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In Flanders Fields 1915

World War I  poem








In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead.

Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If yOU  break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.





WWI react ! 


The torch; be yours to hold it high.


If you break faith with us who die


We shall not sleep, though poppies grow


In Flanders fields.


Dans les champs de Flandre, les coquelicots fleurissent
entre les rangées de croix qui marquent notre place
Et dans le ciel, malgré le rugissement des canons
L’on perçoit encore le chant des courageuses alouettes.


Nous sommes les Morts  et pourtant quelques jours auparavant
Nous regardions l’aurore poindre et le soleil rougir en
Se couchant. Nous avons aimé  et étions aimés et aujourd’hui
Nous gisons dans les champs de Flandre.


Reprenez notre combat contre l’ennemi:
De nos mains qui chancellent, nous vous confions
Le flambeau qui sera vôtre et que vous tiendrez haut.


Si vous ne croyez plus en nous qui mourrons, jamais nous
Ne retrouverons le repos dans les Champs de Flandre
Où  fleurissent les coquelicots


(Traduction adaptée )

*** The Little Carpet Boy *** World Day against Child Labor ***

The true story of a little hero


Which country?


Which name?


Recap !







A2- B1 I love my irregular verbs …









Le prétérit et la Maison Blanche

The White House, Washington
Good morning,

Six months ago, Gail O’Brien didn’t know whether or not she would be able to treat her cancer.  Betsy Burton wasn’t sure if she could afford to keep paying the skyrocketing premiums for her employees’ health insurance. Paul Horne was struggling to make ends meet after his prescription drug coverage hit the “donut hole.”

The thing about these stories is that they could happen to anybody.  Millions of Americans — maybe even you or someone you know — have been struggling for years with our broken health care system.  These stories are what inspired me to fight for the Affordable Care Act and made me so proud to sign this landmark legislation into law six months ago.

Every day, I hear from Americans like Gail, Betsy and Paul, and a few of these folks have stepped forward to bravely share their stories with the entire country. Take a minute to hear what they have to say:

50 States/50 Stories. Listen Now

The Affordable Care Act is already making a difference in the lives of millions of Americans.  And starting tomorrow, the Patient’s Bill of Rights goes into effect, ending some of the worst abuses of the insurance industry and putting you, not your insurance company, in control of your health care.

Here’s what the Patient’s Bill of Rights means for you:

  • No more discrimination against kids with pre-existing conditions. Insurance companies can no longer bar families from purchasing coverage because of a child’s pre-existing condition.
  • No more lifetime coverage limits. Insurance companies can no longer put a lifetime limit on the amount of coverage you can receive.
  • Young adults can now stay on their parent’s plan. Young adults can stay on their parent’s health insurance plan up to age 26 if their job doesn’t provide health care benefits — a huge relief for many parents and recent college graduates.
  • Free preventive care. If you join or purchase a new plan, the insurance company will be required to provide preventive care like mammograms, colonoscopies, immunizations, pre-natal and baby care without charging you any out of pocket costs.
  • Freedom to choose your own doctor. If you purchase or join a new plan, you have the right to choose your own doctor in your insurer network.
  • No more restrictions on emergency room care. Insurance companies will not be allowed to charge you more for out of network emergency services if you purchase or join a new a plan.

This is a long-overdue victory for American consumers and patients.  For years, millions of Americans have been at the mercy of their insurance companies as they jacked up rates, denied coverage or dropped patients all together.

Now, some opponents of this reform have pledged to “repeal and replace” all of the progress we’ve made over the past six months.  But I refuse to go back to the days when insurance companies could deny a child health care due to a pre-existing condition or impose a lifetime limit on care for a cancer patient.  Those days are over.

The Affordable Care Act provides basic rules of the road that make our health care system work for consumers.  It cuts costs and will help us begin to get our fiscal house in order.  And most importantly, it provides Americans with the peace of mind that their insurance will be there for them when they need it.

To learn more about the Patient’s Bill of Rights and the Affordable Care Act, visit:



President Barack Obama

P.S. Last week, I surprised Gail O’Brien by calling her at home.  You can see what happened here:


Glogster A2 B1 et B2i

Fiche réalisée dans le cadre des activités B2i

(2.1et 2.6, 2.7 + 4.4 et 4.5 )et A2-B1

Collège Lucie Aubrac de Doubs

Marie André-Milesi

A partir de Glogster, vous  devez organiser un voyage et réaliser vous-mêmes le poster idéal de la destination choisie.

Se rendre sur le site officiel du pays choisi ou du sujet choisi (l’office de tourisme, le sujet etc…)

Citer ses sources et  prendre des photos libres de droits.

Choisir l’un des sujets imposés ci-dessous.

Choisir une police de caractères qui ne soit pas trop consommatrice d’encre.

Un lien sonore peut être introduit s’il est pertinent par rapport au sujet.

Quand le professeur le demandera, mettre le document dans l’espace classe.

L’enregistrer comme suit:

GlogsterEmKev pour Emma et Kevin par exemple

Le respect des consignes est fondamental. Le groupe évaluera les posters en fonction des consignes données.Ce travail peut être réalisé à deux.

Wales :Where is it?What are the major cities?

Find two illustrations. ( +the emblem of the region)

Give the name of the highest mountain?

What are the languages spoken in Wales?


Locate the region. Find one photo to illustrate the region.

Name two major cities.

What is Scotland famous for? ( + the emblem of the region?)

Give the name  of the  two languages spoken.

Would you like to live there?


Give the name of the capital.

What is the symbol of the country?

Illustrate your poster with two famous castles of your choice.

Find the name of the most famous English writer.

Quote two of his plays.

New Zealand

Name of the main cities and capital.

Who were the natives (the first inhabitants) before the arrival of British people?

Major attractions.

Give a tour of the country.

Other subjects:

One state of the USA ( Louisiana, North Dakota etc…)


Date of birth and date of death.

Three photos (not more than 3) to illustrate his biography

Three important elements in his life

The title of major masterpieces.

The Declaration of Independence in the USA:When was it created?

Who wrote it?

Quote four or five major elements?

Find the emblem of the USA (one or two photos)

What is the corresponding document in France?

Give its date.


June 2024

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