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Films, a royal wedding, cupcakes, grrrr … grammar

The Other Guys, Saint Andrews, Scotland


How to make the perfect Royal Wedding cupcake April, 28, 2011


adapted from :  http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/    and Jean Sabiron’s site

Eric Lanlard’s cupcakes are perfect for street parties, birthdays, weddings or seasonal festivities

Makes 12 cupcakes

Preparation time: 15 minutes, + cooling

Cooking time: 18 minutes


175g (6oz) self-raising flour

150g (5oz) plain flour

125g (41/2oz) unsalted butter, softened

250g (9oz) caster sugar

2 large eggs, at room temperature

125ml (4fl oz) milk

1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Choose the right word in context : Beware of explosions !!


Preheat the (fridge-oven-microwave) to 180.C (fan 160.C)/350.F/gas mark 4. Line a 12-cup (muffin-coffin-boffin) tin with cupcake papers. In a small (barrel-bowl-bottle), combine the (flowers- flours-floors) and then (sit-set-spit) aside. In a large bowl, using an electric hand whisk-at medium (heat -speed-length), cream the butter until (smooth-rude-black). Add the (tar-sugar-mortar) gradually and continue beating until (grumpy-fluffy-filthy), about 3 minutes. Add the (Nick Clegg- a keg- eggs), one at a time, beating well after each (addition-multiplication-inflation). Add the flour in three (stages-rages-crates), alternating with the milk and (mozilla-vanilla-gorilla). With each addition, beat until the ingredients are (evaporated-incorporated-saturated), but do not over-beat. Using a rubber (spatula-ferula-band), scrape down the batter in the bowl to make sure the ingredients are well (inflated-vanished-blended).

Carefully spoon the (splitter-butter-batter into the cupcake papers, filling them about three-quarters full. (Bathe-Bake-Dive) in the preheated oven for 18 minutes. Cool the cupcakes in the (bins-tins-sins) for 15 minutes. Remove from the tins and cool completely on a (wire-fire-wine) rack before (icing-rinsing-freezing).


Preheat the oven to 180.C (fan 160.C)/350.F/gas mark 4. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with cupcake papers. In a small bowl, combine the flours and then set aside. In a large bowl, using an electric hand whisk at medium speed, cream the butter until smooth. Add the sugar gradually and continue beating until fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the flour in three stages, alternating with the milk and vanilla. With each addition, beat until the ingredients are incorporated, but do not over-beat. Using a rubber spatula, scrape down the batter in the bowl to make sure the ingredients are well blended.

Carefully spoon the batter into the cupcake papers, filling them about three-quarters full. Bake in the preheated oven for 18 minutes. Cool the cupcakes in the tins for 15 minutes. Remove from the tins and cool completely on a wire rack before icing.


Welcome to the Firm: The Middletons share the public's acclaim on the Buckingham Palace balcony

Welcome to the Firm: The Middletons share the public’s acclaim on the Buckingham Palace balcony. Kate’s parents Mike and Carole are on the left, next to Prince Charles holding the Duchess of Cornwall’s granddaughter Eliza Lopes. The bride’s sister Pippa stands between Princes Philip and Harry

Read more:

I Dreamed I SThe playlist

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1382098/Royal-wedding-speech-Prince-Harry-pays-tribute-Prince-William.html#ixzz1L6xb70QA

aw St. Augustine by Bob Dylan

I dreamed I saw St. Augustine
Alive as you or me
Tearing through these quarters
In the utmost misery
With a blanket underneath his arm
And a coat of solid gold
Searching for the very souls
Whom already have been sold

“Arise, arise,” he cried so loud
In a voice without restraint
“Come out, ye gifted kings and queens
And hear my sad complaint
No martyr is among ye now
Whom you can call your own
So go on your way accordingly
But know you’re not alone”

I dreamed I saw St. Augustine
Alive with fiery breath
And I dreamed I was amongst the ones
That put him out to death
Oh, I awoke in anger
So alone and terrified
I put my fingers against the glass
And bowed my head and cried

Written comprehension:

Vous êtes rédacteur, rédacteure ou encore rédactrice d’ un site culturel sur l’Australie.On vous demande d’écrire quelque chose sur ce pays qui fasse rêver vos lecteurs. L’importance de la nature doit être présente. Les contes étudiés en cours faisant partie du programme de 4° “Ici et ailleurs” sont une référence qui ne doit PAS être recopiée mais qui peut servir d’exemple ou tout du moins vous donner des idées.


Commencer le conte par “Once upon a time, there was…”

Inclure des références géographiques précises:

Inclure le vocabulaire lié à la nature:

Inclure du vocabulaire lié à l’aventure et la découverte (ce que vous avez travaillé en salle muti-media intitulé “In the wild”):

Inclure First, Then, Afterwards, Eventually, Finally:

Inclure 5 adjectifs contruits avec le comparatif d’égalité ou de supériorité

Prise de risques: idées et vocabulaire personnels

Le respect de consignes est important car il permet de valider la note finale.

Si deux copies présentent des similarités, la note du travail effectué est divisé en deux

Les comparatifs de supériorité: plus…que

James DeInclure dix verbes au passéan was cuter than Marlo Brando and Marlon Brando was  a better actor.

The music  was more provocative than the movie.

The TV serial  Happy Days was more popular than the movie American Graffiti.

Disco clothes were flashier than punk clothes.

Le superlatif

New York City is the biggest and the most populated city in the Untied States.

Washington DC is the most visited city in the United States.

Los Angeles is one of the sunniest city in the United States.

Alaska is the largest and the coldest state in the United States.

The Mississipi river is the longest river in the United States.

Fracture: Simple Past

This is a great movie, but a bit farfetched. If you like police stories, you will love it. I used the crime scene to practice the simple past tense.

Vous devez imaginer les scènes avant le crime. Vous écrirez les verbes à la forme affirmtive et à la forme négative pour CHAQUE phrase.

1) Ted’s wife, Sally, __________________________________ home (drive).

2) She ___________________________________________ the front door (unlock).

3) She ________________ ____________________________her jacket (take off).

4) She _________________________________________ her husband was in the house (notice).

5) They _________________________________________________ each other (hug).

6) They _________________________________________________ each other (kiss).

7) Ted __________________________________________ his wife in the head (shoot).

8) Gardeners ____________________________________________ a gunshot (hear).

9) Ted_______________________________________ the bullet cases on the floor. (pick up).

10) One of the gardeners ____________________________________ on the door (knock).

11) Ted ______________________________________ the door for the gardener (open).

12) Ted ________________________________________ the windows a few times (shoot).

13) Ted ___________________________________________________ his wife (drag).

14) He ____________________________________________________ his shirt (take off).

15) He _____________________________________________________ his shirt (burn).

16) He __________________________________________________________ his face (wash).

17) He ____________________________________________________ the police (call).

18) The gardener ______________________________________ Ted clean the house (help).

Elizabethtown: “Simple Past”

One of the best romantic comedies ever. The soundtrack is fantastic. I love this scene and girls think it is sooooo romantic… In this scene, the main characters spend the whole night talking to each other over the phone and they perform several activities while doing it. It is perfect for the students to practice of the simple past tense.

Make a list of the things you usually do while you are talking over the cell phone:
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________

Watch the movie segment. Pay attention to the activities the main characters performed while they were talking to each other over the phone. Write ( D ) if Drew was the one who performed the following tasks and ( C ) if it was Claire. Write ( B ) if both of them did it.

1 .( ) Open the gate

2. ( ) Make dinner

3. ( ) Change clothes

4. ( ) Go to the bathroom

5. ( ) Polish one’s nails

6. ( ) Do the laundry

7. ( ) Look at pictures

8. ( ) Listen to music

9. ( ) Dance

10.( ) Drink beer

11.( ) Turn off the lights

12.( ) Drive a car

13.( ) Put on some lipstick

14.( ) See the sunrise

I. Work in groups. Read the activities below and guess which activities the character in the movie did
NOT do while smoking cigarettes BEFORE VIEWING THE SEGMENT. You have to choose 4 activities. The winner is the group who guesses most activities.

1. ( ) Vacuum the house
2. ( ) Drink whiskey
3. ( ) Water the plants
4. ( ) Sweep the flo0r
5. ( ) Put a mask on someone’s face
6. ( ) Break some eggs on someone’s hair.
7. ( ) Do the laundry
8. ( ) Sleep
9. ( ) Kick the dog
10. ( ) Read a book
11. ( ) Dance
12. ( ) Talk on the phone
13. ( ) Kiss the children

Up in the Air: Simple Present x Simple Past

This movie is really nice and the scene is perfect to contrast the uses of the simple present and simple past tenses.

I. Work in small groups. Make a list of activities you do every time you travel by plane. Think about what you do during the day until the plane takes off. Make sure you mention the steps you take at home and at the airport too.


I make my bags.
I shave.

II. Watch the movie segment and check which of the activities you listed in Exercise I George Clooney’s character did that day.

III. Now write 5 sentences saying what he did in the segment that you did not list in exercise II.

Ex: He took off his shoes at the airport.

IV. Now write sentences saying 5 things from your list that he didn’t do before traveling.

Ex: He didn’t shave.

Hachiko – A Dog’s Story: Passive Voice with Simple Past

A – Talk to a partner.

1. Do you have a pet? Talk about it.

2. Do you prefer dogs or cats? Why?

3. Is it important to have pets? Why?

4. When are pets helpful in a person’s life? Explain it.

5. When are pets harmful to a person?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having pets?

I. Watch the movie segment and check the alternatives with the actions that you managed to see during the scene.
1. ( ) A Japanese monk put the collar around Hachi’s neck.

2. ( ) He put Hachi in a cage.

3. ( ) He took Hachi to a train station.

4. ( ) He fed Hachi.

5. ( ) A couple of guys picked Hachi up at the airport.

6. ( ) The baggage carrier accidentally dropped Hachi’s cage on the station platform.

7. ( ) Someone found the broken cage.

8. ( ) Parker found and carried Hachi home.

The Shawshank Redemption: Simple Past

This is a classic. Perfect for the simple past tense practice.

A. You will see the trial of Mr. Dufresne, accused of murdering his wife and her lover. Read parts of the judge’s and Mr. Dufresne’s speeches and fill in the blanks with the past tense form of the verbs in parentheses.
J: Judge

D: Mr. Dufresne

J: Describe the confrontation you _______ (have) with your wife.

D: It _______ (be) very bitter. She _______ (say) she ___________ (be) glad I _____ (know) that she ________ (hate) all the sneaking around.

J: And she ______ (say) she ________ (want) a divorce in Reno. What _______ (happen) after you ________ (argue) with your wife?

D: She ____ (pack) her bag.

J: ______ you _______ (follow) her?

D: I _______ (go) to a few bars first. Later, I ______ (drive) to his house to confront them. They ________ (be – neg) home. I __________ (park) in the turnout… and _______ (wait).

J: When they _________ (arrive), you ________ (go) up to the house and _____ (murder) them.

D: I ________ (get) back to the car and ________ (drive) home to sleep it off. Along the way, I __________ (throw) my gun into the Royal River.

J: The police _______ (drag) that river for 3 days and a gun was not found.

A. Take a look at the pair of sentences below. Write
1 next to the action that took place first and 2 next to the one that took place later.

___ Coraline went through a purple tunnel.
___ She entered a beautiful, neat living room.

___ She smelled something good.
___ She saw her other mother cooking in the kitchen.

___ Coraline talked to her other mother in the kitchen.
___ Her father sang her a song.

___ Coraline ate some chicken.
___ She drank some mango milk shake.

___ She went to bed in a comfortable bedroom.
___ She saw and talked to her friends in the picture.

What Women Want: Simple Past

This is a great scene. The students usually like it, especially because it is unconventional and unexpected.

Ask a partner if he / she did the following things before going to work or school this morning.

Ex: Did you drink wine?

No, I didn’t.

Talk to a partner and decide if Nick (Mel Gibson) performed the following activities before going to work by checking the items.

1. Drink wine

2. Smoke a cigarette

3. Have breakfast

4. Polish the nails

5. Put on some makeup

6. Shave

7. Wax the leg

8. Wear pantyhose

9. Wear socks

10. Dry the hair

11. Trip on the floor

12. Have an accident

13. Take a shower

14. Watch TV

Little Miss Sunshine: Tag Questions

This is a lovely scene from this wonderful film. I love the acting and the intelligent story. This scene is remarkable. I took advantage of the scene to practice asking tag questions. With this activity, the students can practice the grammar point based on contextualized evidence, which is great. I only used sentences in the past tense, though.

A. Talk to a partner

1. Have you ever participated in a pageant? Talk about it. What is your opinion about beauty pageants?

2. Is it OK for young children to participate in pageants?

3. What’s your opinion about pageants like Miss Brazil, Miss Universe, Model of the Year, etc?

B. Watch the segment, fill in the blanks with affirmative and negative forms of the given verbs, and complete the sentences with a tag question. Make sure the sentences are according to the information presented in the segment.

1 – Olive ……………………………. (be) wearing a suit, a hat and a tie, ……………… ?

2 – She ……….…………. (dedicate) her presentation to her grandfather, ………………..?

3 – Olive …………………. (be) intimidated by the audience, ……………?

4 – The audience …………… (be) shocked with Olive’s sexy dancing, ……………..?

5 – Many spectators …………….. (leave) the hall during her presentation, …………….?

6 – The dance ………………. (be) appropriate for the situation, ……………… ?

7 – Her family ……………………. (support) Olive by dancing with her, ……………….?

8 – The host …………………. (try) to remove her from the stage, …………………. ?

9 – Her father …………………… (dance) with her on the stage, ……………. ?

10 – The DJ …………….. (be) the only person to clap the presentation, ………………. ?

11 – Nobody …………………. (like) the presentation, ………….?

12 – They ………………………… (be) ashamed of Olive, ……….?

Gran Torino: Modal Verb – Should (Advice)

A. Before viewing :

You and your partner will make a list of everything you know about China and its culture. Each piece of information scores 1 point. Your teacher will check which pair of students scored most points.

B. Write P (Polite) or I (Impolite) after the statements below. Make a guess! Which of the actions below are considered polite/impolite during a barbecue lunch according to the Hmong culture, an Asian ethnic group in the mountainous regions of southern China.

1- To eat cat meat (I)

2- To eat dog meat (I)

3 – To drink alcoholic beverages (P)

4 – To look at someone in the eyes (I)

5 – To touch the head of a person(I)

6 – To listen to the elderly (P)

7 – To eat very much (P)

Take a look at Po and Tai Lung. Then write next to the characters the qualities that best describe them, according to your impressions from the pictures. Make sure you write different adjectives for each of the characters.

This is Po:



This is Tai Lung







From the film Australia

Pay attention to Nullah’s words.Because Nullah is an aboriginal who doesn’t have much contact with white people, he doesn’t speak English correctly. Watch the segment, underline the verbs that are incorrect in each of the sentences below and correct them.

1 – My grandfather, King George, he take me to walkabouts.

2 – My grandfather teach me the most important lesson of all.

3 – That day, I see them, the white fellas, pushing bulls across the river.

4 – King George get angry at white fellas.

5 – The coppers come here to take me away.

6 – This story not begin that day.

7 – This story begin a little while ago in a land far, far away.

I. Watch the movie segment, which shows two queens, White and Red. Place the adjectives below under the column that you think is more appropriate for each of the queens.


The White Queen The Red Queen

1. The White Queen (The Red Queen) is more beautiful than The Red Queen (The White Queen).

  1. _____________________________________
  2. _____________________________________
  3. _____________________________________
  4. _____________________________________
  5. _____________________________________
  6. _____________________________________
  7. _____________________________________
  8. _____________________________________
  9. _____________________________________
  10. _____________________________________
  11. _____________________________________




A. Work in small groups. make a list of 5 things a young teen can do to help the elderly. Make sure you use the modal verb for suggestion – could – to express your ideas.

1 ………………………………………..





B. Now watch the segment and write down 3 suggestions the boy gives to help the old man in the scene.




C. Work in small groups again. Make a list of 3 things people could do in the following situations.

I. To protect the environment.




II. To help needy people at Christmas time.




III. To become more popular at school.




A. Ask a partner if he/she can do the following activities.


S1: Can you…?

S2: Yes, I can / No, I can’t

1.Play a musical instrument?

2. Practice karate?

3.Turn somersaults?

4. Skate?

5. Play badminton?

6. Play table tennis?

7. Juggle with balls?

8. Juggle with chainsaws?

9. Jet ski?

10. Mix music at parties?

11. Make origami?

12. Speak Chinese?

A. Work in small groups. Make a list of 5 qualities or characteristics a good teacher must (has to) have and which ones he can’t have.

He / She MUST:

1 …………………………………………
2 …………………………………………
4 …………………………………………
5 …………………………………………

He / She CAN’T:

1 …………………………………………
2 ………………………………………..
3 ………………………………………..
4 ………………………………………..
5 ………………………………………..

B. Now watch the movie segment. Which of the characteristics you have listed before apply to Mr. Woodcock?

C. Imagine you are talking to Mr. Woodcock now. Tell him what he must (has to) do and what he can’t do to become a better teacher.

1 ……………………………………………..
2 …………………………………………….
3 …………………………………………….
4 ……………………………………………
5 ……………………………………………

The Hitcher: Modal Verb SHOULD – Advice

This movie is a classic that has changed many people’s opinions about giving rides to strangers on roads. I took advantage of the opening scene to have student practice modal verbs for advice – SHOULD – OUGHT TO.

Make a list of what drivers should and should not do when they travel by car alone during the night.

What drivers should (ought to) do:
1 – ………………………………………………..
2 – ………………………………………………..
3 – ………………………………………………..
4 – ………………………………………………..

What drivers shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) do:
1 – …………………………………………………
2 – ………………………………………………..
3 – ………………………………………………..
4 – ………………………………………………..

Twilight: Modal Verb for Ability – CAN

Although this movie is apparently attractive just to teenagers, this scene is fun and exciting for everybody. This scene is excellent for teens, though. They like the movie and it suits the grammar goal well. Students can practice the modal verb CAN for ability. They can also learn some new vocabulary about baseball, especially if they are in a country where the sport is not so popular, like here in Brazil.

Talk to a partner about these questions:

1- What do you know about vampires?
2- What can they do?
3- What’s good and bad about being a vampire?

A. Vocabulary Collocation:

Match both columns .
1 – Pitch

2 – Hit

3 – Run

4 – Handle

5 – Jump

6 – smell

( ) the baseball precisely

( ) the baseball hard

( ) fast

( ) the bat with agility

( ) high

( ) different perfumes easily
– . The Cullens

– . The Nomads

Observe the movie segment below. There you will see The Cullens, the group of vampires playing baseball, and the Nomads, the group of vampires who arrive later. Then write down sentences saying what the Cullens and the Nomads can do that we, humans, can’t. Use the matching exercise items and others.

1 ………………………………………………………………………………

2 …………………………………………………………………………….

3 ……………………………………………………………………………..

4 ……………………………………………………………………………..

5 ……………………………………………………………………………..

6 …………………………………………………………………………….

Talk to a partner and decide:

What super powers would you like to have?

I can …………………….., ……………………………, and ………………………………..

Answer Key – Matching may vary:

1. Pitch the ball precisely

2. Hit the ball hard

3. Run extremely fast

4. Handle the bat with agility

5. Jump high

6. smell different perfumes easily

How to prepare your own video activity:

– Select a scene in which the characters can perform different activities, like skills or sports.

– Ask students to write about what they see and what activities they can (not) perform.

A. Watch the movie segment.

B. In column 1, write YES if you believe it is a possible explanation for the mystery, and NO if you believe it is an impossible explanation.

In column 2, check the items that the characters in the movie believe are possible explanations for what is in the mist.



( ) ( ) A military operation

( ) ( ) A pollution cloud

( ) ( ) A terrorist attack

( ) ( ) Some kind of chemical explosion

( ) ( ) Death

( ) ( ) Just their imagination

( ) ( ) An earthquake

( ) ( ) Aliens

( ) ( ) The end of days

( ) ( ) A poisonous gas cloud

( ) ( ) A nuclear explosion

( ) ( ) A war simulation

C. Now write sentences with might, could or can’t to express possibility or impossibility, speculating about what is in the mist.


1 ………………………………………………………………………………..
2 ……………………………………………………………………………….


1 ………………………………………………………………………………..
2 ………………………………………………………………………………..


2 ………………………………………………………………………………….

Poetry contest *** under construction

A vos plumes!

B1- B2 The survival of Saint Paul’s Cathedral during the Blitz

29 December 2010 Last updated at 03:43 GMT

How did St Paul’s survive the Blitz?

St Paul's Cathedral amid the devastation
The scene after the air raids of 29 December 1940, 70 years ago

There was an unofficial lull in the Blitz attacks on London, for Christmas in 1940. But by 29 December, the German bomber planes had returned with renewed vigour. St Paul’s Cathedral famously survived, but how?

It became known as the Second Great Fire of London – the night 70 years ago that devastating air raids turned the capital into a conflagration.

Continue reading the main story

29 December 1940

St Paul's Cathedral wreathed in smoke
  • London’s 114th night of the Blitz
  • First bombs dropped at 1815 GMT, all-clear given just after midnight
  • Bombers gave up due to fog in the Channel

It had been a Christmas underground for many people, who slept in Underground stations or festively-decorated air raid shelters. For two nights, the bomber planes had not come, and the anti-aircraft guns remained silent.

That peculiar silence had already been broken as dusk fell on 29 December. The enemy aircraft had returned, dropping incendiary devices and parachute mines in many tens of thousands. Their target? The City of London.

By 1830 GMT on that cold Sunday evening, the Square Mile was in flames. Banks, offices, churches and homes were under threat, in the same streets burnt to a cinder in 1666. A US war reporter based in the city cabled his office: “The second Great Fire of London has ­begun.”

Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent word that St Paul’s Cathedral should be protected at all costs – it would boost morale to save Christopher Wren’s masterpiece.

But there was a hitch – a major one. Water was in short supply. The mains were being bombed, and although hoses could be filled from the nearby Thames, it was at an unusually low ebb – and unexploded bombs lay in the mud.

Nor was that the only threat to life and limb. Bombs, embers and debris rained down on the streets as they raced to battle the flames.

Continue reading the main story

Christmas in the Blitz

Girl asleep in decorated air raid shelter
  • Councils ran best-decorated shelter contests
  • Demand high for very short Christmas trees, to fit inside cramped and low-roofed shelters
  • Food was heavily rationed
  • Gift-giving discouraged, and people urged to give to the war effort instead

Fireman Sam Chauveau was on duty that night. “By the time we finished tackling the fires on the roof of the [Stock] Exchange, the sky, which was ebony black when we first got up there, was now changing to a yellowy orange colour. It looked like there was an enormous circle of fire, including St Paul’s churchyard.”

Bombs rained down on the cathedral. Volunteer firewatchers patrolled its myriad corridors, armed with sandbags and water pumps to douse the flames.

At about 2100 GMT, an incendiary device lodged on the roof, and the burning mercury inside began to melt the lead of the iconic dome. But luck was on the side of the firewatchers. The bomb dislodged, fell to the floor of the stone gallery, and was smothered with a sandbag.

St Paul’s was saved.

But many more buildings were lost. Tram lines and water mains were destroyed, and the streets strewn with rubble. A dozen firemen died that night, and 162 civilians also perished. Those who survived firefighting duties suffered burns, eye problems and smoke inhalation.

The story goes that Air Marshall Arthur “Bomber” Harris, surveying the damage, remarked, “Well, they’re sowing the wind.” It was under his lead that RAF Bomber Command wreaked firestorms upon German cities. Before a 1,000-plane raid on Cologne, he told the newsreel cameras: “Now they are going to reap the whirlwind.”

A1-A2-B1 Let us write to Prince William and Kate Middleton







Windsor family tree








Par respect des droits de copyright et de confidentialité, la signature ainsi que le nom de la personne nous ayant répondu ont été effacés.

Family tree and details about the etiquette of the wedding available on this link!



On Christmas Day 1066, William, Duke of Normandy , became the third man in that eventful year to wear the English crown. His coronation took place at Westminster Abbey, but ended in chaos when Norman troops mistook a cry of acclamation for a rebellion.

This account was given by Orderic Vitalis (1075-1142), the Anglo-French chronicler of Norman England. Although Orderic was obviously not present at the coronation his version of the story is usually the most trusted by historians.

Coronation of William the Conqueror, 25 December 1066
So at last on Christmas Day in the year of Our Lord, 1067, the fifth Indiction, the English assembled at London for the king’s coronation, and a strong guard of Normen men-at-arms and knights was posted round the minster to prevent any treachery or disorder. And, in the presence of the bishops, abbots, and nobles of the whole realm of Albion, Archbishop Ealdred consecrated William duke of Normandy as king of the English and placed the royal crown on his head. This was done in the abbey church of St Peter the chief of the apostles, called Westminster , where the body of King Edward lies honourably buried.

But at the prompting of the devil, who hates everything good, a sudden disaster and portent of future catastrophes occurred. For when Archbishop Ealdred asked the English, and Geoffrey bishop of Coutances asked the Normans , if they would accept William as their king, all of them gladly shouted out with once voice if not in one language that they would. The armed guard outside, hearing the tumult of the joyful crowd in the church and the harsh accents of a foreign tongue, imagined that some treachery was afoot, and rashly set fire to some of the buildings. The fire spread rapidly from house to house; the crowd who had been rejoicing in the church took fright and throngs of men and women of every rank and condition rushed out of the church in frantic haste. Only the bishops and a few clergy and monks remained, terrified, in the sanctuary, and with difficulty completed the consecration of the king who was trembling from head to foot. Almost all the rest made for the scene of conflagration, some to fight the flames and many others hoping to find loot for themselves in the general confusion. TheEnglish, after hearing of the perpetration of such misdeeds, never again trusted the Normans who seemed to have betrayed them, but nursed their anger and bided their time to take revenge.

Source: The Ecclesiastic History of Orderic Vitalis, translated by Marjorie Chibnill (Oxford University Press, 1978)

William is crowned king by Archbishop Ealdred: a scene from the Bayeux Tapestry.


C for celebration

O for open

N for new

G for get married

R for rich

A for answer

T for tale

U for under stress

L for love

A for award

T for together

I for imaginative

O for offer

N for nice

S for story

written by Clément 6° 3



To His Highness Prince William and Lady Kate Middleton,

Let us introduce ourselves!


We are a group of 26 pupils  who live in Doubs, France next to Switzerland.

Doubs is a river, a small town and a county.

We are between 11 and 12.

We have got brothers and sisters except for one friend who is an only child.

We enjoy swimming in the summer and skiing in the winter.

Our  school Lucie Aubrac is big and colourful : red, grey, white  with yellow and green classroms .

The headmaster’s  name is Mr Michel  Cleyet-Merle.

The  school  has got the shape of the letter H.

H for History.

We like our English  teacher because we are happy during  English classes.

We like the work on the computer, the good humour and clementines on Thanksgiving day but

we find English difficult!

There are lots of tests at school  and we don’t like them.

We do not  like writing but some of us  do

and others  do not like school at all!

We include  a photograph of our class.

We are wearing our best clothes for the occasion!

We  are writing to you to wish you all the best for the future!

We hope you will be very lucky!

We just love you!


Best regards and best wishes for the future!

The  6°3 Pupils

under the guidance of


their English teacher

This letter is part and parcel of the Positive Piece of news Project

Collège Lucie Aubrac

BP 25

25300 Doubs



On the site history.com, you may find interesting videos.

Marc Roche, correspondant du “Monde” à Londres

LEMONDE pour Le Monde.fr | 19.04.11 | 16h15  •  Mis à jour le 22.04.11 | 15h26

Le prince William et sa fiancée, Kate Middleton, dans un club de football à Witton County Park, dans le Darwen, le 11 avril. Leur mariage sera célébré le 29 avril.

Le prince William et sa fiancée, Kate Middleton, dans un club de football à Witton County Park, dans le Darwen, le 11 avril. Leur mariage sera célébré le 29 avril.AFP/ALASTAIR GRANT

Dans un chat sur LeMonde.fr, Marc Roche, correspondant du “Monde” à Londres, estime que le mariage entre le prince William et Catherine Middleton n’aura aucun impact politique car il s’agit d’un événement “à mi-chemin entre affaire d’Etat et cérémonie privée”.

Fred 78 : Les Britanniques sont-ils majoritairement pour la monarchie et si oui, pourquoi ?

Marc Roche : Les Britanniques, à la veille du mariage, plébiscitent la monarchie, pour une raison bien simple : en ces temps d’austérité, la royauté demeure un pivot, une sorte d’ancre, face à la tourmente.

Ensuite, en présence de forces centrifuges à la fois régionales et ethniques, la monarchie reste le symbole de l’unité nationale. En ces temps de guerre (Libye, Afghanistan…), la reine, chef des armées, est l’incarnation du savoir-faire du Royaume-Uni sur le plan militaire.

Dernier point : malgré un côté désuet, conventionnel et fier de l’être, Elizabeth II est unanimement saluée pour les sacrifices consentis à l’exercice de sa lourde tâche. C’est pourquoi le mouvement républicain reste très minoritaire.

Bleuen : Existe-t-il néanmoins un mouvement républicain influent au Royaume-Uni ?

Lors de l’annus horribilis du début des années 1990 – divorce, incendie de Windsor, mort de Diana… –, le mouvement républicain est monté dans les sondages, arrivant à son niveau le plus élevé lors de la fameuse première semaine de septembre, la mort et l’enterrement de Diana.

Mais certains Britanniques n’ont pas aimé les scènes d’hystérie lors de cette semaine-là. Les supporteurs de Diana se recrutaient essentiellement dans les minorités ethniques, sexuelles, et chez les femmes de la classe populaire.

Le pays profond, hors Londres et hors ces groupes, a défendu la monarchie et on a assisté, toutes autres choses étant égales, un peu à ce qui s’est passée en mai 1968 : la révolution étudiante et la contre-révolution conservatrice. Le mouvement républicain aujourd’hui est peu actif, il se limite à certaines classes intellectuelles londoniennes.

Mais il y a une mouvance républicaine que j’appellerais “passive”, ce sont les musulmans, et une partie de la communauté antillaise, qui ne se reconnaissent pas dans cette institution, blanche, aristocratique et protestante.

Antoine Doinel : Quelle incidence le mariage de William peut-il avoir sur le régime anglais ?

Le mariage de William et Katherine n’aura aucune incidence sur la succession. Pour parler familièrement, on saute tout chez les Windsor, sauf les générations… Charles succédera à la reine à sa mort, et William succédera à son père quand ce dernier décédera.

Noa : Savez-vous combien va coûter le mariage princier ? Peut-on faire une comparaison avec d’autres mariages princiers en Europe de ce point de vue ?

Eloïse : Bonjour, d’où vient l’argent du mariage ? En période de restrictions budgétaires, comment les Anglais réagissent-ils à des dépenses aussi importantes ?

L’argent du mariage n’est pas sujet à controverse. Tout d’abord, il s’agit d’une cérémonie qui n’est ni d’Etat ni privée, elle se situe entre les deux. Résultat : le coût du mariage proprement dit – réception, bouquets, robe, transport… – est assuré par la reine, le prince de Galles et les Middleton, sur leur propre cagnotte.

La participation de l’Etat se limite au déploiement des soldats, des policiers et d’une partie du transport en carrosse.

Ainsi que des avions qui survoleront Buckingham Palace. La Mairie de Londres s’occupe, elle, du nettoyage, tandis que les médias doivent intégralement payer le coût de leurs opérations ce jour-là.

Le coût est donc très limité, comme le souhaitait le gouvernement en cette période d’austérité.

Doudidouda :  L’ampleur des préparations pour le mariage n’agacent-ils pas tout de même un peu les Britanniques ?

A chaque grand mariage princier, on assiste à une explosion de produits dérivés d’un goût variable, de drapeaux, de calicots, etc.

Les Britanniques aiment cela dans la mesure où c’est un pays à la fois patriote et festif.

Cela dit, en raison du choix de la date, entre deux ponts en avril et en mai, certains prennent trois semaines de vacances. Donc on assiste à la fois à un exode d’une partie de la population autochtone et à un afflux de touristes qui doit limiter les pressions sur les transports en commun. Mais dans la grisaille actuelle, le mariage princier est plutôt bienvenu.

Elise : Est-ce que les monarques ont encore un réel pouvoir dans quelque domaine en Grande-Bretagne ?

La seule prérogative royale qui demeure : la reine règne sur les cygnes, les esturgeons et les baleines. En théorie, c’est tout. Si le Parlement devait la condamner à la guillotine, elle serait forcée de signer sa propre condamnation à mort.

Cela dit, dans les faits, la monarchie, qui ne joue aucun rôle politique, a une influence sur la vie du Royaume dans les domaines suivants.

La reine, les princes et consorts jouent un grand rôle dans les institutions caritatives, qui sont très importantes outre-Manche, et aident à récolter des fonds.

Autre domaine important : la religion, puisque la reine est le chef de l’Eglise anglicane, qui est religion d’Etat.

Elle a son mot à dire dans la nomination de certains prélats.

Charles : Quelle influence la monarchie anglaise joue-t-elle sur les pays du Commonwealth ?

La reine Elizabeth II reste le chef d’Etat de quinze pays du Commonwealth, et non des moindres : Australie, Canada, Nouvelle-Zélande… Par ailleurs, l’éclat du Commonwealth demeure, comme le montre l’adhésion de deux pays non-anglophones, le Mozambique et le Rwanda, qui n’ont jamais été des colonies britanniques.

La reine est le leader de cette association et joue un rôle important quand il s’agit de défendre les intérêts du Commonwealth face aux deux vrais ancrages de la diplomatie britannique, l’Union européenne et les Etats-Unis.

Le rôle de la monarchie comme symbole du Commonwealth risque de diminuer avec les successeurs d’Elizabeth II qui ont peu ou prou connu la grandeur de l’Empire.

Manon :  Ce mariage aura-t-il un impact politique important dans les relations internationales ?

La réponse est non, puisqu’il ne s’agit pas d’une affaire d’Etat, mais d’un événement à mi-chemin entre affaire d’Etat et cérémonie privée.

Catherine Middleton n’aura aucun rôle politique si ce n’est un rôle de représentation à l’étranger au côté de son mari. A la différence de Diana, Catherine Middleton n’a jamais cherché à éclipser son époux, elle est là comme soutien.

André Rion : Y a-t-il un risque réel que des manifestations perturbent les festivités ?

Le risque est réel vu la situation économique chaotique du Royaume-Uni. Il existe une mouvance anarchiste renforcée par le mouvement étudiant hostile à l’augmentation des droits d’entrée dans les universités, qui a promis de perturber le mariage princier.

Fortement critiquée lors des manifestations du G20 et celles contre les droits d’inscription, la police ne sait pas très bien à quel saint se vouer, alternant entre excès de fermeté et laxisme.

La situation à ce propos peut s’avérer dangereuse.

Sara : On parle beaucoup du coût de ce mariage. Mais est-il vrai qu’il pourrait rapporter 700 millions d’euros ?

Florent : Est-ce que la monarchie gagne un pourcentage sur les produits dérivés, du genre souvenirs ? Cela sert-il a financer le mariage ?

La monarchie a le droit d’image sur la fabrication des objets, et donc perçoit un pourcentage de leur prix de vente.

Le produit est intégré au budget général de fonctionnement de Buckingham Palace. Un mariage royal rapporte plus qu’il ne coûte en raison des retombées touristiques, mais avec une limitation dans ce cas-ci : l’effet des deux à trois semaines de congés que prennent beaucoup de Britanniques.

Mathieu : La popularité de la monarchie ne peut-elle être considérée comme une forme de patriotisme ? Et la “peopolisation” étant chose courante en Angleterre notamment à travers un nombre incalculable de tabloïds, ce patriotisme n’est-il que de surface ?

Les Anglais sont très patriotes, et l’ont toujours été. La monarchie, symbole de l’ancienne grandeur de l’Empire, des deux guerres mondiales victorieuses et d’une décolonisation certes bâclée mais qui s’est faite tout naturellement, est associée à la volupté d’être britannique, qui prévaut toujours.

Les Windsor ont tiré les leçons de la “peoplisation” de l’ère Diana, ils sont devenus plus couleur muraille. Les tabloïds sont moins intéressés dans les Windsor pour une raison essentielle : ils font moins vendre que les stars du foot ou de la télévision.

Elodie : Et par rapport aux classes sociales dans la société britannique, la noblesse est-elle une classe à part entière ? Comment cela est-il perçu par l’ensemble de la société ? N’y a-t-il pas des critiques par rapport au caractère un peu inégalitaire de ce fonctionnement ?

A l’inverse de la France et de l’ensemble du continent européen, le Royaume-Uni n’a jamais connu de révolution anti-aristocratique et n’a jamais été occupé militairement depuis 1066.

La noblesse y a gardé tous ses attributs. Son pouvoir est essentiellement foncier – les plus beaux quartiers de Londres appartiennent à trois ducs – et mondain. Etrangement, vivant en marge de la société, essentiellement à la campagne, l’aristocratie britannique provoque de l’indifférence teintée d’amusement.

Elle n’a aucun pouvoir politique, comme le montre l’interdiction en 2005 de la chasse à courre, qu’elle avait défendue bec et ongles.

Cherry : Les membres de la famille royale se distinguent par leur caractère assez réactionnaire et peu ouvert à la diversité culturelle. Cette attitude est-elle partagée par la société britannique ?

Il est très clair qu’en général la famille royale symbolise l’Angleterre du passé. Compassée, attachée au maintien du système de classes, blanche, protestante et, disons-le, conservatrice, voire réactionnaire. C’est certainement le cas de la reine et de son conjoint le duc d’Edimburg.

Ce l’est moins du prince Charles, réputé pour son combat courageux en faveur de la diversité. C’est lui qui a ouvert la Garde royale aux Noirs, et qui veut changer le système institutionnel en mettant sur le même pied toutes les grandes religions. Il est aussi très ouvert au bouddhisme.

En revanche, avec William, on est entre les deux. C’est un militaire, attaché à l’ordre et à la hiérarchie et aux classes sociales, très conscient de son statut aristocratique et royal, qui ne s’entoure que de ses pairs.

D’un autre côté, le mariage avec une roturière, sa connaissance de l’Afrique et le fait qu’il ait beaucoup voyagé et n’a jamais mené une existence de jet-set, impliquent une certaine ouverture d’esprit. Mais le fait demeure : la monarchie a du mal à s’adapter à l’Angleterre multiculturelle.

Bébert : Pourtant, Prince William a suivi sa mère en essayant de donner une image plus moderne. Pensez-vous qu’un jour il fera en sorte que la monarchie britannique ressemble à la monarchie hollandaise, c’est-à-dire plus proche des gens ?

Jamais. William a hérité de Diana le souci des autres. C’est évident. Avec son frère Harry, il a créé sa propre association philanthropique qui œuvre en faveur des anciens délinquants, des enfants atteints du sida, etc.

Reste qu’il n’est pas du genre à se promener en bicyclette dans les rues de Londres. Il est conscient de son statut royal, et entend maintenir la monarchie au-dessus de la mêlée en lui conservant sa mystique.

Et Catherine Middleton devrait se mouler facilement dans cette philosophie visant à adopter un profil bas afin de maintenir cette image légendaire de la monarchie. Les étoiles ne se laissent pas saisir.

Antoine : La monarchie britannique constitue-t-elle une exception dans le monde ?

Indéniablement par rapport à Monaco, les Windsor sont dans une autre place. Ils le sont aussi par rapport à l’Espagne, pays plus ou moins de même taille. C’est dû en partie à la longévité – elle remonte à la nuit des temps –, à la grandeur passée de l’Angleterre, et au fait qu’elle reste garante de la démocratie.

A part Cromwell pendant quelques années, l’Angleterre a toujours connu une démocratie parlementaire, et la royauté, dans l’esprit de beaucoup de gens de par le monde, est liée à cette institution. En plus, il y a le Commonwealth.

Marc Roche est l’auteur de la première biographie officielle de la reine Elizabeth II intitulée La Dernière Reine (La Table Ronde, 2008) et deux autres ouvrages sur la famille royale britannique, Diana, une mort annoncée (Scali, 2006) et Un ménage à trois (Albin Michel, 2009)

Chat modéré par Emmanuelle Chevallereau

15 April 2011 Last updated at 11:42 GMT

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” title=”” width=”20″ height=”20″> Kate Middleton will be staying in the hotel’s Royal suite.More details of the royal wedding have been released by Buckingham Palace.


Kate Middleton and her immediate family will spend the night before the wedding at the Goring Hotel in Belgravia, central London.

The five-star hotel was the Middleton family’s personal choice and, according to press reports, she will stay in the Royal suite.

Prince William, second in line to the throne, will marry Miss Middleton on 29 April at Westminster Abbey.


  • 1015 BST – The groom and Prince Harry arrive at Westminster Abbey
  • 1051 BST – The bride, and her father, leave the Goring Hotel for Westminster Abbey
  • 1100 BST – The marriage service begins
  • 1230 BST – The bride’s carriage procession arrives at Buckingham Palace


Jeremy Goring, Chief Executive Officer of the Goring Hotel, said: “We are honoured and delighted to be playing a small part in such a great day. We wish Miss Middleton and Prince William every happiness, and we are all looking forward to a momentous celebration.”

He said: “The Goring is the only five-star hotel in London that is still owned and run by the family that built it.”

Mr Goring said the 100-year-old hotel was famous for its “superbly cooked British food” and “uniquely personable English style of service”.

Clarence House has also revealed the exact timings of the wedding day.

The route will pass along The Mall, Horse Guards Road, Horse Guards Parade, through Horse Guards Arch, Whitehall, along the south side of Parliament Square and into Broad Sanctuary.

The wedding service will be relayed to the gathered crowds by speakers along the route.

There will also be screens at Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square.

More information for people wanting to watch the service in central London is available at www.direct.gov.uk/royalwedding.


19 April 2011 Last updated at 12:35 GMT

Royal wedding: Kate Middleton coat of arms unveiled

Thomas Woodcock, Garter Principal King of Arms, explains the Middleton coat of arms

Kate Middleton’s family has had a coat of arms designed, which will feature on a souvenir royal wedding programme.

Her father Michael commissioned the heraldic design to mark his daughter’s marriage to Prince William on 29 April.

It features three acorn sprigs, one for each of the Middletons’ children: an idea Miss Middleton suggested.

Royal experts say the coat of arms – which cost £4,400 to make – marks the increased social status of her parents and her potential as a future Queen.

Thomas Woodcock, Garter Principal King of Arms, from the College of Arms in the City of London, helped the Middletons with the design.

He said the oak tree was a traditional symbol of England and a feature of west Berkshire, where the family have lived for 30 years.

Mr Woodcock said the gold chevron in the centre of the coat of arms signified Miss Middleton’s mother, Carole, whose maiden name was Goldsmith.

Prince William and Kate Middleton's coats of arms

Kate’s coat of arms includes a tied ribbon, showing she is an unmarried woman, and features three acorn sprigs, representing each of the Middleton children. At its centre is a gold inverted “V” reflecting Kate’s mother Carole’s maiden name of Goldsmith and white chevronels, symbolising mountains, representing the family’s love of the Lake District and skiing

William’s coat of arms has a design derived from that of his father, the Prince of Wales, and has a main shield featuring the three lions, lion rampant and harp stringed argent of England, Scotland and Ireland. It also has the lion and unicorn supporters – symbols of the UK. The white label features a sea shell or “escallop”, taken from the family coat of arms of his mother, Princess Diana. The blue garter symbolises his appointment at Knight of the Garter

White chevronels – narrow chevrons above and below the gold chevron – symbolise peaks and mountains, and the Middleton family’s love of the Lake District and skiing.

Mr Woodcock said: “It’s not compulsory, but as their daughter is marrying into the Royal Family she will have a need probably to use a coat of arms.”

He said Miss Middleton could have been granted her own heraldic design but her father wanted the whole family to be able to use it.

Elaborate lozengeA version of the coat of arms, which can only be used by Kate or her sister Pippa as it denotes a Middleton spinster, will be printed on the back of the souvenir programme. Prince William’s will be on the front.

Miss Middleton’s heraldic design features a tied ribbon to show she is an unmarried woman.

Overall, it is designed like an elaborate lozenge rather than a shield, a shape reserved for men.

She will be able to use the coat of arms up until her wedding day, after which it will be combined with that of Prince William.

Mr Woodcock said: “With any new design of a coat of arms you have to make sure that the design is distinct not just in colour but in the linear appearance.

“And, as there is a 16th Century coat of arms with a chevron between three sprigs of oak, we’ve made the differences – dividing the background colours.”

Multimedia nuptials

Broadcast footage of the wedding will be streamed live on the royal YouTube channel, accompanied by a live blog put together by staff at Clarence House and St James’s Palace.

The commentary will provide historical information and links to previously unpublished photographs and video footage with live updates on social media sites such as facebook and twitter.

“People have put Coats of Arms on their watering cans”

End Quote Peter Hunt BBC Royal correspondent

This will be the first royal wedding with its own twitter hashtag: #rw2011.

Members of the public have been invited to send their good wishes in the form of a video message to be shown in an online digital wedding book.

150,000 copies of the official souvenir programme booklet will go on sale on the day of the wedding.

The booklet will be handed out along the processional route by a team of military cadets and Explorer Scouts.

The cost will be £2, with proceeds to go to the Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry.

But it will also be available to download for free the day before the wedding from the official Royal Wedding website.


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