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A2-B1 Bo, the White House dog



B1 reading history and climate changes from trees

14 January 2011 Last updated at 17:19 GMT

Roman rise and fall ‘recorded in trees’

By Mark Kinver Science and environment reporter, BBC News

Tree growth rings (Image: Science Photo Library) The study offers a link between changes to the climate and the rise and fall of human societies

An extensive study of tree growth rings says there could be a link between the rise and fall of past civilisations and sudden shifts in Europe’s climate.

A team of researchers based their findings on data from 9,000 wooden artifacts from the past 2,500 years.

They found that periods of warm, wet summers coincided with prosperity, while political turmoil occurred during times of climate instability.

The findings have been published online by the journal Science.

“Looking back on 2,500 years, there are examples where climate change impacted human history,” co-author Ulf Buntgen, a paleoclimatologist at the Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape, told the Science website.

Ring record

The team capitalised on a system used to date material unearthed during excavations.

Continue reading the main story

“Start Quote

Distinct drying in the 3rd Century paralleled a period of serious crisis in the western Roman empire”

End Quote Ulf Buntgen

“Archaeologists have developed oak ring width chronologies from Central Europe that cover nearly the entire Holocene and have used them for the purpose of dating artefacts, historical buildings, antique artwork and furniture,” they wrote.

“Chronologies of living and relict oaks may reflect distinct patterns of summer precipitation and drought.”

The team looked at how weather over the past couple of centuries affected living trees’ growth rings.

During good growing seasons, when water and nutrients are in plentiful supply, trees form broad rings, with their boundaries relatively far apart.

But in unfavourable conditions, such as drought, the rings grow in much tighter formation.

The researchers then used this data to reconstruct annual weather patterns from the growth rings preserved in the artefacts.

Once they had developed a chronology stretching back over the past 2,500 years, they identified a link with prosperity levels in past societies, such as the Roman Empire.

“Wet and warm summers occurred during periods of Roman and medieval prosperity. Increased climate variability from 250-600 AD coincided with the demise of the western Roman empire and the turmoil of the migration period,” the team reported.

“Distinct drying in the 3rd Century paralleled a period of serious crisis in the western Roman empire marked by barbarian invasion, political turmoil and economic dislocation in several provinces of Gaul.”

Dr Buntgen explained: “We were aware of these super-big data sets, and we brought them together and analyzed them in a new way to get the climate signal.

“If you have enough wood, the dating is secure. You just need a lot of material and a lot of rings.”

A1- A2 – B1 Gremlins by Joe Dante

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VA3Kig93ys[/youtube]Gremlins by Joe Dante



What ‘s the name of the imaginary creatures?

The word mogwai is the transliteration of the Cantonese word ?? (mo1 gwai2) (Mandarin Chinese: ??; pinyin?mógu?) meaning “monster“, “evil spirit”, “devil” or “demon“.

grem·lin  (grmln) (The Free dictionary)


1. An imaginary gnome-like creature to whom mechanical problems, especially in aircraft, are attributed.
2. A maker of mischief.

[Perhaps blend of Irish gruaimín, bad-tempered little fellow (from Middle Irish gruaim, gloom, surliness) and goblin.]
Word History: Elves, goblins, and trolls seem to be timeless creations of the distant past, but gremlins were born in the 20th century. In fact, gremlin is first recorded only in the 1920s, as a Royal Air Force term for a low-ranking officer or enlisted man saddled with oppressive assignments. Said to have been invented by members of the Royal Naval Air Service in World War I, gremlin is used in works written in the 1940s for “an imaginary gnomelike creature who causes difficulties in aircraft.” The word seems likely to have been influenced by goblin, but accounts of its origin are various and none are certain. One source calls in Fremlin beer bottles to explain the word; another, the Irish Gaelic word gruaimín, “ill-humored little fellow.” Whatever the word’s origin, it is certain that gremlins have taken on a life of their own.

They are called gremlins, gnomes, elves, goblins.

In  our film, there is an opposition between “mogwai”: the pure, intact and innocent creature before its “fall” and  “ gizmo”, the nickname given to “mogwai”  by Billy’s father, the inventor of the American family.

A gizmo is an object, an artefact= un truc, un machin

Prologue :

Friends, let me introduce myself.


Peltzer’s the name.

Rand Peltzer.


That’s me there on the corner.


I’m an inventor.


And I have a story to tell.


I know.

Who hasn ‘t got a story?


Well, nobody’s got a story like this one.




It all started here in Chinatown.

Where does the scene take place?

The  first scene takes place in the streets of Chinatown, New York City in the USA.

Are the streets deserted?

No, they  aren’t deserted. Quite the opposite!

Are there many people in the streets?

Yes, there are many people in the streets.

It is dark and the scene takes place during the night.

Who is the film-maker?

Joe Dante is the film-maker.  He  is very fond of  horror and keen on suspense.

He likes shooting films with a lot of  actions and suspense.

What is your first impression?

The beginning is mysterious, strange and scary because of the dark streets at night.

It is also strange because of the full moon.

Elements contributing to suspense:

–          Actions and  more particularly sudden actions

–          Music: rhythmic music, classical music, music including strong and weak  beats and rhythms

–          Full moon, dark streets, night, silence

–          Other elements: the beginning of the film when the narrator says that his story is different from other stories and that it is the best!

A manichean view of the world or a film in black and white: the goodies and the baddies

Who are the goodies?

Billy and his girlfriend, Gizmo, the wise Chinese grand-father

Who are the baddies?

The gremlins (but not really their fault)

I underline the correct words or expressions describing the gremlins  in red and in green the words describing Gizmo:

strange- bizarre- nice and beautiful-scary and frightening – they give me the creeps!-cute and affectionate- smiling and friendly- devilish, cruel  and vampire-like-creepy!- innocent and pure- wicked

Il faut deviner de quelle scène  il s’agit et reporter le nom des  personnages qui parlent:
  Honey, this is the gentleman who sold me the mogwai.
 "Sold. " An interesting choice of words.
               Conflicting eyewitness reports concerning "little green men"..
You teach him to watch television?
There was, I believe, a box.
                   Dad... .
                  Rand, your scarf.
                   I warned you.                 
With mogwai comes much responsibility.But you didn't listen.
And you see what happens.
   I didn't mean it.
 You do with mogwai what your society...has done with all of nature's gifts.                  
You do not understand.                 
You are not ready.
He has something to say to you.
 You understand what  he says when he speaks to you?
 To hear, one has only to listen.  
Bye, Billy.
         Perhaps someday you may be ready.       
Until then, mogwai...will be waiting.
 Excuse me, sir.                  
Before you go, I wanted to tell you...that I am truly sorry for what's happened.
 And if you would accept it, I'd like to...give you this small token.
          There's one other one.                 This is an invention of mine.
    Smokeless Ashtray.
 How did you know?
 Man at gas station tried to sell me.
 Latest word in technology.
                   Very generous of you.
               I'm sure it will come in handy
                   Well, that's the story.
  So if your air conditioner goes on the fritz, your washing machine blows up...
...or your video recorder conks out....before you call the repairman ...turn on the lights, check the closets and cupboard and...
look under all the beds.
 Because you never can tell.
There just might be  a gremlin in your house.




Gremlin Naughtynaughty by Dorine

« I am Naughtynaughty !»

« I am very old with very ugly features! »

« I have got sharp long ears and spiky teeth!

” I can bite!”

« My skin is full of wrinkles! »

« My eyes are red! »

« I am very strong and everybody is afraid of me! »

« I am like the devil and like a monster! »

« People are afraid of me and they run when they see me! »


« In fact, I am very kind and sentimental! »

«  I am very romantic! »

« I am the most romantic person in the world! »

« My heart is full of golden flowers and colourful roses! »

« My real name is Heartyhearty Georgygeorgy! »


The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, first published in 1954


They possessed the art of disappearing swiftly and silently.[…]

For they are a little people, smaller than Dwarves[…]. Their height is variable, ranging between two and four feet of our measure. […] All hobbits had originally lived in holes in the ground.


  • Plusieurs extraits de films sont visibles à divers moments du film. Il s’agit de :
    • Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains (1937) : le dessin animé que regardent les Gremlins au cinéma.
    • L’Invasion des profanateurs de sépultures (1956) : Billy et Gizmo regardent ce film dans la chambre pendant que les mauvais mogwaïs s’empiffrent. Gizmo semble être assez effrayé par le film !
    • La vie est belle (1946) : la mère de Billy regarde ce film à la télé tout en faisant la cuisine (elle affirme que ce dernier est triste), juste avant que le père ne revienne avec le Mogwai.
    • Pour plaire à sa belle (1950) : Gizmo est très ému par ce film lorsqu’il le regarde à la télé dans la chambre de Billy. À la fin du film, il y repense lorsqu’il parcourt le magasin de jouets en voiture.
  • Parmi les références à d’autres films, on peut noter :
    • L’Empire contre-attaque (1980) : lorsque Stripe qui envoie tout ce qui lui tombe sous la main sur Billy, référence à la scène entre Dark Vador et Luke à la fin de l’épisode V de Star Wars.
    • Hurlements (1981) : lorsque Billy descend à la cuisine afin de chercher de la nourriture pour les Gremlins affamés, on aperçoit un “souriard” sur la porte du frigo. Celui-ci annonçait la venue du loup-garou dans Hurlements du même réalisateur. Plus tard, des photos du film sont affichées dans le cinéma où les Gremlins regardent « Blanche-Neige ».
    • La Machine à explorer le temps (1960) : lorsque Rand appelle sa femme depuis le congrès des inventeurs, on aperçoit derrière lui la machine à explorer le temps en train de monter en puissance. Puis on voit les cocons, et lorsque la caméra revient au congrès, la machine a disparu, laissant des visiteurs perplexes.
    • Flashdance (1983) Dans la scène du bar, on peut voir un Gremlins en tenue de danseuse imiter la chorégraphie de l’héroïne de Flashdance.
    • Planète interdite (1956) : on aperçoit Robby le robot au congrès des inventeurs, notamment dans une conversation téléphonique où il parle avec un chapeau sur la tête. Ses paroles sont tirées de la fin de Planète interdite lorsqu’il discute de production d’alcool avec le cuistot du C57-D.
    • Le Magicien d’Oz (1939) : le personnage de Mme Deagle est très proche d’Almira Gulch, la voisine acariâtre de Dorothy. Elle vient d’ailleurs à la banque pour chercher le chien de Billy qu’elle accuse d’avoir démoli son bonhomme de neige importé de Bavière. La mort du dernier gremlins est une référence à la mort de la vilaine sorcière de l’ouest ( la sorcière reçoit de l’eau sur elle et commence à fondre = le gremlin sort de l’eau et frappé par le soleil,fond).
    • Les Aventuriers de l’arche perdue (1981) : le panneau publicitaire géant de la radio « Rockn’ Ricky Rialto » est fortement inspiré de l’affiche des Aventuriers de l’Arche perdue, comme de celle de Indiana Jones et le temple maudit sorti en 1984, deux semaines avant Gremlins.
    • James Bond : Chez Dorry, Gérald le vice-président commande une vodka martini au shaker et non à la cuillère, qui est la boisson préféré du célèbre agent secret.
    • Poltergeist : Lorsque Steven Spielberg fait son apparition sur un chariot avec la jambe plâtrée, il visionne une scène de Poltergeist.
    • E.T. l’extra-terrestre : Quand le gremlin débranche la ligne téléphonique, il dit “téléphone maison”. On peut aussi distinguer une figurine de E.T. dans le magasin de jouet lorsque le gremlin est caché dans les rayons.

Of Men and Gods

Monk tragedy Of Men and Gods  proves surprise hit

By Emma Jones Entertainment reporter, BBC News

Of Gods and Men Of Gods and Men is true story that is moving audiences worldwide

Nine monks go about the simple rhythms of their life, in the certain knowledge that they face an imminent death.

Hardly a movie pitch which would have predicted success but Xavier Beauvois’s Of Gods and Men was not only runner up at this year’s Cannes Film Festival; it ‘s now the French Oscar entry – as well as taking more than 8m euro at the French box office.

Part of its shocking appeal is that it’s based on a real story. In 1996, seven French Cistercian monks were kidnapped and then killed at Tibhirine in Algeria, amidst rising religious and factional violence. Their murderers were never found.

“When it happened, as a nation, France was shocked,” says the film’s producer Etienne Comar.

“Ten years later in 2006, the same questions resurfaced. Why did it happen? Why did they die? I decided, as a movie, that rather than portray their death, it was more interesting to show them living. There is no answer to their deaths.”

Continue reading the main story

“Start Quote

We can be absolutely sure that whoever kidnapped them, they did so for political reasons, not for their faith”

End Quote Director Etienne Comar

In the movie version, the group of French Brothers live a simple life dispensing medicine and comfort to their poor Muslim neighbours. As the countryside is terrorised by armed Islamic fundamentalists, there is an order for all foreigners to leave the country.

Do the monks leave, or do stay to protect their flock, knowing that they are an inevitable target?

“It is a very current film,” comments Comar. “It’s interesting to look at this atrocity as it happened before 9/11 – all the signs of what was to come were there.

“When I re-read again the last testimony of the monks’ leader, Brother Christian, he was very aware of the co-habitation of Muslim and Christian neighbours. He seemed to have a sense that it was going to become a talking point.

“Now it is an important issue wherever in the world you live – the USA, France, the UK, the Middle East. I want this film to ask, ‘what is the next step?’ How can we live in peace with each other? What dialogue should we have?”

Ironically, the movie was filmed in Morocco, in a monastery south of Fez, which in the 1960s was used by a Benedictine order as a meeting point between Christians and Muslims.

Of Gods and Men The monks carry on helping the Algerian community despite impending doom

In the film, the monks and their neighbours co-exist in enviable friendship and harmony.

“We can be absolutely sure that whoever kidnapped them, they did so for political reasons, not for their faith,” adds Comar. “The problem is never the faith, it is always the politics behind the faith.”

Director Xavier Beauvois and his cast were sent to live in an actual monastery to prepare for the difference in the rhythm of monastic life.

“I also asked them to sing together,” said their producer. “Some of them had never done it before, and you would be surprised. It created a community, so by the time we actually came to shoot the film, there was a real sense of brotherhood.”

Viewers see the monks going about their daily business: praying, singing, healing the sick, cooking in the most unhurried, un-modern fashion. Yet hanging over them is a sense of sickening tension as events reach their conclusion.

Some of the scenes – where the men share a supper as Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake plays in the background, or as the community sing to drown out the threatening whir of military helicopters, are heartbreakingly beautiful.

“I hope people will respond to it as a very universal film,” muses Comar.

“The question, whether to stay or to leave a situation, is one everyone can relate to. Every one of these monks made a personal decision to stay, and it was very courageous. I don’t know if I could have done the same. Yet they say, ‘there is no better proof of love than to die for people.'”

Of Gods and Men The one surviving monk saw the film and says it ‘brought him peace’

As well as the critics, Of Gods and Men has found praise with both the Bishops Conference of France and the French Council of Muslim Faith. But the most important critic for the film-makers must have been one of the survivors of the tragedy.

“Two of the brothers escaped being kidnapped, and one of them, Brother Jean-Pierre, is still alive.

“He is an old man of 87 now, and was unable to come to the cinema to see the film. But we sent him a DVD, and we recently received a letter from him.

“He said he liked it a lot – he could see the community of the brothers once more. He said it gave him peace to see them again.”

Of Gods and Men is released in the UK on 3 December.


4°2 Cliffs of Moher Project-under construction


BBC news
last updated at 07:21 GMT, Wednesday, 22 July 2009 08:21 UK

The Cliffs in final contest

Cliffs of Moher

The most beautiful place…

The  most fabulous place…

The best adventure…is  Ireland!

The Cliffs of Moher stretch for 8km and rise up to 214 metres above the Atlantic Ocean

Ireland’s Cliffs of Moher are competing with 25 other natural landmarks in

the final phase of the global poll to choose the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

The Grand Canyon, Matterhorn and Great Barrier Reef are also among those going

through to the competition’s final.

Northern Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway and the Burren,

also in Clare, did not get into the finals.

The winners will be announced in 2011.

The new seven man-made wonders were chosen two years ago.

The Cliffs of Moher are the Republic of Ireland’s most popular  site,

with almost 1m visitors a year.

Director of the Cliffs of Moher Experience Catherine Webster welcomed

the news and said it was a “huge endorsement” of the cliffs as a true feat and spectacle of nature.

The organisation New 7 Wonders is led by Swiss adventurer Bernard Weber.


The Cliffs of Moher (Irish: Aillte an Mhothair, literally cliffs of the ruin, also known as the Cliffs of Mohair)


Here are your guides and the sites we would like you to visit:

The Burren with Maëva, Marie-O, Fanny, Agathe, Sarah

Aran Islands with Sid-Ali, Gaëtan, Louis

Hag’s Head with Dylan and Giani

O’Brien Tower with Brenda and Chloé

St Bridget’s Well with Alexis and Rémi

Doolin with Rémi C, David and Damien

Local caves with Tom and Noémy

Poem Molly Malone with Melvin and Pierre

Irish music with Murathan and Thibault

Map http://www.enchantedlearning.com/europe/ireland/ (collège)






MY FRIEND VISITED the Cliffs and he loved it!

I WANT YOU TO COME and visit the Burren!


COME AND WATCH the BIRDS and listen to them!



He really enjoyed it!

We are fond of this part of Ireland and would like you to come and visit this place!

We are  looking forward to seeing you on the tour!

Tourists should try to come and stay in this region of Ireland.

You will enjoy and discover the Cliffs!

Come and join us for a real adventure!

Why not discover…?

Are you bold enough to…?

You’ve never tried surfing the Irish coast? Well, try…

Pour chaque lettre de “Cliffs of Moher”, nous avons sélectionné

des adjectifs et des noms commençant par la même consonne ou la même

voyelle. Le choix s’est effectué en fonction du sens général -celui des falaises-

et de la musicalité de l’association adjectif et nom.

L’acrostiche se lit comme un poème musical.

En bleu, les mots renvoient vers des hyperliens.

Création commune à l’ensemble des élèves de la classe

C for colourful camping sites and crystal-clear waters,

for catchy camps,

cute and challenging campfires,

clear candles,

calm and cool countryside!

L for landscapes and landmarks,

large and long lands,

for love of leaves!

Leaves of life, lucky leaves and luckily!

Live and alive!

Luck! Luck! Luck!

I for Irish and interesting islands,

for impressive and immediately immersing and

iresistible experiences!

F for fabulous and funny birds,

for funny and famous football matches

by the sea,

for friendly and flattering flowers!

F for fascinating forests,

fresh and fondly-thought food,

funfairs and fabulous fireworks!

frenzy and flavours!

S for sunny summers and scenes,

stunning sunrises and safe sailing!

sparkly springs,

superb stars and sunsets!

O for orange clouds

for  over with old-fashioned omens!

for original and one-off works of art!

F for fragrant footpaths

famous and fame

fascinating, flamboyant feathers of puffins

fascinated by Irish flowers

flora and fauna

far-away excursions in boats

festive festivities

hiking and  going boating

froth and foam!

M for many mountains ,

memorize and  memories!

magic  and music,

magnificient myths.

merry meetings at the market places,


but mind the monsters!

O for oceans,


original orders!

H for happy holidays!

in the heart of  history


hand and harshness

hide- and – seek in the cliffs!

huge and hidden hills and highlands.

E for encounter and enjoy everyday of the experience!

R for remember!

Collège Lucie Aubrac de Doubs

Language teacher in charge: Ms Marie André-Milesi with the cooperation of Mr Rémi Pourchet, Head teacher


Headmaster: michel.cleyet-merle@ac-besancon.fr

From Severine Lecart <SLecart@tourismireland.com>
Date Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:10:47 +0000
To Severine Lecart <SLecart@tourismireland.com>
Subject Résultats – Concours Irlande Falaises de Moher

Bonjour à tous,

Le moment tant attendu est enfin arrivé !

Notre jury a étudié chacun des 50 projets reçus avec beaucoup d’attention et après de longues et difficiles délibérations, nous avons finalement élu le grand gagnant.

Nous tenons à préciser que nous avons pris un grand plaisir à consulter chacun des projets.

Que de recherches ! Que de travail ! Bravo à tous.

Les projets ont tous été notés selon les critères suivants :

– Créativité et originalité

– les canaux de distribution du projet et le nombre de personnes touchées

– la mise en avant du vote pour les Falaises de Moher dans le cadre des 7 Nouvelles Merveilles de la Nature

– le rapport fourni (présentation, détails et clarté)

– le contenu du projet : le projet parlait-il bien des Falaises de Moher et de la région de Shannon ?


Félicitations à la classe de 1ere L du Lycée Eugène Woillez à Montreuil sur Mer (62) et à leur professeur, Mme Doliger qui remporte le voyage de 5 jours en Irlande !

Un email séparé lui sera envoyé avec de plus amples détails.


– La 3ème du collège Tomas Divi de Chateaudun (28) pour l’originalité et l’humour de leur présentation : « If you want to feel better, come to the Cliffs of Moher!».

– La 1ère E065 du Lycée Victor Louis de Talence (33), pour s’être « laissée tenter par les Falaises de Moher » avec son projet d’envergure

– La Terminale ES du Lycée Ste Jeanne d’Arc de Gourin (56) pour leur soirée Pub-Quizz et leur superbe scrap-book.

– La 5e bi-langue du collège Henri de Navarre à Coutras (33), pour la diversité des supports utilisés et la forte implication des élèves.

– La 1ère CEA du Lycée Jeanne D’Arc de Rennes (35) pour son approche très ciblée et ses vidéos très adaptées sur le thème « Te plantes pas, ça s’passe là-bas »

Les Charlie’s Angels de 1ère BPS du Lycée Professionnel Les Bressis de Seynod (74)

Ces 6 classes recevront un cadeau surprise d’ici la mi-mars. J

Merci à tous pour l’intérêt que vous avez porté à l’Irlande et à ce concours. En espérant que cela vous aura donné envie de découvrir ou redécouvrir l’Irlande et la région de Shannon.

Si vous prévoyez un voyage scolaire en Irlande, notre équipe se fera un plaisir de vous aider.

Et n’oubliez pas… continuez à voter pour les Falaises de Moher !

Séverine Lecart

E-Marketing & CRM Executive

Tourism Ireland – Paris

Tel: 01 53 43 12 11

Fax: 01 47 42 01 64



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