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Les Cluds by Elisa F

6°2 Les Cluds and our outing by Elisa Faïs


Monday, we left school and drove to Switzerland because it was too expensive by coach. Once in Les Cluds, we settled and we had an art course. One hour later, we had a picnic and the teacher made six teams : les bonobos, les petits cailleux, les M&M’S, les babibels, les raidoux and the winners for a « red thread ».

Some time later, we tested the snowshoes. I forgot to tell you that we made them! They all looked great!Some of them broke.

In the evening we had a science lesson.We baked the dough for the croissants and the pizza!!!

Appetizing   croissants !!!   

Tuesday, we got up early and enjoyed our excellent croissants for breakfast! Then we went outside for a long cross-country skiing outing. We arrived at the cottage and we met Ms Belot, and Ms Andre as well as Ms Piccand, the teachers of our school. We ate and we prepared the pizza with the tomato sauce, bits and pieces of ham and cheese … and last but not least, oregan. It  was excellent! Later on we played our sketches.
We   slept like logs!

Wednesday, we woke up at seven and a half, we had  lunch, we packed our things, we prepared and cleaned the ski chalet. Next,we went snowshoeing in the forest. It was a great escape! Then we went back and ate. We went on with our packing and waited for the bus to fetch us. We sang many songs in the bus!

Spring cleaning  and the mess !!! The girls in the class


It was a great experience, it was great fun!
Thank you to all the teachers who came, they are very generous!
There was no water and we had to cooperate with what looked like a sustainable way of life . It
has  been the best experience of my life!

(teacher’s comments: no water made it an unforgettable experience on this Valentine’s week end)

acting on a stage


A poem written by N.

On snow

Under heaven

Through the wind

I ski with my classmates

Near the cottage

Good Days, so many happy  day!









A poem by Ann

Orange as the sun in the evening

United in love

Tears of sadness or Joy

Imaginary like dreams

Near starry nights

Green as hope!

Groundhog Day on the 2nd of February

Groundhog Day takes place on the first or the second of February




A1-A2 Ici et ailleurs, modernités et traditions.

Where does it take place?


What  can you see?


What can you hear?


 What are people wearing?


 What’s the name of the  famous groundhog?


 What can it predict?


  Who are the members?


  Do you like this tradition?


 My toolbox of words:

top hats and a congregation of gentlemen

a suit= un costume

a tuxedo= une queue de pie

a tie=une cravate

a bow =noeud papillon

to wear = porter un vêtement

smart and traditional clothes,

it is freezing cold!

the shadow=l’ombre, many people, a lot of people,

the weather= le temps météorologique

a weather forecast= un bulletin météorologique

the best weather forecast, the dream, dreamers

very traditional

to see its own shadow =voir la projection de son ombre

funny and pleasant, to announce spring, to announce winter,

a very likeable animal

it is part and parcel of traditions=

one president= notre président

the tree-trunk= le tronc d’arbre

the hole= trou

to sleep=

to be sleeping=

to like folklore, not to like folklore,

to like and enjoy dreams and dreamers


Groundhogs are able to climb trees to escape.

The etymology of the name woodchuck is unrelated to wood or chucking. It stems from an Algonquian (possibly Narragansett) name for the animal, wuchak. The similarity between the words has led to the common tongue-twister:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could

if a woodchuck could chuck wood![12]

[edit] In popular culture

  • One of Robert Frost‘s best known poems is “A Drumlin Woodchuck,” in which he uses the imagery of a woodchuck dug in to a small ridge as a metaphor for his emotional reticence.
  • A woodchuck figures prominently in the movie Groundhog Day.

Raymond Aubrac, Jean Moulin and History




Raymond Aubrac with wife Lucie Bernard 

Jean Moulin

Jean Moulin
  • Son of a history professor
  • Rapidly ascended Civil Service to become France’s youngest prefect (regional administrator)
  • Extreme left-wing politics
  • Arrested in June 1940 by Gestapo and tortured
  • Dismissed by Vichy government for refusing to sack all elected officials with left-wing views
  • Smuggled out of France in 1941 to meet De Gaulle in London
  • Parachuted back to France in Jan 1942 to organise Resistance movement
  • Betrayed in June 1943, tortured and died





Once upon a time, there was…

The Pea and the Princess adapted from its original version.


Once upon a time there was…a Prince but he wanted a Princess.

He travelled around the world but there was always something wrong.

-“There must be a real Princess for me somewhere!” he thought.

There was always something wrong and Our Prince  could not find one.


One day, there was a terrible storm with thunder and lightening.

In the middle of the storm, something happened and a Princess appeared but the Old King did not believe the Princess nor did the Prince. They thought she was not a Princess because of her appearance.

The Princess stood outside and she was in a terrible state because of the rain on her clothes and her hair and her face…

-“We shall see if you are  a real Princess!” (On va voir si vous êtes une vraie Princesse!”)

She put 20 mattresses and twenty feather-beds. And she put a pea under  the mattress or mattresses.

-“How did you sleep last night?”

-“I slept terribly bad!”... she said. “I hardly closed my eyes and my body is all black and blue.”

So the Prince was sure she was a real Princess.

The pea was placed in a museum!

Everybody can see it now!


My conclusion about Andersen’s tale?



a tale=

Once upon a time=

to want=

to travel around the world=


something wrong=

to find=

a storm=



to believe=

to think=







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