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Monthly Archives: March 2012


Animals save the planet




Irregular verbs


Les Cluds by Elisa F

6°2 Les Cluds and our outing by Elisa Faïs


Monday, we left school and drove to Switzerland because it was too expensive by coach. Once in Les Cluds, we settled and we had an art course. One hour later, we had a picnic and the teacher made six teams : les bonobos, les petits cailleux, les M&M’S, les babibels, les raidoux and the winners for a « red thread ».

Some time later, we tested the snowshoes. I forgot to tell you that we made them! They all looked great!Some of them broke.

In the evening we had a science lesson.We baked the dough for the croissants and the pizza!!!

Appetizing   croissants !!!   

Tuesday, we got up early and enjoyed our excellent croissants for breakfast! Then we went outside for a long cross-country skiing outing. We arrived at the cottage and we met Ms Belot, and Ms Andre as well as Ms Piccand, the teachers of our school. We ate and we prepared the pizza with the tomato sauce, bits and pieces of ham and cheese … and last but not least, oregan. It  was excellent! Later on we played our sketches.
We   slept like logs!

Wednesday, we woke up at seven and a half, we had  lunch, we packed our things, we prepared and cleaned the ski chalet. Next,we went snowshoeing in the forest. It was a great escape! Then we went back and ate. We went on with our packing and waited for the bus to fetch us. We sang many songs in the bus!

Spring cleaning  and the mess !!! The girls in the class


It was a great experience, it was great fun!
Thank you to all the teachers who came, they are very generous!
There was no water and we had to cooperate with what looked like a sustainable way of life . It
has  been the best experience of my life!

(teacher’s comments: no water made it an unforgettable experience on this Valentine’s week end)

Visite du vendredi 13 avril 2012 au Musée Gustave Courbet – Ornans -Vallée de la Loue

Gustave Courbet 3°7 Ulis Visite


Projet Courbet 2012 Marie André-Milesi

Keep calm and carry on poster


e-thanks to Emmanuelle AntichCollège François Mitterand Moissac Académie de Toulouse


March 2012

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