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Monthly Archives: July 2018


Who is the King of the selfie? Would you like to be the King of the Selfie?



Make selfies of yourself and/or portraits of your best friends expressing:

anger, sadness, joy and happiness, surprise, boredom, pity, empathy, in love,

in danger, in awe and others you can think of.

Summer 2018

BBC art+memory+ many artists painting for rescuers and boys trapped in a cave


The blood moon and Mars on Friday, July 27th 2018


Readers and reading illustrated by photographers.

Choose one or two photographs and explain why you like it  or  not.


https://ugc.futurelearn.com/uploads/files/12/ba/12badfd4-4d17-4b78-b702-ff732d446405/Teacher_2_s_activity.pdf comparing, comparisons 


Meeting an alien

What was the alien like?

When did you meet the alien?

Who were you with?

What were you doing?

What did the alien look like?

What did you do when you saw the alien?

What happened in the end?

Meeting someone famous

  1. What famous person did you meet?
  2. Where did you meet them and who were you with?
  3. What was the famous person wearing and how did he/she look (e.g. glamorous/ taller than I thought/ not too beautiful)?
  4. What was he/she like? (e.g. friendly/ funny/ annoyed)
  5. What did you do when you saw the famous person?
  6. What happened next? ( e.g. He/she signed an autograph/walked away)

A great holiday

  1. Where and when did you go?
  2. Who did you go with?
  3. Describe the place you went to.
  4. What did you do there? (e.g. snowboarding, diving, rock-climbing, trekking, swimming, building tiny houses in trees, climbed Mt. Everest)
  5. What sights did you see? ( e.g. The Eiffel tower, the Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, the river Thames in London, the Hudson in New York)
  6. What was the weather like? (rainy, stormy, sunny, hot, cold)
  7. Did you have a good time? (great, awesome, boring, awful)

under construction : les temps / tenses

# Exercise 1 : Answer present perfect

# Exercise 2: Answer present perfect

# Exercise 3: Answer , complete the sentences : explain the problem

  1. Can you lend me your glue? I ………………………………………………………………….mine.
  2. Can you go to my locker? I ………………………………………………………………….my exercise.
  3. Can anybody lend me a pen? I …………………………………………….my pencil case at home.
  4. I need more time because I………………………………………………………………….my test.

# Exercise 4: Match the 2 columns : present perfect

# Exercise 5: Write a sentence. Choose between present or past. Be careful

(miss) my bus / (go) to the nurse’s office / (have) a sore throat / (be) with the headteacher

(have) a stomachache / (go*) to the hospital / (be*) at the doctor / (be* ) at the dentist /

(have) a toothache / (be) sick / (have*) the flu / (have) a headache / (go) to the toilet /

  1. I ……………… absent yesterday because:

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________

  1. I ……………… ………………… well today because:

______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________

  1. I ……………… late for class because:

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________

# Exercise 6: match the sentences to the pictures.

Underline the verb in green

I had a stomachache I overslept I twisted my wrist

I broke my leg I forgot the room number I was sick

Write down the verb base:

………………………=> had ……………………………=> overslept ………………………=> twisted

………………………=> broke ……………………………=> forgot ………………………=> was / ………….

# Exercise 7: read and think: PRETERIT = SIMPLE PAST

He had the flu and was absent last week. ………………………

I went to the hospital yesterday. ………………………

He twisted his wrist during the match last Sunday. ………………………

We missed the bus this morning and were late. ……………………… ………………………

? Souligne les verbes en vert dans les phrases ci-dessus. Ecris la Base Verbale sur les …………

? Comment sont-ils formés ? – _______________________ pour les verbes réguliers.

– Il n’y_____________________pour les verbes irréguliers.

Il faut donc les mémoriser.

On utilise le prétérit pour parler d’un passé, terminé, daté.

Il n’y a aucun rapport , aucun lien avec le présent.

Le cas particulier de Be :


Be au prétérit

Be = ……………

I __________________ away.


You ________________sick.

We ________________hot.

they________________ cold.

# Exercise 8: Translate into English: PRETERIT = SIMPLE PAST

a) Je suis allé chez le dentiste la semaine dernière.

  • _____________________________________________________

b) Il a oublié son agenda ce matin. =>______________________________________

c) Il est arrivé à 9h00 donc il était en retard.

  • _____________________________________________________

d) Nous avons raté la leçon d’anglais hier parce que nous étions malades.

  • ______________________________________________________

e) Elle n’est pas venu à l’école vendredi dernier car elle avait la grippe.

  • ______________________________________________________


# Exercise 9:

Read and think:

# Exercise 10: Read and think: there is /there are

# Exercise 11:

Answer and copy your answer

in your book.:





# Exercise 12: Read and Think LIKES / DISLIKES

Sarah : “At school I’m keen on studying physics and biology, so I’ve joined the science club.”

Lynn: “My school is great because there are many hobby clubs and I’m crazy about skiing.”

Ted: “I hate sports, so I can’t stand baseball and I don’t like cheerleading at all.”

+ –

I love I hate

I’m crazy about I can’t stand

I like….very much / a lot I don’t like…….at all

I am fond of / I am keen on … I dislike

I enjoy / I like … I don’t (really) like

I don’t mind

Lis les exemples et conclue : Tous ces verbes et expressions qui expriment des goûts sont soit suivis d’une ________________________ +______ ou d’un _______________.

Rappel de Conjugaison

On l’utilise pour parler en général. On peut décrire des généralités, des goûts, des habitudes, des vérités. On le retrouve avec les adverbes de fréquence : never, always, often, sometimes, rarely… et des compléments de temps (at the weekends, once a month, every Saturday…)

# Exercise 13: Complete LIKES / DISLIKES






# Exercise 14: Complete LIKES / DISLIKES

Complete the following sentences using the words between parentheses.

Ex: Alan _________________________________to music. (love/listen). => Alan loves listening to music.

  1. Kevin is in a hobby club because he __________________________________________ crosswords.

(be crazy about/do) but he__________________________________________ ( hate/ fish)

  1. The twins_______________________________________________ (not like…at all /play chess) but they_______________________________________(prefer/painting)
  2. Tim _____________________________________________________ books. (dislike/read)
  3. The children ___________________________________________________ stamps. (be fond of collect).
  4. Mum and I_______________________________________________TV. (can’t stand/watch)
  5. I _____________________________________________________ the net. (be keen on/surf)
  6. They_______________________________________________________ (like…very much/act)

# Exercise 15: Complete clubs

Look at the club in this Junior

High School

# Exercise 16: Complete


# Exercise 17: Write and advise tastes and clubs

Now advise a student to join a club according to his tastes:

Ex: If you enjoy helping people and if you are fond of meeting new people,

you should join the Children’s Hospital Volunteer Club.



you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………










le futur / future et le futur proche / near future : I will be the next champion I am going to work hard at English grammar

  • I’m going on holiday to Germany tomorrow
  • I’m not going to get married next year.
  • What are you going to study next year?
  • I will see you tomorrow.
  • I won’t come to class tomorrow.
  • Will you lend me some money?



  1. 1.            Where are you going to live in the future?
  2. 2.            What are you going to study next year?
  3. 3.            Are you going to get married? When? Where?
  4. 4.            Do you think you’ll have children? How many?
  5. 5.            Tell me something you are definitely NOT going to do in your life.
  6. 6.            Where will you go tonight?
  7. 7.            What are you going to do this weekend?
  8. 8.            Tell me about your life in twenty years.


  • I will study at university next year. 
  • I’m going to open the window, it’s hot. 
  • We are  going to have a party. 


Monday Tuesday Wednesday  Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
make dinner     go for a helicopter ride     Clean my flat


  • You must go to work on Monday.
  • You have a doctor’s appointment on Friday.
  • There’s a party on Tuesday night.
  • It’s your partner’s birthday on Saturday.
  • You won $1 million dollars!


  1. 1.            I’ve lost my wallet
  2. 2.            I’m freezing
  3. 3.            I’m sad
  4. 4.            I’ve got a headache
  5. 5.            I’m thirsty
  6. 6.            My bags are very heavy.
  7. 7.            I’m hungry
  8. 8.            I’m very hot
  9. 9.            I’m poor.
  10. 10.          I’m really tired.



A1-A2 mindmaps : cartes mentales en anglais

cartes Anglais


July 2018

buy windows 11 pro test ediyorum