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Gorilla Samantha

17 August 2010 Last updated at 19:54 GMT

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Gorilla Samantha, 37, dies at Toronto Zoo after stroke

Samantha the 37 year old lowland gorilla Samantha was born in Gabon, where gorillas are becoming endangered

Longtime Toronto Zoo resident Samantha, a 37-year-old western lowland gorilla, was euthanized on Tuesday after suffering a second stroke.

The 37-year-old gorilla had been a fixture at the zoo since it opened in 1974 when she was 2.

She had five offspring, two of which remain at Toronto Zoo along with her mate Charles, a silverback gorilla.

Matt Stephenson, the zoo’s gorilla keeper, said he would miss Samantha who “always brought a smile to my face”.

The zoo’s chief veterinarian decided euthanasia was the most humane option after the stroke on Monday – her second in two months – left Samantha in a critical condition.

The first stroke paralyzed the right side of the gorilla’s body.

Samantha was born in Gabon, West Africa, where gorillas have become endangered as a result of hunting and habitat destruction, including logging and mining.

She was part of a species survival plan for these western lowland gorillas.

“I will particularly miss her ‘singing’ at breakfast and dinner, and those purrs and rumbles she made that were like music to the soul, which always brought a smile to my face,” Mr Stephenson said in a statement.

Punxsutawney Phil predicts the weather



After casting a joyful eye

towards thousands of  his faithful followers, Phil proclaims:

If you want to know next
You must read my text
As the sky shines above me
My shadow I see beside me
Six more weeks of winter
It will be!

Protected: the imagery of animals in King Lear

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Kes by Ken Loach – B2i- bullying A2







1)Je décris les différentes scènes en utilisant les verbes be+ BV+ing

par exemple: He is eating…

I describe the characters and the scene:

I describe the school:

the pupils:

the staff :

2)What do pupils wear?

3)Why do they wear uniforms?

4)Toolbox for the film: Make your way between words, adjectives, verbs and nouns.

sad and tragic, sadness and tragedy, comedy, comic, funny, strange or bizarre, strangeness,

poor, poverty, real, reality, economic crisis,

the pits(la mine), to work down the pitsmine), people suffering from alcohol,

people dependant on alcohol,

to train a kestrel ( dresser un faucon)

dead mort/e), death(la mort), to steal, to do odd jobs (vivre de petits boulots), newspaper, to suffer from bullying(souffrir de harcèlement), to bully someone, to be bullied by someone, to be a bully

to bully someone= brutaliser

to be bullied by=être brutalisé/e par

5)Find Yorshire on a map:

-Where is Yorkshire?

-Can you name three towns or cities in Yorkshire?

-What is Yorkshire famous for?

6)Je  cherche des informations sur le lien suivant:


7)I translate the verbs used in this poster:

to beat-beat-beaten:

to deprive-deprived-deprived:

to ridicule-ed-ed:

to break- broke-broken:

8)The tense used is:

I give my opinion about this poster:

Do you agree with this poster about the film?

 Yes, I……..,

No, I ……..



Cette affiche est une bonne illustration du film.

Je note d’autres éléments qui m’ont marqué/e

10)Les superlatifs : le plus…, le moins…

The funniest scene is….

The most tragic scene is…


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