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under construction : les temps / tenses

# Exercise 1 : Answer present perfect

# Exercise 2: Answer present perfect

# Exercise 3: Answer , complete the sentences : explain the problem

  1. Can you lend me your glue? I ………………………………………………………………….mine.
  2. Can you go to my locker? I ………………………………………………………………….my exercise.
  3. Can anybody lend me a pen? I …………………………………………….my pencil case at home.
  4. I need more time because I………………………………………………………………….my test.

# Exercise 4: Match the 2 columns : present perfect

# Exercise 5: Write a sentence. Choose between present or past. Be careful

(miss) my bus / (go) to the nurse’s office / (have) a sore throat / (be) with the headteacher

(have) a stomachache / (go*) to the hospital / (be*) at the doctor / (be* ) at the dentist /

(have) a toothache / (be) sick / (have*) the flu / (have) a headache / (go) to the toilet /

  1. I ……………… absent yesterday because:

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________

  1. I ……………… ………………… well today because:

______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________

  1. I ……………… late for class because:

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________

# Exercise 6: match the sentences to the pictures.

Underline the verb in green

I had a stomachache I overslept I twisted my wrist

I broke my leg I forgot the room number I was sick

Write down the verb base:

………………………=> had ……………………………=> overslept ………………………=> twisted

………………………=> broke ……………………………=> forgot ………………………=> was / ………….

# Exercise 7: read and think: PRETERIT = SIMPLE PAST

He had the flu and was absent last week. ………………………

I went to the hospital yesterday. ………………………

He twisted his wrist during the match last Sunday. ………………………

We missed the bus this morning and were late. ……………………… ………………………

? Souligne les verbes en vert dans les phrases ci-dessus. Ecris la Base Verbale sur les …………

? Comment sont-ils formés ? – _______________________ pour les verbes réguliers.

– Il n’y_____________________pour les verbes irréguliers.

Il faut donc les mémoriser.

On utilise le prétérit pour parler d’un passé, terminé, daté.

Il n’y a aucun rapport , aucun lien avec le présent.

Le cas particulier de Be :


Be au prétérit

Be = ……………

I __________________ away.


You ________________sick.

We ________________hot.

they________________ cold.

# Exercise 8: Translate into English: PRETERIT = SIMPLE PAST

a) Je suis allé chez le dentiste la semaine dernière.

  • _____________________________________________________

b) Il a oublié son agenda ce matin. =>______________________________________

c) Il est arrivé à 9h00 donc il était en retard.

  • _____________________________________________________

d) Nous avons raté la leçon d’anglais hier parce que nous étions malades.

  • ______________________________________________________

e) Elle n’est pas venu à l’école vendredi dernier car elle avait la grippe.

  • ______________________________________________________


# Exercise 9:

Read and think:

# Exercise 10: Read and think: there is /there are

# Exercise 11:

Answer and copy your answer

in your book.:





# Exercise 12: Read and Think LIKES / DISLIKES

Sarah : “At school I’m keen on studying physics and biology, so I’ve joined the science club.”

Lynn: “My school is great because there are many hobby clubs and I’m crazy about skiing.”

Ted: “I hate sports, so I can’t stand baseball and I don’t like cheerleading at all.”

+ –

I love I hate

I’m crazy about I can’t stand

I like….very much / a lot I don’t like…….at all

I am fond of / I am keen on … I dislike

I enjoy / I like … I don’t (really) like

I don’t mind

Lis les exemples et conclue : Tous ces verbes et expressions qui expriment des goûts sont soit suivis d’une ________________________ +______ ou d’un _______________.

Rappel de Conjugaison

On l’utilise pour parler en général. On peut décrire des généralités, des goûts, des habitudes, des vérités. On le retrouve avec les adverbes de fréquence : never, always, often, sometimes, rarely… et des compléments de temps (at the weekends, once a month, every Saturday…)

# Exercise 13: Complete LIKES / DISLIKES






# Exercise 14: Complete LIKES / DISLIKES

Complete the following sentences using the words between parentheses.

Ex: Alan _________________________________to music. (love/listen). => Alan loves listening to music.

  1. Kevin is in a hobby club because he __________________________________________ crosswords.

(be crazy about/do) but he__________________________________________ ( hate/ fish)

  1. The twins_______________________________________________ (not like…at all /play chess) but they_______________________________________(prefer/painting)
  2. Tim _____________________________________________________ books. (dislike/read)
  3. The children ___________________________________________________ stamps. (be fond of collect).
  4. Mum and I_______________________________________________TV. (can’t stand/watch)
  5. I _____________________________________________________ the net. (be keen on/surf)
  6. They_______________________________________________________ (like…very much/act)

# Exercise 15: Complete clubs

Look at the club in this Junior

High School

# Exercise 16: Complete


# Exercise 17: Write and advise tastes and clubs

Now advise a student to join a club according to his tastes:

Ex: If you enjoy helping people and if you are fond of meeting new people,

you should join the Children’s Hospital Volunteer Club.



you ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………










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