessons  to be  songs!

I want the sky to be full of sweets! 

I want computers to be chips! 

I want to work in the trees and in the air up in the sky!

I want  a camera to take photos of the lessons!

I want  the school to be a park with lots of funny places and lots of different attractions!

I want  pens and pencils to be like marshmallows! = guimauve

I want  the school walls to be prompters (aides)

all lessons on the walls with all the answers!

A1-A2 Telling time

A2 from present to past tense

from present to past tense





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