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Thanks from Hillary Clinton O2/O4/O8

Date :

02/04/08 21:57

Objet :

Thank you for your comment

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your message. I have received thousands of emails from people all over the country. Your comments are very important to me and I am excited that so many people are joining our conversation about how to change the direction of the country. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of comments, I am unable to respond to each email individually.

Please visit www.hillaryclinton.com to learn more about my views on the issues and to read the latest information about my campaign.

Below are some suggestions for how you get involved in the national campaign today:

  • Join Team Hillary. We’re building one of the biggest grassroots organizations in history. Over one million supporters have already contributed over one million hours to help with my campaign in this critical election. To join in this movement, sign up to volunteer at http://www.hillaryclinton.com/teamhillary today.
  • Get updates from the campaign. Keep up to date on new campaign victories and challenges by signing up to receive the latest news from the campaign via email at http://www.hillaryclinton.com/join/
  • Join the blog. Read daily updates from the campaign trail and discuss the latest news from around the country at http://www.hillaryclinton.com/blog
  • Host an event. Get others in your area involved in the campaign by hosting an event. This is a great way to meet people in your community and find out how you can help in this critical election. Learn more about planning an event and post your event on our website at http://www.hillaryclinton.com/actioncenter/event/
  • Contribute! Your contribution today will help fund critical campaign efforts to build our grassroots organization throughout the country. https://contribute.hillaryclinton.com/
  • Become a Hillraiser. Have your friends help you to help Hillary! Sign up to become a Hillraiser at http://www.hillaryclinton.com/actioncenter/raise/
  • Register to vote. Make sure you are registered to vote. http://www.govote.org

Thank you again for your interest.

manuels scolaires et stéréotypes dans les contenus LA HALDE

Délibération n° 2008-218 du 27 octobre 2008
Recommandations du Collège de la HALDE sur l’élimination dans les manuels scolaires des
stéréotypes susceptibles d’alimenter les discriminations.

Cette étude porte sur toutes les disciplines du collège et du lycée, avec une attention plus
particulière concernant les manuels d’éducation civique, mais également d’histoire et de
géographie, de sciences économiques et sociales, de français, d’anglais, de sciences de la vie et de
la terre, et de mathématiques. Les critères étudiés sont le sexe, l’origine, le handicap, l’orientation
sexuelle et l’âge.

[…]A ces imprécisions des contenus s’ajoutent des
problèmes de forme, comme le démontre l’étude dans son analyse de l’accès à l’information
(analyse cognitive). La conception même des manuels se rapproche de plus en plus du modèle du
« cahier d’exercices » caractérisé par peu de textes dans l’ouvrage, une grande importance accordé à
l’image, des contenus éclatés, des propositions d’exercices pour mener l’élève à établir seul des
liens, leur faisant ainsi perdre leur fonction de référence du savoir.


Kes by Ken Loach – B2i- bullying A2







1)Je décris les différentes scènes en utilisant les verbes be+ BV+ing

par exemple: He is eating…

I describe the characters and the scene:

I describe the school:

the pupils:

the staff :

2)What do pupils wear?

3)Why do they wear uniforms?

4)Toolbox for the film: Make your way between words, adjectives, verbs and nouns.

sad and tragic, sadness and tragedy, comedy, comic, funny, strange or bizarre, strangeness,

poor, poverty, real, reality, economic crisis,

the pits(la mine), to work down the pitsmine), people suffering from alcohol,

people dependant on alcohol,

to train a kestrel ( dresser un faucon)

dead mort/e), death(la mort), to steal, to do odd jobs (vivre de petits boulots), newspaper, to suffer from bullying(souffrir de harcèlement), to bully someone, to be bullied by someone, to be a bully

to bully someone= brutaliser

to be bullied by=être brutalisé/e par

5)Find Yorshire on a map:

-Where is Yorkshire?

-Can you name three towns or cities in Yorkshire?

-What is Yorkshire famous for?

6)Je  cherche des informations sur le lien suivant:


7)I translate the verbs used in this poster:

to beat-beat-beaten:

to deprive-deprived-deprived:

to ridicule-ed-ed:

to break- broke-broken:

8)The tense used is:

I give my opinion about this poster:

Do you agree with this poster about the film?

 Yes, I……..,

No, I ……..



Cette affiche est une bonne illustration du film.

Je note d’autres éléments qui m’ont marqué/e

10)Les superlatifs : le plus…, le moins…

The funniest scene is….

The most tragic scene is…

film noir version French perfume


BBC news service speaks about dictators’ injuries

A new book claims the Spanish dictator, General Francisco Franco, may have had more in common with Adolf Hitler than previously known – having one testicle.

Much like the Nazi leader, Franco’s loss stemmed from an injury he suffered in battle, his doctor’s granddaughter told the historian Jose Maria Zavala.

Franco was wounded in the lower abdomen at El Biutz, near Ceuta, in June 1916.

Biographers have long speculated this affected the reproductive organs of the dictator, who ruled from 1939 to 1975.

However, he did have a daughter, Carmen Franco y Polo, in 1926.

Last year, documents came to light containing an account by a medic who treated Hitler during the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

Dr Johan Jambor told his priest that Hitler had been injured in the abdomen and had lost a testicle. He said the first question Hitler had asked him was: “Will I be able to have children?”


In his new book, Mr Zavala quotes Dr Ana Puigvert as recalling that her grandfather, Antonio Puigvert, a urologist known to have had Franco as a patient, had told her the dictator had confided in him.

“Franco was monorchid – he had only one testicle,” she said.

Franco was a captain in the Spanish army when, in late June 1916, he was shot in the lower abdomen while defending the modern-day Spanish enclave of Ceuta on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast.

In 1936, he joined the military uprising that led to the Spanish Civil War and assumed leadership of the fascist Falange Party.

Three years later, with the aid of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, he won the war and established a dictatorship. Franco kept Spain neutral during World War II, after which he declared Spain a monarchy with himself as regent.

In 1969, he announced that on his death he would be succeeded by Juan Carlos I, grandson of Spain’s last reigning king, hoping that he would maintain his regime.

However, after his death in 1975, the new king moved to dismantle the authoritarian institutions and restore democratic rule.


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