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*** Mark and Ellen visit our school ****






-We were very happy to meet you.


-We hope that your retirement will be fine

and that you will go on traveling all around the world.


-We thank you for your visit and your story, we hope to see you again!





-We thank you for your visit in our class.


-It helped me with the English language,

thank you for your answers and questions! It was very interesting!





-Thank you for your conviviality and your kindness!


-Thanks for sharing your experience with us.


-Looking forward to seeing you.






Thank you for coming over here !!


Thank you for speaking with us !!


Thank you very much !!!!





Thank you for coming in our college !


We spent a good time in your presence!


Thank you for the experience!





I hope we’ll meet again !




Come and see us again!






Thank you for your visit.


Thank you for your vocabulary.


You can come back and visit our school!





Thank you very much, Mark and Ellen!


I was very happy to meet you.





Mark Ellen, thank you very much


You are friendly people!

Koreans, North and South to meet after 50 years

Saturday, 26 September 2009 02:27 UK

Koreans prepare for rare reunion

By John Sudworth
BBC News, Seoul


Kim Yu-jungKim Yu-jung says she has thought of her daughter every day

Sitting on the floor, with her suitcase in front of her, 100-year-old Kim Yu-jung is preparing for a remarkable journey.

Surrounded by four of her children, the youngest of them now in his late 50s, she is packing some winter clothes for the colder weather in the North.

The family is one of a small number given a rare chance to meet their long-lost relatives from the other side of the border that cuts this peninsula, and the lives of its people, in half.

Mrs Kim is going to meet the daughter she last saw more than half a century ago.

Lee Hye-gyong, then just 16 years old, was separated from her family in the chaos of war, and ended up living in the north.

Her photo, taken just a year before the outbreak of the Korean War, shows a young schoolgirl unaware of the unimaginable tragedy shortly to befall her country and her family.

Selected at random

“I have thought about her for more than half a century,” Mrs Kim tells me.

Lee Hye-gyongLee Hye-gyong was just 16 when was separated from her family

“There wasn’t a day when I didn’t.”

For six days, from 26 September, 200 families, half from the North and half from the South, will travel to a mountain resort in North Korea for their reunions.

Their names have been selected at random from the tens of thousands on the waiting list.

In the early part of this decade the meetings were held regularly and, caught on television cameras, they are a powerful reminder of the continuing humanitarian cost of Korea’s division.

Fathers and mothers cling to lost sons and daughters, husbands to wives, and sob uncontrollably, grieving for the more than five decades of lost time.

Building bridges?

The programme is not without its critics, who say it allows North Korea to play politics with people’s lives by deciding when they will, or will not, take place.

Professor Chung Min Lee, a foreign policy adviser to the current South Korean president, says political problems may have curtailed the programme’s scope.

Two Korean sisters are reunited for the first time in 2000 after being split during the 1950-53 war - 15 August 2000 file photo Past family reunions produced emotional scenes

“In the past North Korea has agreed that it would institutionalise these reunions, but whenever an obstacle arises – for example the UN imposes sanctions because they have tested a nuclear weapon – then the whole issue gets sidelined,” he tells me.

The last reunion took place back in 2007 as tensions between North and South began to rise.

The fact that this latest round is being allowed to take place is being seen by some as a sign that North Korea is ready again to build bridges with the South.

But no date has yet been set for the next one and many humanitarian issues remain unresolved.

‘Memories faded’

The South wants to know the status of 500 of its citizens, mostly fishermen, who it believes were seized by the North in the decades following the war, and never returned.

The South also believes that hundreds of its prisoners of war still remain alive in the North.

A man checks a list at the Korea Red Cross in Seoul, South Korea, 21 September 2009The Red Cross maintains the list of those seeking reunion

But Pyongyang refuses to discuss the issue, claiming that they have all voluntarily defected from the South.

The list of those seeking a reunion is maintained by Red Cross officials on either side of the border.

In a downstairs room in the organisation’s Seoul office a team of volunteers waits to register new applicants.

Yeo Kwan-soo last saw his pregnant wife and seven-year-old son in 1951. At the age of 85 he is only now putting his name on the database.

“After our wartime separation I thought about my family back in the North all the time,” he tells me.

“But as the years rolled by the memories began to fade and I began to lose hope.”

Although 100-year-old Mrs Kim is one of the lucky ones, the reunions themselves are far from easy.

The families are allowed to spend time together and share meals, but once the visit is over they return home, knowing it is highly unlikely they will see each other again.

I ask her family if they think it will be hard for her to leave her daughter in North Korea for a second time.

“Her life has been like a time capsule of modern Korean history,” one of them tells me.

“She’s been through many things, she’s not like other women.”


a piece of romance by Today’s BBC

Facebook same name couple to wed

Kelly Carl Hildebrandt (left and right)

Kelly Hildebrandt – left and right. He calls her “baby doll”

A couple with the same name who found each other through social networking website Facebook are to tie the knot.

Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt, 20, was bored one evening last year when she put her name into the site and came across Kelly Carl Hildebrandt, 24.

She sent the only other Kelly Hildebrandt, of Lubbock, Texas, a message and they became friends.

Ms Hildebrandt, a student from Miami, Florida, said she believed the chain of events was “all God’s timing”.

Her fiance described her first message to him, in April last year, as reading: “Hi. We had the same name. Thought it was cool,” reports the Associated Press news agency.

He said: “I thought she was pretty cute.”

Mr Hildebrandt admitted, however, that he had worried they might be related.

Nevertheless, the two were soon in daily contact by phone and e-mail and he “fell head over heels” after visiting her in Florida.

In December, she found a diamond engagement ring he had hidden in a treasure box on a beach.

“I thought it was fun. I had no idea it would lead to this,” Mr Hildebrandt said.

The couple plan to tie the knot in October and have confirmed that they do not plan to pass their first names on to any future offspring.


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