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Brexit means Brexit


word order – ordre des adjectifs


Lola’s description

Lola is a young girl.

She is about twelve.

She has got short frizzy dark hair.

Her eyebrows are dark and fine.

She has got a round face and

a square nose and a rather big mouth.

She is rather slim and she is a Pafini=

she is ‘not finished’ .

The painter didn’t paint her entirely.

He /she didn’t finish the painting.

She is of mixed origins just like President Barack Obama.

métisse= of mixed origin

Barack Obama has got a Kenyan father and his mother is from Irish descent.

She is sociable and determined.

She is a likeable person and she is the main [k]character of the story.

She is not shy and she has got a very curious mind.

Je justifie mes réponses


I w a n t t o b u y a b l u e car.

I w a n t t o b u y a n e w car.

I w a n t t o b u y a E u r o p e a n car.

I w a n t t o b u y a b e a u t i f u l car.

I w a n t t o b u y a b l u e, n e w, E u r o p e a n,

b e a u t i f u l car. 

  1. M y M u m h a s g o t v e r y s t r a n g e

    s i s t e r s. S h e h a s g o t a b l a c k b i g

    c a t. E m i l y i s n o t v e r y t a l l a n d

    s h e i s n o t v e r y s m a l l = s h e i s o f a v e r a g e s i z e!

    e l l e e s t d e t a i l l e m o y e n n e

S h e h a s g o t g r e e n l i t t l e e y e s

a n d a l o n g p o i n t e d n o s e !

S h e h a s g o t a b l a c k b i g

c a t c a l l e d [o:] M a g i c !

  1. A n n i s s m a l l a n d s h e i s c h u b b y (potelé/e)

    S h e h a s g i n g e r l o n g h a i r.

    S h e h a s g o t g i n g e r l o n g c u r l y

    h a i r. H e r h a t i s b l u e.

  2. C h a r l o t t e i s v e r y t a l l a n d t h i n .

    S h e h a s g o t p u r p l e, s h o r t,

    s t r a i g h t, h a i r. S h e h a s g o t a

    b l a c k p o i n t e d h a t.

Thursday, December 12th

correction :

80 % du résultat est acquis avec le respect de la consigne.

Les adjectifs ne s’accordent jamais en anglais.

Ils se placent devant le nom.

Dans l’ordre je donne :

op = opinion

sh= shape= forme

a = age = âge

c= colour = couleur

o= origin/e

m= materiel

He has got big blue eyes.

Straight fair blond hair

a big pointed nose.

Alison has (got) long wavy brown hair and small green eyes.

longueur : long

le style, l’aspect :wavy

frizzy : frisé

wavy : ondulé

straight : raide

1° she has got long straight fair hair.

2°He has got small green eyes.

3°Have they got short brown hair ?

4° We have got a square face and a small nose.

5°I have got long curly hair.

My hair is long and curly.

6°My sister has got big brown eyes.

She has got big brown eyes.

7° His face is round.

He has got a round face.

8° My hair is short, straight and brown.

She has got short, straight and brown hair.

9°he has got a long pointed nose.

His nose is long and pointed.

Be = être

have= avoir

His eyes are small and green.

She has (got) a lovely smile and her hair is beautiful.

Paul and his sister have (got) a round face.

His face is very long and he has (got) big blue eyes.

She is very tall and slim.


coldplay-xmas-lights – copie




CO trailer-A Christmas Carol

Chirstmas Vocabulary activité

‘Twas the night before Christmas – comprehension

Mr Bean


The Christmas truce 


coldplay-xmas-lights – copie



helping-people – copie


rumours and gossips

The Difference Between Rumors and Gossip

Rumors are pieces of information or a story that has not been verified. What this means, is that the person telling


  • Unverified pieces of information
  • Often involves speculation
  • Unknown if information is true
  • May change slightly as retold
  • Information usually not harmful to another person


  • Juicy or scandalous story
  • Hurtful for another person
  • Unknown if information is true
  • Usually involves things not discussed publicly
  • May humiliate the person it’s about

Why  and how does it spread?

There are a variety of reasons why kids will spread rumors or engage in gossip. But most kids gossip or spread rumors to fit in with their friends, as a way to feel special or to impress others. Here’s a closer look at the reasons why kids gossip.

To Feel Better

When people feel bad about themselves, they sometimes will target other people to try to make themselves feel better. As a result, they talk about others as a way to deflect attention from themselves. 

To Feel Accepted

If everyone else in their circle of friends is gossiping or spreading rumors, kids feel like they have to do the same thing in order to be accepted. Many times peer pressure will play a factor in spreading rumors or gossiping.

To Get Attention

When teens know a secret that nobody else knows, or they are the first person in the group to hear a rumor, it makes them the center of attention. As a result, kids that are trying to fit in or climb the social ladder might use gossip and rumors as a tool to gain popularity.

To Gain Power

Some teens want to be in control and at the top of the social ladder. When kids are at the top of the social ladder or are determined to climb higher, they sometimes accomplish that by diminishing the status of another person. Spreading rumors or gossiping is one of the primary ways people  jockey for social status.

To Get Revenge

When teens are envious of another person’s looks, popularity or money, they might use gossip and rumors to hurt that person. They also tend to use gossip and rumors to get back at someone who they feel deserves to be hurt. Making up a rumor or spreading gossip sometimes satisfies their need for revenge.

To Relieve Boredom

Research indicates that boredom is often the number one reason why teens spread rumors. These teens are bored with their lives because there is no drama. As a result, they resort to rumors and gossip to spice things up and make life more exciting.

How to cope with :

…if someone is spreading rumors, there are a number of things that they can do to cope with it. For instance, your teen could stop dwelling on what other people are saying or go directly to the source and confront the issue. The key is to find a way to address the gossiping and rumor spreading that is comfortable for your child. 

going abroad



enjoy the view

  1. landscape
  2. seascape
  3. seaside



 go camping

sleep under the stars

go sightseeing

visit tourist attractions

take a guided tour

go on an excursion

go hiking



the weather

 snow,      snowstorm,     blizzard

stormy,      storm,     thunderstorm

cool, cold, freezing, icy cold

mild, warm, hot, stifling




I feel head over heels in love with  the Isle of Mull  in Scotland.

I had the time of my life in Canada.

It was the experience of a lifetime.





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